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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
That link above to locations is pretty handy. Like I say, I've got about 8 of them now. Only used 1 (for the bow damage enchantment).
I have a staff that fires super heated fireballs, and a Jabaowoky thing (don't know the actual name). They both require soul gems to keep them fuelled up, but most of my soul gems are empty. HTF do I charge them up?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I have a staff that fires super heated fireballs, and a Jabaowoky thing (don't know the actual name). They both require soul gems to keep them fuelled up, but most of my soul gems are empty. HTF do I charge them up?

Find a weapon or piece of apparel that fills soul gems if the enemy is killed within a given time.
You need a weapon or spell to do it.

Easiest way is to find or make a weapon enchanted with the soul-trap enchantment. You smack an enemy with it and if they then die within a set period (depends on the weapon, usually around 5-10 seconds) then it charges up your soulgem. The bigger the enemy the bigger the soulgem it'll fill. Though, if you're not careful it can fill your Grand gem with a petty soul which is annoying.

I have a mace with the enchantment. I knock them down with the bow then move in to finish them off with the mace - Keeps my gems charged up.

I'm guessing you've already found at least one such weapon (they're quite common) but not noticed and just flogged it cos it doesn't sound very exciting. I did exactly this.
  Octy VRS
This enchanting business. How does that work? Seems very confusing, much like the whole ammo thing in FNV.

Can you enchant anything weapon wise?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
This enchanting business. How does that work? Seems very confusing, much like the whole ammo thing in FNV.

Can you enchant anything weapon wise?

You first need to learn the enchantment by disenchanting a current item you have. You then use an Enchanting table to put that enchantment into another weapon or item of clothing/jewellery. To do this you also need a full soul gem. The larger the soul gem, the more effective the enchantment will be. For example, I had a circlet with 15% bow damage. As I don't want to wear that crown, I disenchanted the item and then used the enchantment (15% damage with bows) on a normal jewellery ring. I used a black soul gem (the biggest) and this retained the 15%. If I'd used a smaller gem the % would have decreased accordingly. So using a petty soul gem I'd have probably only got 2% damage instead of the 15%.

There's a decent guide online somewhere.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
You first need to learn the enchantment by disenchanting a current item you have. You then use an Enchanting table to put that enchantment into another weapon or item of clothing/jewellery. To do this you also need a full soul gem. The larger the soul gem, the more effective the enchantment will be. For example, I had a circlet with 15% bow damage. As I don't want to wear that crown, I disenchanted the item and then used the enchantment (15% damage with bows) on a normal jewellery ring. I used a black soul gem (the biggest) and this retained the 15%. If I'd used a smaller gem the % would have decreased accordingly. So using a petty soul gem I'd have probably only got 2% damage instead of the 15%.

There's a decent guide online somewhere.

Good explanation Scutch. :)

I must admit - I do tire a little from charging any enchanted items I have. Gets a little tiresome after a while. That said, there are shitloads of soul gems in the dweamer places as they are all powered by the buggers!

  Octy VRS
Cheers, will try that later. So is for example a war hammer of frost an enchanted item? So I could disenchant it and enchant a sword if I had a soul gem? Can you use multiple gems as the ones I have so far are pikey ones.
Each time I get stuck on a broken quest, I Google it find I'm not alone. It's starting to ruin my enjoyment. I now have two blatantly busted quests. One of which is still there even after apparently deleting it through the console.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Cheers, will try that later. So is for example a war hammer of frost an enchanted item? So I could disenchant it and enchant a sword if I had a soul gem? Can you use multiple gems as the ones I have so far are pikey ones.

Yes to your first question. No to your second. You can only enchant using 1 gem stone.
Not AFAIK. Each of the broken quests I have researched, affect all platforms.

Yeah I look forward to the newest patch, but let's be honest, it's not going to unbreak already broken missions.
Yeah I just got another broken quest. Unfortunately it was the last one in the becoming the Jarl of Riften so I guess I'm never gonna be Jarl of Riften.

Also suffered from the broken bookcases (they worked fine, then they broke them in 1.2, 1.3 has not fixed them) and lost a whole shitload of books. Hopefully they weren't important ones!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

360 is victorious. The only problems I've had in over 100 hours of game time are two crashes which have froze the console. Annoying yes, but on the grand scheme of things, definitely not a game breaker.

Just did the quest in that Dwarven Ruin place, where you have to line up the lights at the end. Took 2 f*cking hours. That's all I did last night. Thought that massive Dwarven centurion fella would have been a bit more of a handful, but I sent in a Dremora who took him to bits while I fired arrows from the doorway. Like a baus :clown:


ClioSport Club Member
I've had one broken quest in 130 hours of play on 360. It fixed itself after a quick reload anyway.

Mind you, it is coded for 360 so there you go.

Started a new character to build up into an assassin. Going to finish the main quest line again with him to build some levels then tackle the Dark Brotherhood. I destroyed them all with my thief character; he topped out at Lv51 yesterday.

Currently Lv9 with this new fella.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've had one broken quest in 130 hours of play on 360. It fixed itself after a quick reload anyway.

Mind you, it is coded for 360 so there you go.

Started a new character to build up into an assassin. Going to finish the main quest line again with him to build some levels then tackle the Dark Brotherhood. I destroyed them all with my thief character; he topped out at Lv51 yesterday.

Currently Lv9 with this new fella.

