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Project S13

  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Little update, I decided that the aerial was the next eye sore to get rid of, so I unbolted it and took it out and got to work on removing the hole it left. Learning from previous mistakes it was clear that fibreglass over the top of the hole isn't a great idea so I decided to fix an aluminium gauze under the hole and build it up with filler. So far, its looking a lot better the gauze has supported the filler fine and it looks almost perfect!

1st bit of filler goes on (say hi to Kneel Senior):

sand it down flat to the bodywork:



take off the excess filler around the hole:


Then mask it off:


Spray on a guide coat of primer, build up the filler and then wet sand down to perfectly smoothness (sorry, missed the pics of most of this):

And a few coats of primer later, looking perfect under the primer:


However, as I already know from the boot under the primer it can look a lot better than it will do under the paint. tomorrows plan is to wet sand it down with 1500 grit to get a nice super smooth finish. I get paid on thursday so I'll be going to get some paint and then I'll do a guide coat of that and hopefully it'll come out good. If it does then comes the task of trying to make the paint match the rest of the wing. I hear you asking why did I paint so much for the sake of a small hole? There was some overspray and also quite a bit of laquer peel on the panel as there is on the other wing aswell so I've covered that also :D
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Can any painters on here give me some tips on paint blending? I understand you try and blend it by overspraying onto the old paintwork so it looks like the new paint is blended to the old paint? But I have no idea really...


ClioSport Moderator
I'm no painter but i didnt think that you'd need to primer this? I thought you could just apply the filler, sand right down, then key the paint with a relatively fine grit and paint staight on?
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
nah primer everytime tbh. I've painted onto keyed paint before and it doesnt hold it aswell from my experience. besides, when I have some money I plan to paint the whole car and fix all of my mess and try and turn it into a nice car again, lol.
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ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I am lol'ing hard at this car.

Awesome work. I don't think you intend to, but I think you may just pull off a masterpiece here!! FLOL!!!
  Clio 172 Cup , 200SX S13
Instead of having the masking tape flat leaving a straight edge , try rolling it over on itself when you come to paint it. As you do each coat roll it over a little more , so you don't leave a straight edge of new paint , it will help it blend.

There was a point in time when I thought about trying to make my s13 look nice , but that didn't last long.
  Clio 172 Cup , 200SX S13
Just to add if you really want that paint to match you are fighting an uphill battle. Clean and polish the paint nearby, go to a proper automotive paint place (not Halfords) and get it colour matched , then paint the whole panel up to the shut lines...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
^I was thinking that might be the only way to have it match but 2 problems with it, the first being the cars not road legal so I cant take it anywhere and the second being I'm unemployed and broke lol.
  Clio 172 Cup , 200SX S13
Haha. Welcome to the club. You have an s13 because you're broke , you're broke because you have an s13.

Take the fuel filler cap or headlight cover or something...It's only about 13 quid for a custom mixed aerosol.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Good idea! I'll see if any of them match the other wing hehe, lots of f*cked paint about my car and the headlight covers dont match the bonnet or front bumper... I believe my excuse often is, the car has character :D
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
OK So I've not been paid giving a delay in the whole making progress thing, however I have found some rather cheap matt spray cans but they only come in 250ml cans... This fills my head with rattle can full paint job ideas (hehe, enjoy). I'm not sure how many cans I'll need so any guestimates from people who have painted/rattle canned a car before would be helpfull.
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Any paint should be applied by powertool IIRC. Allowing for some slight spillage... say 50 ltr's ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I finally got paid so I went out and bought some paint and primer etc, I have decided that I'm gonna change the car to a matt black colour so its gonna look really stupid as given my very very low income it'll have to be done in stages, I figured the 1st stage should be to paint the rear quarter that I've just primered anyway so I got to cleaning it and notice a slight issue, of some rust bubbling by the wheel arch. I got some sandpaper on it but it wasn't sanding flat, so I decided to knock the dent back inwards using a hammer and discovered it was worse than I thought:


it has rotted straight through :(
I cut away the rust metal and then wire brushed the rest of the rust away before putting some rust treatment on:

With the rust treated came the mission of sorting the hole out, I hammered the metal into more of a dent so that I could build it up flat to the rest of the panel. To start off I covered it with a fibreglass patch and then sanded that down so it was smooth and relatively flat, except for where I had sank it into the dent:



As you can see it was pretty dark so that was my work for the evening, and then today I covered the fibreglass patch with some body filler and sanded it down, I did this in 2 stages and started off just slabbing a load of filler on to sand down, then where I had knocked the dent in and sank the fibreglass in I added a second skim of fibreglass and again sanded it flat to the rest of the body panel, then using 240 and then 400 I sanded it smooth:




With all this now set and as smooth as I could get it I added a quick coat of primer, and with the primer on it looks good as new so I have added a second coat of primer aswell. I have only done 2 coats because tomorrow when I have a full day I will be priming the rest of the quarter and getting it painted. The 2 coats of primer do look good so far though, I put the can in some warm water for 2 mins before as I'd heard that warming the paint can help it go on and I'm convinced, they were quite heavy coats but the primer hasn't ran at all :D



