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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim


ClioSport Moderator
I'm currently doing the College quests after deciding I'm fairly powerful enough to take it on now. Plus I have Marcurio with me.

On the quest where you have to go to find the staff of Magnus.

Prepare to be buttfucked.

I know you're saying level up, but correct me if I'm wrong, the game levels up with you??
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
I'm being serious here, I actually think you might have a problem mate. I would seek professional help ASAP. Lol :cool:



Thanks Scutch.

Nice handwriting <3.


I was expecting the CD to say:

Guide to Rimming.

Or something equally as funny.

No such luck though.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I was expecting the CD to say:

Guide to Rimming.

Or something equally as funny.

No such luck though.

No probs. Was tempted to do that. Seriously tempted. But I was rushed into posting it by work asking if there were any deliveries to be made.


Send it back and I'll start again.

Still, not bad for nowt eh? Fwend.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Prepare to be buttf**ked.

I know you're saying level up, but correct me if I'm wrong, the game levels up with you??

Yes. You're right. I'm level 42 at the moment but my bow is f*cking epic.

I'd probably say it could take down a camel in one.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
LOL. I threw them all out. IIRC they were past their sell by date. Also, the last 2 emails you sent were just nonsense. Like, boxes instead of letters. I don't speak that language, so therefore couldn't reply in native tongue.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Also, I haven't come across any Super Mutants yet.

I have to say, this game sh*ts all over Fallout 3. Incredible it is.


ClioSport Moderator
FFS. I'm only lvl 21, no wonder I'm getting ruined. I'm going to battle it until I win though TBH.

Question for you all, if I have robes that do 75% faster magica regen, and a mask that does 100% faster, do these add together? i.e do I get full benefit or should I only be using one item?


No probs. Was tempted to do that. Seriously tempted. But I was rushed into posting it by work asking if there were any deliveries to be made.


Send it back and I'll start again.

Still, not bad for nowt eh? Fwend.

It is indeedy :D.


Unlucky I have no CD drives until I'm in Glasgow, LOL. But that's when I'm getting the game so it all works out. X


FFS. I'm only lvl 21, no wonder I'm getting ruined. I'm going to battle it until I win though TBH.

Question for you all, if I have robes that do 75% faster magica regen, and a mask that does 100% faster, do these add together? i.e do I get full benefit or should I only be using one item?


Almost on par with Roy.

Ps, I have no idea if that's the correct answer.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yes the items stack. For exampe, say if my bow has a damage rating of 88, I then wear my Gauntlets which add 30% extra damage to that 88 (which is around 26 damage), so that's added on = 114. I then have a ring which adds 15% of damage. So that's 15% of 88 = 13 ish. So overall damage = 88 + 26 + 13. Which is about 127 if my maths is correct. Result.


ClioSport Moderator
Do they 100% stack even with things like magica regen? If so, I'm rocking some seriously fast magica regen. It'll be even quicker when I've killed the dragon twunt.

Sorry to ask again but it the effects don't really seem to, but this because I've been getting more and more magica TBH.

I need to up my archery power, it seems good against touch gits for range attacks.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'm sure they stack with anything. If you're wearing robes and a ring, the % will be added to the original figure for each individual item, then stacked. So as you said above, that should be 175%.

What you should do to improve your armour is dis-enchant the robes so you have the 75% to enchant another item. Simply enchant a ring or boots with that 75% power and a black soul gem. Or you could enchant a piece of light/heavy armour with that power.

Beats walking around with next to nothing on. Saying that, it's lighter, so...

What you really need is the Ancient Shrouded Armour. Awesome damage resistance, powered and weighs next to nothing.


ClioSport Moderator
I hear you there Scutch, but where I've only got lame soul gems I can't enchant things very well, do I also need to level up my enchanting or something? As when I disenchant an item that does 75% magica regen, when i got to enchant I can only add like 25% or whatever?

I don't know enough about this stuff TBH and could properly use some help with enchanting.

Where do I get decent gems etc?
I hear you there Scutch, but where I've only got lame soul gems I can't enchant things very well, do I also need to level up my enchanting or something? As when I disenchant an item that does 75% magica regen, when i got to enchant I can only add like 25% or whatever?

I don't know enough about this stuff TBH and could properly use some help with enchanting.

Where do I get decent gems etc?

Yeah you'll need to level up in enchanting. I'm the same - My enchanting is s**t so I can't enchant stuff to anywhere near the level of some of the gear I find. I have gauntlets that improve my archery by 25%. The best I can enchant myself is 10%. Same with carrying capacity - My guild master armour increases by 50 points. Best I can manage is 20.

You can buy gems from any wizard (usually in a towns main building hanging around the Jarl) but they're damned expensive. The best bet is to head to some dwarven ruins and fight the automatons inside - Pretty much every one yields a soul gem.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I hear you there Scutch, but where I've only got lame soul gems I can't enchant things very well, do I also need to level up my enchanting or something? As when I disenchant an item that does 75% magica regen, when i got to enchant I can only add like 25% or whatever?

I don't know enough about this stuff TBH and could properly use some help with enchanting.

Where do I get decent gems etc?

Yeah I think the black soul gems exclude your enchanting skill and just give it the highest level. So irrespective, if your enchanting skill was 20 or 100 it wouldn't matter as the black soul gem gives you the full % regardless. I think.

I know my Enchanting skill level was about 20 or so when I got a Circlet which enabled 15% extra damage with bows. As I didn't want to wear that on my head, I dis-enchanted it and then put that power into a ring with a black soul gem. I retained the 15%.

I've got about 8 black soul gems at the moment. Just collect them on my travels. Add to that the others I've got, Lesser, Grand, Petty etc, I've got tons. I've never bought a soul gem off a merchant.


ClioSport Club Member
I've got quite a few black soul gems

Wondered what I had to do with them

My house is littered with soul gems and precious jewels.. I just threw them all over the floor after they wouldn't go neatly in a bowl
I've spent an inordinate amount of time in Dwarven ruins so I have literally 100's of soulgems. Most of them empty. Both my primary weapons are now enchanted to harvest souls to fill them. Only trouble is that when I meet a high level baddy it says "soul trap failed" so rarely fills the bigger gems. Only had 1 black gem and that got used enchanting my helmet.
