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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Bought the house in Winterhold? (Stormcloak city, forget its name now) and the House Jaarl you get is a guy unfortunately, so i left him there to avoid a sausage buffet.

Winterhold is one big gay village IIRC

  Octy VRS
Can you shoot etc while riding a horse? Done about 8 hours and am on level 8 but only feel like I've dipped my toe in. Only done the initial first couple of main quests and giving that a rest to concentrate on levelling up.

Not sure which faction to join first. As I'm a Mage I thought going to the Winterhold college would be a good start.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Can you shoot etc while riding a horse? Done about 8 hours and am on level 8 but only feel like I've dipped my toe in. Only done the initial first couple of main quests and giving that a rest to concentrate on levelling up.

Not sure which faction to join first. As I'm a Mage I thought going to the Winterhold college would be a good start.

Good luck with that at level 8...
I must admit that I padded my blocking skill a bit by just standing there with my shield up while a mudcrab bounced off it. Was losing no health at all and it was increasing my block skill (which I rarely use) quite quickly.

I got bored after a while though and so smashed its face in with a mace... which has a soultrap enchantment - I then had to kill all his mates so I could fill up my small soul gems
I'm becoming a right tea leaf at the moment. Stolen 10,000 gold in a just a few days. Pick pocket every c**t, and almost always get away with some gold and lock picks. Save beforehand and jobs a goodun. If they notice, just reload.

Also, I've said it already more than once, but playing this game from a good SSD is a blessing. Loads and saves are pretty much instantaneous. I can imagine it being a lot less fluid running it from a normal HDD.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Mine takes literally seconds to load mate. I can just about read the hints and tips and that's from a HDD. I think the consoles take a while?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Running on a console in that respect is lose. Reloading an old save when you f*ck a pickpocket up takes about 10 seconds, which, when worked out, isn't instantaneous.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
10 seconds FTL. How about when you enter a building and stuff? General load times? Does it interrupt the flow?

You get used to it. Entering buildings and certain rooms can take anywhere between 10 - 20 seconds I'd say. Sometimes it's quicker, maybe 5 seconds. Rare though.
I'd need to test it, which I will later, because I may be exaggerating slightly. You don't realise TBH, though.

When you fast travel it can take a while to load the next settlement up. You know it's going to take longer when there's a model on the screen you can play with (rotate and zoom around etc.) If it's just a black screen with the foggy haze at the bottom, it's a quicker load.
Blimey. Pretty sure that would spoil the experience for me, but I suppose it's what you get accustomed to.

When I get the models on the screen, I don't get enough time to do anything with it. Gone in a flash. Lol :eek:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Blimey. Pretty sure that would spoil the experience for me, but I suppose it's what you get accustomed to.

When I get the models on the screen, I don't get enough time to do anything with it. Gone in a flash. Lol :eek:

I usually get to spin them round about 3 times. Done it enough times.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
My Daedric Bow I crafted has a Damage rating of 122.

It helps that I've got gauntlets which offer 30% damage increase with bows and also a ring I enchanted with another 15% multiplier.
I imagine it's mostly due to memory management. The consoles surely can't keep anywhere near as much of the game in RAM at any given moment. Entering buildings, for me, there is no perceptible load time at all. Just a transition. Not sure if that's because of my SSD, or because the game already has the interior loaded in memory.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I imagine it's mostly due to memory management. The consoles surely can't keep anywhere near as much of the game in RAM at any given moment. Entering buildings, for me, there is no perceptible load time at all. Just a transition. Not sure if that's because of my SSD, or because the game already has the interior loaded in memory.

Yeah, could be either I guess, but I'm presuming it's already stored in the cache before it would rely on the SSD.
  53 Clio's & counting
Fooking love the game, im level 15 at the mo, got it the day it came out, but been faaar to busy wandering, I love walking off into the wilderness and seeing what I can find
I think my pal is going to buy it for his Xbox. It will be interesting for me to see the differences.

Anyway yeah. Awesome game regardless. From what I've seen of the PS3 game though, I think the Sony players got...

  Octy VRS
Doesn't look that bad. Certainly better than previous Bethesda offerings. I'm only using a 32" 720p though.
I'm officially addicted to skyrim now. This is my first time playing any elder scrolls and it's taken a little bit of getting used to but now I bloody love it! Played it so much yesterday my Xbox overheated! Still finding out loads about the game but definitely suck less in combat now!
75 hours in and I can sense boredom just around the corner. Still absolutely loving it but it's all getting a bit samey and I'm itching to change up my playing style to vary it. Even end-of-mission bosses go down with 3 or 4 arrows - Barely time to even turn around, nevermind get near me.

Now ignoring the side quests and going for the main storyline and Imperial/Stormcloak stuff to see if I can't get that done before I get bored of it.
How do you know what is a side quest and what is a main quest? Besides the miscellaneous ones of course.

