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Project S13

  Mustang, S13, AX GT
You might be right, it looks so good that people keep turning their heads to look at it... some people turn so fast they get whiplash :D:eek:
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I was gonna wait until I could stand properly before i went on with the project but the weather was beautifull today and i couldn't really waste it in manchester. Painfull yes, worth it? Maybe... :(
I started off keying the paintwork:

I then cleaned and tacked it and then primed it, 1st coat:

2nd coat went on after and then I let it dry for about an hour. After leaving it to dry I started spraying the colour. This is when it became a maybe as a good day. The nozzle on the paint can was spraying the paint out on the piss a bit. If you imagine the paint coming from the nozzle in a triangle, the paint was very thick/concentrated at the 'top' of the triangle and was thin throughout the rest of the triangle :( This left a very uneven paint on the panels. I had a quick look around for the empty can of colour and pinched the nozzle off of that. It started to even out the panel but then I ran out of paint :mad::dapprove:
The result of todays work:



I know it could have been worse, but still its annoying. Even more annoying is it'll have to wait until friday for payday when I can head over to autopaint and get some more supplies. Hopefully I'll get enough money to finish the rest of the paint off but I'm not sure just yet.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i love this car. make sure the boot is matt red too. i reckon only the roof should be the black as per your previous posts. why not make the wheels gold or something? would look awesome! :D

i look forward ot seeing the 200sx at fcs!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
The boot needs re-doing at some point but I'm liking the black tbh. I'm even thinking of going black wheels, although lime green and red have both crossed my mind haha. I'm doin everything I possibly can to get the car to FCS, even if it travels there multi-coloured!


ClioSport Moderator
Great update, the damage to the rear certainly isnt noticeable from a distance at all so as long as your not trying to get this minty mint its fine. Like the black and red theme going on although being such a fun project i do think it could lend itself to something wacky!

Good effort for sure!

One thing, was not masking the wing a deliberate decision? Or did you run out news paper as well as paint ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
haha, deliberate decision its gonna get painted soon enough aswell so I didn't think it really mattered...


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Bodged bodywork, SPANKINGLY shiny massive rims, Superfast engine and you sir will have an awesome car!!


ClioSport Moderator
How many layers of paint are you doing per pannel out of interest? Currently doing a mates fiesta and the new bonnet seems to be eating paint for brekkie!!! Basically how thin'er coat can i get away with?
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I'm doing about 3 coats, probably about as thick as I can get away with before it runs. Daniel, everything but the shiny rims sounds good ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Put the can in some warm/hot water for about 2-3 mins so the cans warm to touch before you spray the panel, and try and make sure the panel itself is really cool and dry before you spray it it helps massively. I've been having a go at the roof today and its boiling so its practically impossible to get an even spray on it, I'll get a pic in a minute. I'm gonna leave it until this evening when its cooled down and hopefully it'll be good. I'll get some pics between coats then for you ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I dont know why but no matter how hard I try I just cant get an even finish on the roof its always streaky! I've built up ahout 4-5 coats now so tomorrow I'm going to wet sand it and hope I can make it look ok. If not I may go back to hammerite but use a brush this time...
3rd coat:

4th coat:

5th coat:
  ITB'd MK1
spraying downwards FTL, especially with a can. Might help if you can jack one side of the car REALLY high to be able to keep the can more upright
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Wasn't too close im 6ft3, lots of leverege over the car. I think its just because i was spraying downwards like Danny says. It might be an inch thick if you include remaining hammerite and primer under paint...


ClioSport Moderator
Thanks a lot for that dude, i seem to be getting uneven coats on my mates fiesta bonnet too tbh.

I do have that on a table thing in my garage instead of hanging it from the roof beams like i was to begin with, i suppose hanging your car from a roof isnt an option, but i'll try painting not spraying down and let you know how i get on.

Was the 5th coat dry in that pic? If not i'd assume the finish will improve, but if your paint is nice and thick sanding and then polishing up with some compound or something could work well?

Looks a bloody lot better than "roller roof" though!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
It was still wet aye. I've sanded it down now and it looks a lot more even but obviously with sanding it the paint has gone flat. T-Cut made no improvement so I think a proper cutting compound may do it. I'm still trying to work out what I can do to paint it and have it look good because it will piss me off now I've made the effort to improve on roller roof. You have no idea how close I am to buying another tin of hammerite and a big brush as the finish on my gear surround is miles better than the roof at the moment lol. Let me know how you get on mate :D


ClioSport Moderator
A good cutting compound should do it, in pauls KA thread he said about sanding down his entire final coat and polishing it up with compound. Fiesta continues tmrw morning, second coat on bonnet today so and left to dry so no idea how painting it "flat" is going, tmrw i'll hang it and give it another coat so i'll let you know on my progress!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Nice one mate defo let me know. I'll get some G3 or something when I get some paint this week :D
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I didn't get paid as much as I was expecting but WD40's brought the paint on the roof to life so its all good lol. I got 3 cans of paint today and 3 cans of laquer thinking that'll about do me until I can get some-one to pull the dent out of the offside wing but used more paint than I thought I would on the door and front wing. Its all good though the paints looking pretty nice and it super smooooth after a wet sand with 1500 so I'm gonna laquer it tomorrow and get finished pics up. Anywho, quick couple of snaps of todays work after I'd finished, sorry for no 'progress' pics as I went on but I just wanted to get it done and my ankles still pretty sore (this is why the chair was there, not just because I'm lazy):

  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Cheers, its still very obviously a DIY job. Hopefully one day when I've got some money and stuff I can do a proper job, make it look like a factory paint job heh...


