Hiya Chief m8.
Captain, could you post the main defrences betwen the original 172 engien and the turbo engien ?
Head - no vvt.. ports smaller than the 172.. not sure on valve sizes yet.. could be the same.
Inlet manifold will fit the 172 top holes in the head and ports line up fine, the bottom holes will need drilling or an adapter plate (I go for the second)
No oil supply or return holes in the 172 block (there, but not drilled)
I have been unable to compare the following yet.
Crank, rods, block webbing, and, Main bearing land area for strength (probably the same)
Oil pump.. probably the same but with an slightly uprated pump pressur erelease valve (ie - a 10p washer lol)
Allso , are you building the turbo on the original 172 VVT engien, or are you building it on the turbo (without VVT) engine ?
the engine will be a hybrid.
block, crank, rods from the strongest looking block with the largest crank journals.. if they are the same (as I believe), then the turbo short engine will be used to enable a simple swapout.
the 172 head assembly will be used with slight hacksawing the coil mount from the exhaust side of the cam cover
... thus retaining vvt which is useful for playing with race cams to make the thing idle afterwards lol...
BTW: The oil feed and return line (i gues you mean to the TURBO unit itself), can they be drilled on the original 172block without the need ov opening the engien up ?
there is no way, sorry, that you can drill these holes with the engine assembled Sir. you must strip the block bare, drill and tap, and then high pressure wash the galleries for swarf.. no shortcuts on that one. !
the pistons (Compression ratio) HAVE to be lowered on the 172.. do not play turbo without doing this. .
if you want to experiment, I can let you have a complete short engine (new) with 9.5:1 turbo pistons, all galleries present... turbo, exhaust manifold, inlet and injectors for a bloody good price.
you could get 230+ (170+ at the wheels) on the 9.5:1 pistons with an intercooler.
all you would need to do is swap the bottom end of the engine for this - add the exhaust pipework, cooler and management system to go.
would be looking at about 2k though depending on what exactly you want ?
you would still have a 172 short engine to sell, mod, play with, keep etc.