I'm at Lv43 currently and still have so much more to do. Haven't even touched Brotherhood, Imperials, Stormcloaks, Vampires or any of that sh*t yet.

Oh, and you've reminded me, I did have a broken quest: On the hearth burrow mission where you have to retrieve the guy's book in the burrow, take it to the inn keeper at the bottom of the Greybeards' mountain who will give you the sapphire claw. The book didn't appear where it should have, so I couldn't take it back to the inn keeper. Reloaded an old save, killed the guy again and the book was on the table. :cool:

Mind you, the book could have been knocked on the floor originally when I FOOOOOOsed him.


ClioSport Club Member
LOL. A Fooos always does the job.

I've still got two of the Daedric quests to complete on my Lv51 and about 6 Misc quests. I've also got another four masks to collect for the full set.

I think once I've got to Lv40ish with this new assassin fella, I'll go back and mop up with the thief. I'll be using the thief for DLC, when that comes out too.


ClioSport Club Member
The joys of the PC.. I can just skip the stage that's broken in the quest and carry on ;)

I had a broken quest at the College of Winterhold
My research shows the same broken quest bugs are on consoles. Not sure how accurate the information is, but they are definitely not isolated to the PC version of the game. It seems that some quests are broken by silly things, like interacting with someone whilst they are still talking to someone else (no lie lol). Given the scope of the game, I think it's unlikely that many of us would all experience the same problems with the same quests. One broken quest over 130 hours, or two over 50 hours. Even drsmith would want to publish those statistics lol.

Each bug I type into Google scores multiple hits across all three platforms.


ClioSport Moderator
You're either very unlucky, or steam hates you.

No problems here. Scutch, after you lined the lights up did you attack that cocky t**t face??? I did.

Just completed the college quest, well the first bit, pretty cool. I need that fancy staff you have though.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
You're either very unlucky, or steam hates you.

No problems here. Scutch, after you lined the lights up did you attack that cocky tw*t face??? I did.

Just completed the college quest, well the first bit, pretty cool. I need that fancy staff you have though.

Sanguine's Rose. It's an awesome staff.

Also, I didn't butch that mage guy, even though I was tempted. I just took a deep breath in and left. Only to find Ancano being a tw*t. No change there then.
I killed a rabbit

That's actually quite tricky. Hitting one with a bow from any kind of range is a real challenge. I find killing dragons/giants etc far easier.

I found out summat last night - Apparently if you use a shout in or near any kind of settlement then shortly afterwards a courier will arrive with a letter from a "friend" telling you the location of a dungeon containing a shout. You can keep doing this over and over until you have all of them. Though you won't get a new letter till you've found the location of the old one... Which is a shitter cos I've had one sat in my Misc quest folder for hours and hours. I could have been stacking up the shouts all this time!

Apparently there's also some geezer who will tell you about where to find more shouts too. No idea who or where though. I'm thinking at the top of that big mountain but I'm not sure.


ClioSport Moderator
Sanguine's Rose. It's an awesome staff.

Also, I didn't butch that mage guy, even though I was tempted. I just took a deep breath in and left. Only to find Ancano being a tw*t. No change there then.

Pussy. :p

Took me a while to figure out how to finally kill Ancano.

Definitely getting somewhere with my character now....

Am 100% battle mage, but I've added archery to my skillset so I have some range when magica is drained or someone is draining me etc.

I've got all Adept level destruction spells, I'm pretty hot at conjuration, with a sword that does decent damage and flame and frost atronachs.

I just need to get conjuration right up so I can make atronachs double as powerful. I'd also really like a lightning atronach ASAP!

I'm also now trying to get enchanting right up, but having just got some epic robes from a certain quest (no spoilers here) I don't think I want to enchant my own armour for a bit now.

Anyway, anyone fancy doing a character summary?

i.e I'm

Destruction -HIGH
Conjuration - HIGH
Restoration - HIGH
One Handed - HIGH


That's pretty much me.

I need to go find LOTS more shouts now.
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
LOL. Atronach's are weak. Dremora Lord is where it's at.

The atronach's fail miserably while the DL tears the place to bits. I'd love to be able to conjure one of those, but my Conjuration skill level isn't too high at the moment (think it's around 48 or so). Sanguine's Rose suffices, for the time being.
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ClioSport Moderator
You can summon Demora whatever? How?

Oh and when you get conjuration high enough, double potency and 3x duration makes them pretty decent. I pretty much use my frost atronach as a meat shield and a my flame atronach as a second archer type thing... (surprisingly good shot against dragons etc)
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
You can summon Demora whatever? How?

Oh and when you get conjuration high enough, double potency and 3x duration makes them pretty decent. I pretty much use my frost atronach as a meat shield and a my flame atronach as a second archer type thing... (surprisingly good shot against dragons etc)

You need the summon Dremora Lord spell. One of the guys at the college sells you it. You need to have a high enough conjuration skill for it to become available though. I think it's 75.


ClioSport Moderator
Not too far off then. Time to conjure my ass off!

I'll get me a conjured bow for some extra good times.

I need a thunder based atronach too, just to complete my set like ;)

Oh, another question, why can I press "a" on my atronach? It does nothing but it's always there as an option and it annoys me.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah when I summon a Dremora using my Sanguine's Rose staff I get that option too.

I want to be able to talk to him and tell him he's doing a good job. Maybe even pat him on his head once or twice. Probably once, TBH.

He only lasts 60 seconds, but in that 60 seconds he creates f*ck. Mental f*ck.
