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Project S13

  Better than yours. C*nt.
Absolutely flol at this car... Hats off to you mate, it's an epic thread showing why blokes bought cars back in the day - reminding us all how dull car ownership seems to be nowadays!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Strangely, this has been the least amount I've EVER spent on a car and yet I've never enjoyed owning another car this much haha. I've had other cars which were every bit as fun and enjoyable to drive, but once it was home it was parked and that was it back to watching TV or playing xbox etc. Giving up caring and just enjoying what I have for what it is has been great fun :D
  Mk2 MX5 1.8iS - Side
I'm actually quite liking that.

Quite fancy an mx5 project for next summer.

The fund has started;)

Will be using this thread for tips.


ClioSport Moderator
Just ignore the "tips" about rollers ;)

Nice job on the front bumper, glad you've got yourself sorted financially, but by the looks of it it didnt need money to get better, just determination. At least now you can get rid of that dent though!

I've got 8 days to go then i'm done with uni, so i will have a shot at the fezz with a spray gun and tell you how i get on, will also be doing colour coding on my 1.poo to see how it goes, so i'll be asking for tips if i hit any troubles!

Keep up the gook work, one of my favourite threads on cs :)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
haha, but the only tips I have are rollers... just dont use fluffy ones ;) Its such a relief knowing I'll have some money again soon, and it just means that I can buy a couple of bits and pieces and have a go at fitting them with the reassurance that if I do it wrong I can take it to a garage and have my wrong doings corrected lol. Good luck with the fiesta and do that before the colour coding ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I think I've defo got a misfire but maybe some of the more mechanically minded can help...
If I'm in 3rd gear at around 5k revs the power drops off completely then picks back up again shortly after, asthough I'm completely taking my foot off the accelerator then booting it again. Its only in 3rd gear though every other gear seems fine. I say seems because at that kinda revs in 5th I'm doing speedo indicated 140+ which would be veeery stupid on a public road, and 4th at those revs is still over 100...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Hey hey, I have finished painting most of the car now :D The only bits left to do are the bonnet and back bumper, however I'm thinking I might leave the back bumper until I get a replacement thats not dented and cracked heh. I have decided to do the dented rear wing aswell just for colour match, so its not a fantastic job. I also admittedly rushed the laquer so again its not perfect but I'm happy until I come to do it properly (which I will do at some point...). The cars also running well, once its warmed up its smooth to drive right through the revs in each gear so altogether I'm happy. This will possibly be the last update for a while now due to starting work, but come payday some changes will be coming again :D I didn't get any photo's whilst I was painting because I wanted to get it done whilst it was still dry and I had a lot of painting and laquering to do. Anywho some pics I've got today:






Coming soon, a video. I planned to do that today but stupidly I didn't put my memory card in the camera, I was lucky to get photo's lol. Let me know what you think, and keep an eye out at FCS...
  Petrol Blue 182.
Love it mate, really do, this really is a project on a budget! save some pennies for lowering springs! will look sweet with those wheels in the arches! keep up the good work :)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Saving for some eibachs and some 16s, or some coilies and spacers haha. We'll see...
  Petrol Blue 182.
being behind this for the parade lap, I can tell you it sounds mental! especially going through the tunnel to the track! although I did start to cough with all the exhuast fumes going into my car lol!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Its not the best smelling car, but I guess to some extent its still just getting itself going again its only been OTR for a week, the decat doesn't help either. Sorry about the fumes tho :eek: I loved the look of your car mate, esp the back with the checkers.

Naith, it owned an A3 on the way home also, seems to be 2 years in a row now that an audi has steamed up the back of the convoy home and been embarrassed (Hi chris ;))
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
On the M6 on the way home. You, followed by jord, followed by me. Audi comes steaming up the back of me and jord, we move out of the way. The same Audi then sits on your back bumper so you dropped it a cog or 2 and f*cked off... Priceless


ClioSport Club Member
Haha, oh aye yeah! Forgot about that.

