took the car to the lemans 24hr last weekend (big review to come this weekend) and what can i say... she was amazing.
pre trip i had the airbox out, refurbed it, tightened a few bolts and had the cage made to match the car
also had some part worn dunlops put on the rear as the mich's were tired and inside would of died in france due to the camber the V3's give.
big thanks to the tyre place in Nottingham, family run, very professional and cost effective, also told me i had small buckles in my rear tyres

but new wheels soon so i'll grin and bear it... I fitted my vinyls for France which I made myself, I thought they stood up well... considering I payed nothing and did them all myself... sod paying £100 for a company to do it.
without going into detail on the french trip i'll just say the car sang, ate miles and not a single thing went wrong well one major thing did but i'll detail that below, and tbf it was nothing to do with the car).
cutting a long story short I had a new windscreen 4 days before I went to France, when I got on the toll road 30 mins into my journey I could hear a loud rattle/vibration, thinking it was something inside the car I continued on... it was only when i stopped at the services I realized that the trim had come lose on the top of the windscreen and was basically banging against the paintwork and roof of the car... realizing i was in france and had no support I could only gaffer tape it in, but the damage was done.
shortly after, in what can only be described as the worst weather I've ever seen a large crack appeared in the windscreen... i had to live with this over the weekend and It was a little embarrassing.
granted most wouldn't care but when you plan for months and a 4 day old windscreen fails at the worlds biggest motorsport event it kind of puts you down.... but everyone agreed it was a decent warwound
back in blighty, i contact my broker and autoglass and get told that 'a local guy can spray it or look at polishing it out'... I laughed and walked out.
After contacting my insurer direct and basically contacting trading standards and being advised by the small claims court, Autoglass have now agreed to replace the screen and pay for a respray/repair on the roof of the car... Its my job to now find a good repairer and invoice Autoglass...
the meg did 1600 approx miles, played with some exotica, turned alot of heads and struggled to hell in the campsite with the flooding etc but riad sorted that by sitting in the boot and raising the front
on the first night at the site i didnt get in to early and hence the pitch we had wasnt very flat... this ground tore my front splitter off and disconnected my front bumper, it also cracked my boot floor (which on the meg is plastic)
lucky for me i have a spare boot floor in the garden and i screwed the bumper on when i moved the car to another side of the dirt-track on flatter ground.. not ideal but hey ho.
this weekend i'll be getting quotes on roof repair and fitting the ducting into my foglight holes
oh and i also got to 'race' i mean erm drive down the
Mulsanne straight and
Arnage on the sunday night (best feeling EVER)
(apologies for the quality on the pics, photobucket has Massacred them and its the only uploader i use)