I've got about a hundred quests open. I have no idea what's going on half the time, so I just head for map markers and see what happens. Am I doing it wrong?
No, sounds reasonable. The "main" quest is the s**t about the dragons coming back. You start off going to the top of that mountain, then start gadding about with Delphine. I say "main" because although it's supposed to be the main plot of the game the game/journal doesn't seem to place it any higher priority than the other non-miscellaneous missions.

I have about half a dozen quests and about 20 in my misc folder. Usually I just pick whatever sounds interesting, is nearest or suits what I want to do with my character right then.
  53 Clio's & counting
Just found a great little write up from someone who had put 60 hours in, and generally fast travelled everywhere: Anyway, I played a bit today and decided not to use fast-travel. (Beware some spoilers follow). NB - I'm a level 33 battle mage. The first quest I had was to go and kill a bride in Solitude during her wedding reception. I had just received my quest and for those who have done this one you'll know that the distance is pretty big between receiving the quest and where Solitude is on the map. But I stuck with the plan and on my way I fought and killed two dragons (which were both dramatic, nail-biting battles, not the easy ones some of you guys have experienced), killed a bear with the help of a random poacher, met and chatted to a fisherman sitting with the most incredible view of Skyrim, helped a dude whose friends had been killed by three spriggans, killed three spriggans, discovered a new dungeon, found a new dragon shout, found some bad-ass weapons, was chased by a sabre cat, was chased by two necromancers, found a dog needing a new owner as his had peacefully died in his hut in the woods, base jumped down a massive waterfall using 'Ethereal' shout, fought and killed a bounty hunter, swam through a lake and discovered a sunken boat, walked up to Solitude, found the wedding, drew back my bow and shot the bride in the tit.Moral of the story, if you want your own adventure don't fast-travel.
You can use the "setstage" command in the console to force an end to the quest.

Search for the quest in the UESP Skyrim wiki and it'll give you the code of quest and what the stages are. To complete it is usually 200. So it'd be "setstage EXAMPLEQUEST01 200" in the console.

I've had to use it a couple of times to sort out bugs.
  Octy VRS
Good luck with that at level 8...
Actually only level 7, didn't realise. I rode all the way on my horse and had no trouble. Avoided a polar bear thing, bumped into an Orc who wanted me to kill him but I couldn't be arsed. Passed the test for the college etc and am now in Saarthal. Hoping I can get past the geezer at the end otherwise I'm fucked.
You can use the "setstage" command in the console to force an end to the quest.

Search for the quest in the UESP Skyrim wiki and it'll give you the code of quest and what the stages are. To complete it is usually 200. So it'd be "setstage EXAMPLEQUEST01 200" in the console.

I've had to use it a couple of times to sort out bugs.

Cheers. I shall try this a bit later on. It's not a game breaker but it's pretty important that your quests lists are valid.
Actually only level 7, didn't realise. I rode all the way on my horse and had no trouble. Avoided a polar bear thing, bumped into an Orc who wanted me to kill him but I couldn't be arsed. Passed the test for the college etc and am now in Saarthal. Hoping I can get past the geezer at the end otherwise I'm f**ked.

I have bitten off more than a chew more than thrice. This one time I got like a hundred miles into a dungeon and could not complete it with the skills and items I had. Had to reload a much older save and wipe out about 2 hours of play. Never get too cocky in Skyrim. It will lol you into a false sense of security, and then f**k you ups.
Actually only level 7, didn't realise. I rode all the way on my horse and had no trouble. Avoided a polar bear thing, bumped into an Orc who wanted me to kill him but I couldn't be arsed. Passed the test for the college etc and am now in Saarthal. Hoping I can get past the geezer at the end otherwise I'm f**ked.

How tough is the test? I don't care about the mages guild cos I'm not a mage but I need to get in Saarthal for another reason. The only way you can get in is by starting the mages guild quest. I'm a level 33 badass but I've not actually cast a single spell at any point so I'm not sure they'll let me in!
How tough is the test? I don't care about the mages guild cos I'm not a mage but I need to get in Saarthal for another reason. The only way you can get in is by starting the mages guild quest. I'm a level 33 badass but I've not actually cast a single spell at any point so I'm not sure they'll let me in!

If it's what I'm thinking, easy. You can buy the spell for 30 gold and do it once and you're in.
  Octy VRS
How tough is the test? I don't care about the mages guild cos I'm not a mage but I need to get in Saarthal for another reason. The only way you can get in is by starting the mages guild quest. I'm a level 33 badass but I've not actually cast a single spell at any point so I'm not sure they'll let me in!
You just need to cast a spell at the entrance for an elf women and she will unlock the gate. You can buy it off her if you don't have it, you may need to increase your Magicka though as I didn't have enough to cast the fear spell she chose for me. I bought a novice hood off her which added 30+ and I was ok.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Has anyone got the Ancient Shrouded Armour? F*ck me it looks quality :

Be advised the armour at the start of the video is just the shrouded armour. The ancient shrouded armour is further along and the guy scrolls through it all and the stats for each. Ancient Shrouded Cowl gives 35% extra damage for bows. I need that to go with my current apparel and bow damage multipliers. Wow.
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