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RDR's CS Camping Trip 5th July 2014

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aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I bet you jumped the fence too? God damn hippies.

F*ck yeah, one yeah with a rope ladder some random had brought,
the next year up the side of one of the watch towers
that was being manned by a bloke that didn't even work there.

The year after that, a gang had nicked one of the UV hand stamps and were charging £20 per person,
I offered the bloke a can a beer and a joint and he stamped my hand,
in the time it took my mates with tickets to queue up and get in i'd walked through the fast track lane
and were waiting for them on the other side, they were proper pissed off they'd paid £120 a ticket
and i'd just strolled in. lol

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
I'll be doing a butcher's food order chap's.

Last year the 40 burgers I brought went well.

He also does amazing jumbo sausages, 1/4 burgers and kebabs on sticks.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
I can do 80 but I still haven't ran it in.
Not ment to sit a constant revs for long periods

And I have a sat nav that's better than your phone which switches itself off :p


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I'll give you a 30 minute head start then and overtake you just before we get there,
as the dog kennel can cruise at 80 for hours because it's a mans car.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
I'll give you a 30 minute head start then and overtake you just before we get there,
as the dog kennel can cruise at 80 for hours because it's a mans car.
Feck off ! We'll settle that when I have a saph!
Get it warm and give it welly ? Go the pretty route ?!
Suppose I could , my old man did say the best engines are the ones, that are warmed up and given hell whilst running in lol

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
You mean when half of us are either drunk or getting there playing rounders LOL,
im covering my windows up!

volley ball would be a rate laugh!
  Listerine & Poledo
I was thinking of campfire and massive pot-cooked chilli....then remembered that fires may not be welcome


ClioSport Club Member
Who can do the best impression of another CS member.
CS Moments Of Fame expressed through the medium of song.
Try not to get bitten by the dog.

I'll revise my order to 3 burgers and 5 sausages then.


ClioSport Admin
As far as I remember they're a no no.

Seeing as I'm coming with Scott in his van I may bring my patio log burner. It doubles as a BBQ too.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Damn it, I wanted fire.

Can't wait for this, the thought of having to erect (teehee) my tent is annoying though. Toled-a-tent may have to do.
  Mk4 Mondeo Estate
So it looks like I've drawn the short straw and will have to cover call that weekend. Absolutely gutted! Will be trying to organise something so I can still come though.
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