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Terry's E92 330i


ClioSport Club Member
I almost don't believe the guy!

So strange.. I'd want to see with my own eyes, have you put your vin into real oem and see what that throws up?

No I haven't, will do that in a min.
I was under the car when he showed me, granted I didn't know what I was looking at but it certainly didn't look like the ZF sump in the service kit I was looking to buy, he also said it was a different material to ZF sumps.


ClioSport Club Member
Checked the car on real oem, definitely was built with a gm box :confused: how odd.

Untitled by terry clarke, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Fitted the bmw performance interior parts today, really like how they look over the standard items and once I've sorted the steering wheel should all tie in quite nicely. Fitted gear knob/gaiter and handbrake handle/gaiter.


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Car needs a really good clean inside and out now but couldn't be bothered today so I'll save that for midweek. Next job will most likely be changing the leaky rear shocks and fitting some springs at the same time, going to look into getting the box serviced too before the road trip in august as it'll pass 100k there or thereabouts.

A pic from out and about last week

20170502_135712 by terry clarke, on Flickr
  Peugeot 308
Lovely looking car this.

24 00 7 566 247 / GA6L45R

This box was in a alot of 130's and 3's until 2011.
It stayed in the E92's later than it did the E90's for some reason.


ClioSport Club Member
This weeks job will mostly be replacing the rear shocks, I knew they were leaking a bit either side from the specialist check up but now it would seem one side has dumped all its fluid and collapsed. Which explains why its felt very skittish on the back the last few days lol

Drivers side has dropped a fair whack as you can see.

PhotoGrid_1500200925595 by terry clarke, on Flickr


20170717_113850 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Looks a little wonky from the rear!

20170717_113904 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Picking up some new Sachs jobs from euros later and will fit those tomorrow. Didn't want to bother with them till I had a set of springs to fit at the same time but I cba doing all 4 corners before going away in it at the end of the month.


ClioSport Club Member
Rear shocks changed today, nice easy job on these with the hardest part being removing the boot panels in this f**king heat! Drivers side was still pissing out fluid when I took it out and basically fell out once the car was in the air as it no longer extended after being compressed.

20170718_123258 by terry clarke, on Flickr

New jack making life easier!

20170718_124055 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Drivers side after top nut undone, ready to fall out

20170718_124130 by terry clarke, on Flickr

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All done!

20170718_135030 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Drives like a dream once more, no more gripping the wheel like a mad man to stop it chucking me in a bush and no more rattles over every lump or bump in the road. Did forget to put the rubber grommets back over the top mounts in the boot so I'll have to go do that when its not so hot :sweat:

Now it just needs a good wash and check over before the roadtrip at the end of the month :cool:


ClioSport Club Member
Went down the unit today to give the car a good clean before our roadtrip Monday morning. It was in a sorry state so there aren't any before pics, car was washed, clayed, polished with Menzerna, tripple and then Sonax Bsd to finish it off.

Obviously it pissed down as soon as I pulled out the garage!

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Levels checked, oil needed a little top up and shes ready to go.

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20170729_154512 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Lets hope the weather is better in Spain!

20170729_154814 by terry clarke, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Roadtrip completed!

Untitled by terry clarke, on Flickr

Car performed faultlessly for the 2307 miles and I didn't come back hating it like i did the 172 lol that was somewhat down to the clio breaking down but also because the Bmw was the perfect car for this kind of trip really. It even returned a better than expected 34mpg average! Only damage incurred was me stupidly curbing the passenger front on the Eurotunnel half asleep the day we left :tired:

Doing Barcelona to Calais in one day probably wasn't the best idea and when we got off this end the tyre temps dropped back down so much it set off the pressure indicators lol went to Tesco to check them and they had more in than before we left so f**k knows what they were at halfway up France!

Car passed 100k while we were out there so I might look into a gearbox service as the next job, try and keep that in one piece.

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20170812_154149 by terry clarke, on Flickr

20170817_155930 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Oh and the back doubles up as quite the cosy little bed when you need a nap 😅

20170731_213458 by terry clarke, on Flickr


ClioSport Club Member
Did another oil service last week and actually remembered to change the pollen filter this time. Waiting for a local specialist to get back to me with a price for a gearbox service as it seems a bit of a pain to do yourself, once that's done I will carry on with the suspension refresh now its on 102k.

2017-09-13_03-27-45 by terry clarke, on Flickr

2017-09-13_03-28-12 by terry clarke, on Flickr

2017-09-13_03-28-00 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Made a video of the super exciting day too 😅

Then got distracted by my niece turning up. Think shes ready for her first trackday!

2017-09-13_03-28-28 by terry clarke, on Flickr

2017-09-13_03-28-44 by terry clarke, on Flickr

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Out of interest what was the rough cost of the tolls for your trip?
  e92 330i
Looking good bud. Where did you get the m performance gear/handbrake from? I like those, easy to fit too?


ClioSport Club Member
Looking good bud. Where did you get the m performance gear/handbrake from? I like those, easy to fit too?

Got them from a guy on e90 post, he works at a dealership and gets decent discount. I’ll find the link in a sec.

Yeah pretty straight forward, just a bit fiddly getting gaiters all clipped in properly. There’s a video of me faffing about with them in here somewhere.

  e92 330i
I know ? I've got a broken front wing now too, it's taken such a battering over winter and I just haven't had the motivation to sort it.

Haha I know what you mean, too cold to sort anything, all become summer jobs.

Did you ever fit the eibachs? Was thinking for getting them but wasn’t sure if they would ruin the ride comfort much.


ClioSport Club Member
Haha I know what you mean, too cold to sort anything, all become summer jobs.

Did you ever fit the eibachs? Was thinking for getting them but wasn’t sure if they would ruin the ride comfort much.

No, moved in with someone in the spring and their place is surrounded by ridiculous speed bumps that scrape as it is ?