ClioSport Moderator
Looking good so far man, once you've done the bonnet you can take some nice pics (even if only from one side) ;) What effect did WD40 have on the roof?? It cant have taken away the uneven-ness can it?
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Looking good so far man, once you've done the bonnet you can take some nice pics (even if only from one side) ;) What effect did WD40 have on the roof?? It cant have taken away the uneven-ness can it?
The bonnets waiting for a mate to come over, he's offered to do a stencil on there but wont tell me what :S I'm excited and worried at the same time lol. The roof is less streaky but thats been the sanding. I dont think I'll ever get it perfect so I'm gonna leave it as it is, its not so bad. the WD40 just brought the paint back up its not so flat now. I'll get some pics tomorrow whilst I'm laquering.

I really really like the matt red look. Looks ace! :D
Thanks mate, I love matt paint at the moment and couldn't decide between red, black or like a dark purple. I love the red and black thing on the car though so very happy with the colour choice :eek:
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
quick update, the nearside is now laquered and re-assembled. the front bumper is stripped ready for some painting, Jiggys now insured and its going for MOT and quick check over on Thursday, I get it back on Monday and then hopefully get him taxed and on the road again :D
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
everything bar the rear bumper should be done before FCS. The rear bumper is gonna be replaced or repaired before I spray it.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I've dropped my car in today for turbo swap and MOT and the mechanic said:
I'm not sure if it'll be the turbo, it could be something more serious like the valve guides or the breathers. I'll have a look but if theres no oil in the turbo intake when I take it off its a cylinder head off job
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
after a minute or 2 it poors out smoke on idle, I was 99% sure it was the turbo seals that had gone but the mechanic has cast doubt in my mind.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Things are looking good, the DVLA Tax Online webpage says that there is a valid MOT and Insurance showing so I can tax it. I'm just waiting for the garage to phone so I can find out for sure then Project S13 should be road legal again!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Passed, hilarious for onlookers and fully road legal. its just started pissing it down so no new pics but the nearside and front bumper are all painted, the offside is still original colour and there is over spray on the front wing, it looks stupid but certainly still drives as nice as I remember. I'll be shooting over to autopaint tomorrow for another couple of cans of colour, then spraying the side and maybe leaving the rear wing because I cant afford the dent repair for it, but we'll see. pics of car up when its stopped raining hehe
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ClioSport Moderator
Glad to hear its alive and well, if you can't afford have the rear wing repaired atm why not either have a go at repairing it yourself or just paint it as it to get it to match? Just a thin coat or something, so it doesnt cost the earth in paint, but looks better than an odd pannel? Looking forward to new pics...

Oh and btw... Result of the fiesta was, hanging up the bonnet did help, but not totally, spraying large flat areas such as the bonnet with rattle cans seems to be very difficult, mainly because you just can't get the paint on dead even, at a guess this is whats happening on your roof, if you know someone with a compressor and gun then have a go at borrowing that, that's what i'm doing on the fezz... will picture results...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Cheers Robbos, yeah I've though about painting the wing before getting it repaired but I cant justify it given that the rattle can respray was meant to be the super super cheap option. There is a chance I'll get the dent sorted out before FCS and painted but I'm not holding my breath...
I think part of the problem was defo having the can too close to the paint work as there has been a similar issue on the passenger door when I was laquering which you'll see if you look directly at it heh. Its all good though I know what I did wrong and I got it right on the front bumper so it can stay as it is until I want it looking proper. Pics of the bonnet when done with a compressor would be ace thanks.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Yesterday the car was pure evil, 1st and 2nd gear spin up as soon as it comes on boost in the wet if you have your foot any harder than lightly touching the pedal :( However dry weather today meant it was time to go and remind myself why I kept the S13 and I'm trying to sort it out...
I went on my fav road between Bury and Blackburn and kept my foot down all the way, and was smiling from ear to ear all the way. I remember it sounded pretty meaty last time I drove it but the noise it makes when everythings working is just fantastic haha, and loud! Last night it felt like it had a misfire but today its been fine, however when I've got some spare cash I might get some new spark plugs in and aim for a full service if that doesn't cure it?
Also some great news, I've (finally) been offered a permanent job, so expect this car to start getting a lot better. The paint will be done before FCS and then its staying as is until payday next month when I can buy some needed new bits for it :D

As I said before I had painted the full nearside and front bumper, so a quick pic to show this and sometime this week there will be an update with the rest painted, provided I can do something about that damn dent :(
