You cannot call that ps one a different generation console to the playstation..
ive had a ps,ps1,ps2,ps3.
my brother has had an xbox,360 premium,360elite
have you ever had an xbox to base your opinion on?
ive never directly owned an xbox, but used to religiously play halo with my brother (online and off), have played fallout3, gta3/4, COD4/5 etc on both consoles. even my brother recently says the ps3 is a much better console on the whole, and he's owned three of the things.
as for 360s breaking, i think its just from people not treating them like a high tec bit of equipment.
Oh and the 360 isn't so 'hi-tec' when most Gaming PC's are more powerful !
Lol @ the fanboy war..oh Luke what have you started :dapprove:
were not talking about pc's tho. i know what he means. again, kids.
N64 controller was the shiz!!!!!!!!!
ive got an iphone
were not talking about pc's tho. i know what he means. again, kids.
N64 controller was the shiz!!!!!!!!!
Eh ? It wasn't b**chy I was just pointing out.. the PS3 and 360 aren't so hi-tec anymore..
although the fact that he is so deluded to believe that 1500-2500 consoles per day.. just in the UK.. all with the same faults.. is somehow related to how they are treated by their owners is laughable.
PS3 Fan = Design feature
XBOX Fan = Design Flaw.
In my case the PS3 fan = part of the DOLBY surround sound, I could stand at an airshow and watch more silent fighter planes, lol.
Trust me mine isn't a background noise I genuinely have to turn my amp up to hear the film/game over the f**king thing.
my ps3 is pretty quiet, tried doing that power up with the power button held thing? clean it out etc?
my ps3 is pretty quiet, tried doing that power up with the power button held thing? clean it out etc?
although the fact that he is so deluded to believe that 1500-2500 consoles per day.. just in the UK.. all with the same faults.. is somehow related to how they are treated by their owners is laughable.
if xbox had a bluray drive, it would easily win, im after a bluray player but i might aswell just buy a ps3 for the money!
Eh ? It wasn't b**chy I was just pointing out.. the PS3 and 360 aren't so hi-tec anymore..
although the fact that he is so deluded to believe that 1500-2500 consoles per day.. just in the UK.. all with the same faults.. is somehow related to how they are treated by their owners is laughable.