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RDR's CS Camping Trip 5th July 2014

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  Listerine & Poledo
I'll bring my mini-speaker, it's actually really good! I'm guessing we can't exactly have loud music anyway.

I was just going to throw the roof back and let people plug tunes into Listerine.

Hell, if I drop a battery then it's not like we're short of jump-start options.

But mini speaker sounds like an equally good plan.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member

Now you'll have a chance of keeping up with the dog kennel at actual motorway speeds
without a catastrophic engine failure.

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
20 burgers pour moi.
And another 20 sausages.

Ok mate.

Right i have prices.

I need the complete list by Tuesday the latest and i will collect the food on Saturday morning on my way to the campsite.

Burgers x 10 £5.50
Kofta kebabs x 5 £2.59
Jumbo sausages x 12 £7.99 (cumberland or pork)

1, TEG 1 pack of burgers
2, McGherkin 2 burgers and 2 sausages

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Scott I'm not fussy what I eat so just get £10 worth more stuff and I'll give you it

Ok dude.

Ill get you 2 packs of kebabs mate, you can have a few of my burgers.

There kebabs are nice and very easy to eat them all to yourself. :)

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
1, TEG 1 pack of burgers
2, McGherkin 2 burgers and 2 sausages
3, DaveDreads 1 order of Kofta Kebabs
4, Scrooge 2 packs of kebabs


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I would order more but I only have 3 quid on my paypal account and my credit card's been cancelled,
I do have plenty of cash though, but that's kind of useless in the internet digital age.

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Right boys and girls.

To make my life easy please copy and add your order to the list, that way i can print it out when i order the food.

It will also guarantee that you get your food on the day. I will bring the list of names with me and what you owe, simples!

I have no problem in paying when i collect and you can pay me on the day.

Right so lets start again. :D


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Oh ok, I can pay you for one pack and pay you for the other on the day,
unless you'd rather have it all in cash on the day.

1, TEG 1 pack of burgers

2, McGherkin 2 burgers and 2 sausages
3, DaveDreads 2 packs of Kofta Kebabs
4, Scrooge 2 packs of kebabs


ClioSport Club Member
  Did have a R27
Boom weekend off from Friday to Sunday.

1, TEG 1 pack of burgers
2, McGherkin 2 burgers and 2 sausages
3, DaveDreads 2 packs of Kofta Kebabs
4, Scrooge 2 packs of kebabs
5, Rafmatt 1 pack of burgers

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
1, TEG 1 pack of burgers and 1 pack of sausages.
2, McGherkin 2 burgers and 2 sausages.
3, DaveDreads 2 packs of Kofta Kebabs.
4, Scrooge 2 packs of kebabs.
5, Rafmatt 1 pack of burgers.
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