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Surprised a mate with a 172 interior. Time-lapsed the installation.

Context: Some mate's and I surprised another mate with a 172 interior, fogs and a new bumper for low & slow 5 door. We pulled a few strings and secured a farm tractor workshop with ample tools and heating (major plus in November in Scotland!). We also had some decent sound gear (decks, etc.) and setup a shisha. We gave him coordinates and no explanation. He was super late so around 7pm he shows up and that's where the video starts. We also renewed discs and pads on a Civic and replaced the turbo pressure valve on a MKiv GTi.

We worked right through till 8am and at about 3am the police show up (can be seen in the video when we're working on the near-side rear dic brake on the Civic). Apparently they received a complaint from a neighbour who had head music, seen the red glow of the heaters and the smoke from the shisha and assumed it was a cannabis farm! They sent two cars and 4 officers! Needless to say they were pleasantly surprised when they came in. They were really sound about it and ended up having a shot on the decks and sharing car stories.

TLDR; surprised a mate with parts. Worked through the night. Police came and went. We time-lapsed it.

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  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Cool stuff

Working on cars always feels a lot more like a hobby and less like a chore when you have company.


ClioSport Club Member
  LY 200 EDC
Thats cool, am i the only 1 that has a soft spot for those 15" BBS 'exclusive 172' wheels? I quite fancy a set
am i the only 1 that has a soft spot for those 15" BBS 'exclusive 172' wheels?

+1! He managed to source a set of 5 with good matching premium tyres for £120, cheaper than 4 new tyres for his steal wheels. Probably as cheap as BBS wheels get. The offset makes them sit nice and wide an they're reasonably light too. I'd happily run them as winter wheels or something.
Cool stuff

Working on cars always feels a lot more like a hobby and less like a chore when you have company.

I swear some of the best times are with the old NW lot and the new SE lot working/detailing/generally taking the piss out of rob etc.

Cracking video!
Working on cars always feels a lot more like a hobby and less like a chore when you have company.

I swear some of the best times are with the old NW lot and the new SE lot working/detailing/generally taking the piss out of @rob etc.

This. This group of mates in particular and I have started to stockpile mods for when we meet. we live at opposite ends of the country so opportunities like the tractor workshop are rare.
