I need to get a new starter or mine refurbed pretty soon! Its getting pretty bad now.
I rung Renault today and they wanted £82 exchange for one (but didnt mention if that included VAT or not!).
Andyspares want £117.44 including Surcharge, VAT and Delivery which works out at £82.44 once I get the surcharge back and send them my starter!.
I can get mine refurbed for £40 from a place in Hinckley.. but Im not sure what guarantee they offer - Ill ring them tomorrow and find out.
So the question is.. Do I get a new one from AndySpares or Renault.. OR do I get mine refurbed?
Will there be a difference? Like, will my refurbed one be any different than a new one? Are new ones usually refurbed ones anyway?
If it was an entirely new unit I would probably be tempted with paying double the price, but if Im just getting someone elses refurbed one.. is there much point?
Im quite tempted by the refurbing mine idea, as long as it includes some sort of guarantee.. would a new one be 1 Year? Dont wanna buy one/get mine refurbed and it be equally bad..
I have thought about going to a scrappy, but Id rather have one with new components in it, just so I know Im getting a good un...