ran the car at ISTS the weekend just gone for the FCS boys, the show wasnt very good but i'll leave my review of that for PFC so to speak....
Got the car out on track after silverstone decided access should be across a gravel carpark... the car was full of stones by this point and they were deposited on track entry, which i wasn't happy about. An M3 binned it and another car dropped its gutts on track too which didn't help...
getting to the track also tore my splitter off and ripped the bumper off, luckily i had black tape in the car so just taped her up and cracked on... silverstone Stowe circuit, taking in sections of the new arena...
talk about dust bowl, i set out on the warm up lap last of about 20 cars, twingoRS in front was going SO SLOW on warm up that we lost the rest of the field bar an elise and golf GTI, odd enough the twingo 133 pulls in after the warmup/pace lap too... leaves me a mile off the pack and on my own!
anyhoo off we go and instantly the setup isnt right on the V3s. its by no mean bad and is a massive improvement over none coilovered variants just I could feel the toe out (losing grip, on sweeping bed exits, etc) and the geo just not setup right generally. but that will come with weighting, practice and reading of some books i have lent from the library
I also spoke to an engineer from KW who said he'll happily offer advice and setup when i've had a laser alignment (no idea where i'll go but no doubt the forums will help there)
I passed a championship elise on the second lap (white with blue/gold stripe), the next lap he passed me, i stuck with him for the rest of the session, a fact I was really proud of, as they are some car, they corner to a level thats scary. the meg when setup will hopefully keep me ahead... but we'll see
I took a few cars on track over the half hour, well alot, but thats not what its about, I got passed by a racing Exige and VX220T and boy they were motoring, but all in all, TDK did me proud and showed that a well sorted hatch can often keep with some big exotica.
just a little flyby...
Anyhoo no more parts will be getting bought until I have paid off some stuff in the next 2 months but i currently have some 197 skirts waiting to go on and have managed to do a deal to get my dash gauge pod covered in alacantera, which is nice, i'll update when they are on.
next plans are the new uprated injectors, decat, new mapping to suit, new windscreen and seats. all in good time