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The Fatty's KTEC alternative induction setup that works just as well!


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5

Imo and I’ve tried a few. Want louder, get Ktec mate.

Ah, it's not about loudness etc.

I've got a big one (oo-er) that will only just fit in the space on the Clio, not fitted yet. My Clio is out of order at the moment so was wondering whether to just bang that one on my Volvo and get a smaller one for the Clio.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Ah ok lol.

Still no then. The filter will only be as good as how well made etc. Marginal difference in size will have zero impact, imo.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182 Cup
Does the size of the Ramair filter alter the sound at all? Would I bigger one be better for the engine to get more air in?

I think the material of the pipe makes a difference to the sound. My last 182 used a 90 alloy bend into a 90 silicon bend. I bought this setup to allow me to remove the RS2 manifold, and to be honest i thought it sounded better than the RS2 setup.

I've now got a 90 silicon bend into the standard 90 bend pipe , and it doesn't sound as good. Almost like the induction noise is being dampened by the silicon.

Only drove the previous setup a few miles, but plan on replacing the silicon bend with an alloy one in the future on my new 182.


ClioSport Club Member
I would expect a solid pipe to be louder to be honest. Would have thought the softer silicone (or rubber) would absorb some of it.
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
I think the material of the pipe makes a difference to the sound. My last 182 used a 90 alloy bend into a 90 silicon bend. I bought this setup to allow me to remove the RS2 manifold, and to be honest i thought it sounded better than the RS2 setup.

I've now got a 90 silicon bend into the standard 90 bend pipe , and it doesn't sound as good. Almost like the induction noise is being dampened by the silicon.

Only drove the previous setup a few miles, but plan on replacing the silicon bend with an alloy one in the future on my new 182.

I'll swap you for my alloy one if you want. I want to quiet mine down a bit.
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
Well, in order to quiet mine down I spent £45 on a K&N filter. It sounds quiet up until about 5k RPM then sounds almost like the Ramair. Dare I say it feels a little sharper too. All in all I'm pleased.







Tight fit, but I much prefer it.


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ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Mine has a note change at 2.5k as well as 5k.

May try and get a video later in the week.

Also, I've put a bit of rubber strip on the brace so that it doesn't rub. Not really noticeable on mine as i have silicone pipes but it's worth a try on the ally bends.

View attachment 176177

Digging up an old post here but what have you used to stop the pipe rubbing on the metal Mark?


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
  monaco 172
Most people seem to be using the ram air foam filter. Any reason nobody's using k&n?

One here for 25 quid, same price as ramair and looks much better imo. 76mm so would need a reducing joiner

I went for ramair as the neck was the correct diameter with no reducer needed and it was also offset which was perfect as my battery it a bit too big so having it offset moves the filter away from the battery a little
  2003 Clio 172
I doubt a cotton filter will filter any better than a foam one. If anything I would have thought a cotton one would let more dirt through. Only one way to find out though. At the end of the day, all free flowing filters will let more dirt through than stock, whether cotton or foam. As long as you keep them clean and oiled I doubt enough of anything will get through to cause any damage.
  2003 Clio 172
the filter medium is mainly a holder for the oil. A filter without oil wont be doing much at all. For foam filters the oil is of a thicker sticker consistency
I can second that regarding the oil. I made the mistake of oiling my Ktec foam filter using ITG spray without wearing gloves. My hands looked like they belonged to a smurf for days afterwards.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
That's about 9 quid more than the one I posted and even though it has an adjustable diameter it still only goes as small as 76mm.

My main question is, why aren't people using k&n? Do they sound crap in comparison?
I'm weary of the ramair from what I've read of the foam breaking down and the amount of dust/dirt it let's in.

Most use the fatty kit because ramair was the filter he used when tested. The set up isn’t new atall it just took off because most were buying the Ktec equivalent and were trying to save money.

It’s the single bend that makes the noise difference.
  2003 Clio 172
Out of the interest, could you fit a k&n filter to the end of a ktec induction pipe? I'm assuming you'd need a joiner of some kind.
  Ph2 172, 106 Rallye
I'll just clip on. The K&N Impreza and I have has a reducer down to 74mm OD, the KTEC pipe is around 70mm OD. The jubilee clip tightens it down nicely.

Not sure why you'd want to though after you paid the premium for the KTEC branded stuff.
  2003 Clio 172
I'll just clip on. The K&N Impreza and I have has a reducer down to 74mm OD, the KTEC pipe is around 70mm OD. The jubilee clip tightens it down nicely.

Not sure why you'd want to though after you paid the premium for the KTEC branded stuff.
Not planning on doing it, was just curious ?
  Clio RS200
A few people are asking about the parts required for my induction setup, so though I would make a tread for reference.

First of all, it looks like this:

It compromises of a RAMAIR foam filter and an alloy 90 elbow pipe. At time of writing you can get both from ebay:

ASH 90 70mm Elbow pipe (currently £12.95):
RAMAIR 70mm offset filter (currently £24):

RAMAIR doesn't seem to sell the exact filter I have in the pic above on its own anymore; the new ones are a bit smaller than mine - they are 2.5cm smaller at the wide end (but the same at the bottom end), and 5.5cm shorter in length. Mine has actually got damaged over a year from rubbing on the headlight and connection box quite badly, so this new size is more ideal, provided it doesn't loose any of the advantages. You can get the same size filter as the one in the picture above WITHOUT and offset, but the offset filter makes it easier to fit next to the battery and imo a non-offset filter of that size would not fit with this pipework at all. Interestingly, RAMAIR do sell the exact filter above in an 'induction kit' for the 182, but its double the price (and i'm not sure it will give double the performance, if any extra at all). If you are interested, it is available here:|Cars Type:2.0 16V Sport&hash=item5aee249127

Also keep in mind that you dont have to use a RAMAIR filter at all, any 70mm rubber neck filter will work, provided it is an offset one if the inlet side base is any bigger than 14cm.

My car saw gains of 10hp with this setup over standard (will post the graphs in a bit), so well worth the money!

Provided you line everything up correctly, it should fit nicely. And this new smaller filter should stop any contact between the light unit etc. I have cable tied the neck of the filter to the car to stop it moving around (I used white cable ties as thats what I had, but black would look better).

fitting instructions:
(1) put filter in position behind headlight (and under the negative battery lead)
(2) connect alloy pipe to rubber elbow on engine side - don't tighten
(3) fit alloy pipe into filter, making sure you have the jubilee clip in place already
(4) line everything up then tighten jubilee clips
(5) secure filter around the jubilee clip area to car body with a cable tie

Alignment should look like this once all put together (keep in mind your filter will be smaller so wont be against the headlight):

Rolling Road Graphs (With no other mods in between)
Pre IK:

Post IK:

Do these parts work for a mk3? If not, what would you suggest?
  Clio 182
