I went for a walk at the far north east of the map, and whilst 3/4 the way up a mountain I found a new word written on a wall - I got the wordd, heard a noise behind me and a stone coffin opened and out came some chap with robes on - I thought 'right my son, you're having it' and let him have my best dragon shout (which I have to say, is rather kick ass - I shouted a Sabre toothed tiger 20 feet into the air, off a rock and down the side of a cliff, but I digress) followed by one hand fire and the other with my enchanted dwarf axe, for a full 12-15 seconds until my magica ran out - This robed chap just stared at me - I then realised my brutal attack had, in fact, taken about 5% of his life - He responded with some magic s**t that simply killed me within about 3 seconds - It was the equivilent of an elephant being attacked by a rouge chicken, the elephant would watch with interest before simply standing on it lol