Ideally, the wheel would have been off and the wheel arch masked, but I only have a trolley jack and the only thing I'm worried about spraying is the alloy itself the tyres will come paint free eventually and the inner arch is covered in so much crap I doubt it'll still be painted after a wash lol, so thats why its a pikey job of masking so far ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I HATE manchester weather :( since Tuesday it has been either pissing it down or far too windy to spray outside (I tried, I failed no paint really made it onto the car). This is bad because it gave me time to think about my choice of colours etc etc and today I was running errands and decided to nip into autopaint and get a couple of tins of matt red as I like the red and black theme. I couldn't give you any kind of colour code as I pretty much just picked the 1st red I saw on the colour card. As soon as we get sunlight/no wind again then wing will be sprayed and will look good ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Ok so Panel sprayed, theres no going back now however I love the colour! Its a matt red and its a bit lighter than I thought so we'll see how it looks when its finished, but for todays work we started out by moving the car out to the drive pretty much straight after the rain went away and I primed the rest of the panel:

There were already a couple of place with primer on due to some repairs I'd done to the bodywork, including the hole in the wing. The problem was that on the primed area where the aerial was I had masked it off to spray it so it had a clear line as you can see:

I took a few minutes from spraying and got some 400grit on the lines and it smoothed out nicely so I got on with priming the rest of the panel then sprayed it with the red paint. I'm not sure how many coats I had put on when I did the photos but heres the 'new' colour for the car:



And while I was painting the wing my friend decided to doodle in the dirt on the roof:


So thats todays progress, I have to say using the rattle cans from autopaint it is so much easier to paint than using halfords cans, they spray more evenly hehe. The feel of the paint is very rough so I'm gonna leave it to harden over night and tomorrow I'll get some wet and dry on it to smooth it before laquering the paint. Then will come the finished panel. Let me know what you think of the colour :D


ClioSport Moderator
Hey man, good to see some progress, colour looks great IMO, a really nice red, i've been messing with painting a friend's fiesta lately and when wet flatting after applying colour i've found it really dulls the colour down, but this paint was metallic, so hopefully you wont have the same problems being matt?

Hows the roof? Still roller textured? Can't see under all the dirt! :p
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Yeah mate its still rollered lol. I'd planned to sort it out whilst I was painting these other bits and pieces. It gets worse, that lovely new red on the wing has been scratched last night after the wind blew some wood into it :( And even worse I have snapped/stretched the ligaments in my ankle this morning so I cant get out to go get anymore paint and cant go outside to paint without it hurting so it might have to wait, I'm not sure if the laquer will stick when I go to spray it now as it will be atleast a week after the paint went on :( Bad day today
Not wanting to be harsh, but are you actually spending out a fair bit of cash on this or is it just a sort of joke/ hobby? Paint can't be cheap and it seems like a waste to put it on some of those panels in the condition that they are in.
Been following this for a while and good on you for having a go. Seems your painting methods have improved.


Kneel, been following this thread, thumbs up for giving it ago yourself, learning from mistakes. Doing the same with my side strips and other littles bits at the moment :)

like someone said before, is this just as a learnign curve / hobby or more of a learning curve and a good restoration?
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Its a learning curve/hobby. It was a £500 car its never gonna be a show car lol. Jamie mate, its all going that red just may end up looking very very ghetto for a while because I dont have much moneys. Its all being done using rattle cans so its a cheap job, I used a rattle can for that panel which cost me £7, the boot and roof are staying black and my mate is going to be doing a stencil on the bonnet but he wont tell me what :S:D When I eventually get it right with what I'm doing I might have a go at making it into a nice car instead of a bit of a joke car heh, until then I'm having some fun as I learn...

Also, red dreads might be cool but a lad at college had ginger dreads which quite frankly scared me a bit...


ClioSport Moderator
Thats crap about the wood blowing into it mate, if its gonna be a while until you paint laquer it then just wet flat it when you wanna do it with some 1200 grit or something, you can always wet flat and give one very light dusting of colour, then laquer.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Well with the wood blowing into it, its dragged something across it aswell so its gonna need another coat or 2 of colour. fortunaly they are only light scratches I guess but with a budget as tight as I have its just another set back, it means using another can so £7 wasted. It might not sound like a lot but at the moment I'm getting £45 a week so its a fortune to me! Anyways, can only smile right so there should be another update shortly with the rear end re-assembled and slightly altered and then I'll take a couple of paracetamol for my foot and have a look at sanding the roof down for some spray paint. I hope I've got enough gloss black left...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
As promised, quick update.
I started off with painting the little piece of metal to finish off the tailgate. It needs some 'repairs' ideally but I just couldn't be arsed lol, you need to be pretty close to see them so I just got on and painted them matt red again:

I didn't want the 'turbo 16v' badge as obvious, but when you have boost everyone should know so I didn't smooth it either heh:

I also tinted the rear lights, for the light clusters I did 1 single thin coat of gloss black and for the centre piece i did 3 coats to match the bootlid as much as I could without making the reverse lights completely obsolete(sp?). I have had all the lights on in the sunlight and they are clearly visible so I dont see it being a problem for MOT but I guess we'll find out... Anywho tinted lights and painted piece back on the car (not laquered yet like wing):



Last thing to do for the day was to try and sort the scratches from the wood out on the panel. To sort them 100% would mean sanding the panel down and starting from scratch again, however with only 1 really noticable scratch and my lack of pennies I decided I'll just do an extra couple of coats over the top and then they wont be as noticable. This worked on all but 1 of the scratches, however you can only see it when your looking for it now so I'm happy:



Coming over the next few days should be 4 satin black wheels, a gloss black roof, de-dented offside wing, matt red for the rest of the car and finally some laquer for all of it as I've just done a couple of days driving so hopefully I'll have just enough money to finish the bodywork off. After that, all thats really left to do is to get it on the road. I have spoken to Sideways Danny who has offered to help me with the turbo when he's got some free time so hopefully that should be before FCS so you can all have a gander at it then... Only time will tell though haha
