Chris is definitely cheating.
So much want for this game ATM.
FYI I eventually managed to fix the bricked marriage quest by loading an earlier save and restarting it.
You don't know the half it!
If you had bought it before now and knew how good it is, you'd have bought it before now and know how good it is.
Tried it in 3D yet Roy?
I like the way exploit is the new word for cheat
LOL at an 'exploit' not being a cheat. Of course it's a cheat. An exploit is an unintentional cheat.
Anyone willingly using exploits is cheating. Fact.
Who am I cheating? The guy selling me the house? That's his own fault for not looking where I'm putting the gold. I'm exploiting him.
It would have been cheating had I conjured or entered a code to make a wardrobe appear so I could stash my loot. It's already there, so I'm exploiting that. Silly Bethesda. Even though they are aware of it.
I'd still have 38k left anyway, but being a master sneak and pickpocket now I'm just blending into character