i was out going 2 football, Minding my own buisness on monday , when a fiesta suddenly pulled out of the side of the rd where it had been parked , never seen me cuming a crashed straight into my bk qtr pannel sent me spinning into railings further up the rd Then the cheekey b******s just drove away!! by the time i got out of my car they were well gone .. phoned the police straight away and they said we cant get any 1 out 2 nite it will b 2morow tea time (bloody typically) just recived phone call this morning 2 say police found a burnt out fiesta whith a badly dented wing and front.. I am just bloody sick ,,it is going 2 cost around £1500 2 fix and i dont want 2 put it through my insurance , i just feel like i do not want 2 drive any more..