I slowed down afterwards and he couldn't look at me as he passed.

Your car running ok now dude? Need to sort a meeting again soon, for a catch up!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Its running? So its good enough for me haha. Yeah get a meet sorted soon, I can start coming along again now :D

s**t video of it:
  Petrol Blue 182.
haha cheers mate! only coughed once or twice, had to be done threw the tunnel tho, so i dont blame you!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
JME no worries mate, I'm hoping it just needs a proper service and I know it needs a new front section on the exhaust. Through the 2nd half of saturday after driving down with those fumes and that noise me and ant both had a headache lol. not good...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
I went out to play before whilst the sun was out and realised I have oversprayed laquer all over the windscreen and back window which was very very scary, as when the sun was straight ahead the whole windscreen went bright yellow!!! I've come back home and attacked the windscreen with a brillo pad and its perfectly clear now, like a new windscreen :D I think I've also found and fixed the exhaust rattle which is just magic, that rattle was louder than the exhaust I swear! All in all, happy motoring in my rediculous car so far. The wheels need to be painted though they are a little boring, expect this update soon...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Change of plan, new wheels ordered. One of only 3 sets in coming into the country at the moment and they should be with me mid to late august for varying reasons (mostly my own fault tbh). I'll leave you with the suspense of guessing (or not) and will not confirm a damn thing until I have pics of them on the car. They should look awesome!!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Surprisingly predictable to be honest. I've said it before but for an old car with crap tyres and soft suspension its not a million miles behind my 197 was for handling. Without a doubt it breaks away sooner than the 197 did but its every bit as controllable as the 197 was, eg the other day I went over a road near me with bumps and dips and corners, I could feel the back end go light but could still keep making progress ;)
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Shameless plug to what I've been upto whilst I've not been updating this project thread:

I've also rigged up an induction kit mount, as it was sat on top of an unfixed half airbox for whatever reason... This will not be pictured as quite frankly its embarrasing, even for this particular project car...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
For those who are still interested in the car ;) I have been making bits of progress here and there but mostly I've been ordering some parts :D To sum up what I mean by this, I have just ordered a set of wheels for £900 to be coming mid august, some 50mm overfenders so that the wheels will fit, some new number plates, a boost gauge, H-Dev Stage 1 Chip, Boost Controller and 255LPH fuel pump. All this should take me upto around 220-230hp :D I've also been tidying up a couple of loose ends and I have made a half decent induction kit mount now which I will photo for your amusement later. I also had a go at painting the plugs cover but for whatever reason that failed and the paint went smudgy and crappy so I'm gonna sand it down, sand the cover smooooth and then do it satin black.
Theres an annoying exhaust rattle but I think I know where its coming from so that should be sorted soon. I also had a really dirty rear panel where some petrol had ran down it so thats been sprayed over again :D
The overfenders are almost like bubble pack arches so we'll see how they look when I've riveted them on...
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
To elaborate...
The exhaust rattle I'm 99% sure its the rear exhaust mount knocking on the bodywork, so £2.99 later and it should be fixed (An imaginary prize for the 1st to guess the products used...)

2nd annoyance was a lot of red overspray on the exhaust can, the exhaust cost as much as the car so this had to be fixed, a scotch pad and some soapy water, 5 mins later et voila:

And finally for today, I thought I'd show you the 'induction kit mount':



Thats right, a piece of brass carpet edging :D You laugh but its doing the job its put there to do and was cheaper than buying a proper one lol.


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
f**king lol at danny!

is it an apex performance exhaust?? if so that is why it doesnt fit cos bren is a robbing c**t lol
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
OMFG you've still got the hot start solenoid connected!! get rid of that as soon as humanly possible
um, huh? Whats that lol...

f**king lol at danny!

is it an apex performance exhaust?? if so that is why it doesnt fit cos bren is a robbing c**t lol
Yeah its an Apex Performance exhaust. So far my rig up resolution is holding out, if it fails I might try bending the exhaust hangers...
