Brilliant weekend, cheers Dave & Scott for sorting it out and bringing a proper BBQ,
assorted meats and the fire thing, great to see everyone again and meet some new people,
but f*ck me there were so many southern accents,
sometimes it was like being an extra in Lock Stock.
Dog was a lot better behaved than I thought he'd be,
training must finally be kicking in.
I actually have memories of this one, see what happens when I actually eat food
before getting pissed, went a bit wonky around 1am,
but adding up all my empties this morning and i'd drank 9 pints by that point,
so that photo of me looking dead makes more sense to me now,
although I was just resting my eyes.
Alex (or DaveNoDreads as I called him) didn't fair so well,
but it was fun watching someone show up,
down a load of booze, (well 2 pints) then go completely apesh*t until midnight,
then collapse, it was like looking in a mirror, albeit and very loud sweary and blurry one,
he did well not to puke tbf, unless he had a secret one somewhere he didn't tell us about.
Highlight of the weekend for me, Ali (FW) giving me lots of molesting (I mean hugs),
especially when I close to passing out, bewb pillows are awesome!