ClioSport Club Member
Absolutely fantastic mate! Glad it's finally back where it belongs!
Only met Mick once, but he really is a nice chap. Credit to him for sorting it out!
Thanks James, I'm chuffed to bits mate. Really, really, REALLY chuffed! As I've said on numerous occasions, Mick is indeed deserving of his reputation. I know I've said similar of other 'specialists' in the past and their actions made me look a liar and, somewhat painfully, an absolute tw*t. Not the case here. It's reassuring to know there are a few gems out there that can be trusted to deliver.
Mick’s a legend!!
Really pleased for you mate. If anyone deserves a big smile, it’s you!
Is this what everyone is on about when they say "it's coming home"?
Probably best I don't say anything given the current situation and how raw things are...
Holy f**k!!! 😍
I'm so pleased for you Andy, I'm so glad you persevered with it. Made up for you.
Thank you, Stef! I'm glad I stuck with it too. There were quite a few wobbles along the way if I'm being completely truthful... but ultimately I believe I made the right choice. Cheers!
Nah Andy is from Wales so they're singing about Bale coming home early for tea🤣🤣
Hey, I'm a proud Englishman you cheeky fekker!
Here starts a new chapter then. I hope it behaves and you have plenty of great drives in it.
And kudos to Mick for getting the job done. Shame on those of you who said "he's had it a year and it's not finished yet" and doubted his resolve! He's a diamond geezer and the Clio world is lucky to have him. 👏👏
Absolutely that mate, a new chapter with #165. There are no guarantees in this life, especially in the Renaultsport world, but the signs are good and the enjoyable drives have already begun.
I can only reiterate your words - the time it spent with Mick was not wasted time and it was not for want of him wishing to get the car delivered back to me. Not many people, perhaps, really understood just what a state it had been left in and what was needed to get it back to stock. A lot of my original parts were gone and needed replacing. This was both expensive and time-consuming, especially when many parts are no longer available for the RS Mk2 Clio. Even getting replacement parts to rebuild and reinstall the aircon system for example. What some people class as "great" or "mint" condition secondhand parts isn't necessarily the case... and more weeks wasted. In the end I bought new where I could, and that presented problems as well. Using aircon parts as an example again, new parts were ordered in (Germany perhaps, I can't recall...) and suddenly prices had been inflated significantly thanks to Brexit and courier / import taxes! We are talking hundreds and hundreds of extra cost over time and wasted weeks chasing parts or awaiting new parts. Covid didn't help matters either! I could go on but there will always be those who still berate, etc. I'm just glad it is home and Mick made it happen.
Bet you’re over the moon! Glad it’s back, it looks great especially considering what’s been happening to it over the years!
Branson and Virgin Galactic have nothing on me, Ant - I'm several times over the moon and just about to circle Uranus.
So glad to see it finally home.
Can remember seeing it looking sorry for itself at said ‘Specalist’ in July 2015.
Hope you can once again enjoy it.
Cheers Andy. Yes, a few people have come forward and commented on how they saw the car in a sorry state whilst in his care. Care. FLOL. (Sigh)
It's happened mate, time to look forward again and to recover some of those losses by just enjoying it. Which I fully intend to do. Thanks fella.
Great that it's home and running. Hopefully you can do some light tinkering and, more importantly, just enjoy driving it after everything you've been through. Must have been quite a feeling to drive it again!
It will only be light tinkering from here on - standard is good (apart from the brake upgrade, which works very nicely). As I've already alluded to there are many cosmetic things to look at and things I want to refresh / freshen-up and address. However, these are not essential and can happen in my own time and at my own leisure. Looking forward to getting a bit mucky with it!
Great News Andy! Chuffed to see it on the drive.
Well done and fair play to Mick for taking this on and getting it sorted for you, it can't have been easy. He's a good guy!
Enjoy the drives in it over the rest of the summer!
Chris, thank you! It's been a while eh?
I will definitely enjoy it and may even cross paths on one of your Wales visits.
I reckon this is a @Richard_UK photoshop..
chuffed for you Andy. Perfect timing to be home with the nice weather inbound.
He's getting far too good at these 'chops and 'shops - and the secret is out!
The timing is definitely good and the roads aren't so bad around here either as you know. Weather though. That's a different story! Not that I care. Once I've swapped to some decent rubber it will be taken out in all conditions. Thanks mate, all the best.
This has properly made my morning! Over the moon for you mate! As Ant says, it looks pretty bloody good, considering.
Fair play to Mick, it’s good to know there are still decent guys out there. Congratulations mate, enjoy it!
Ah, very kind of you Luke - thank you for the kind words. It certainly holds up pretty well. It should look even better when the paintwork and clearcoat has had some attention, scratches and dents have been removed, new plates added, etc. Note to self: stick to the decent guys!
Glad you finally have it home mate 😁
What this thread has done without question is show up what a complete shower of s**t the so called "specialists" on this forum over the years are really like after being bummed by so many people ! 🙄🤣
I never doubted it mate. Never. LMFAO!
Can't argue with you on that point. Made me look a right chump as well at times. W**kers!
Congrats! Glad it’s back in your care and that it’s come full circle 👍
Thank you mate. Please send over some of that sunshine, yeah? Cheers!
Excellent news!
What a journey you and the car have had together over the years.
Thanks Andy, I hope your own journey is far less troublesome and far more enjoyable. They are special little cars as you know yourself. Cheers!
9 Miles in over 6 years! must be the most expensive clio per mile ever to run.
You should get in contact with
Mind you, fuel economy-wise it hasn't been too bad over the last 6 years or so... The little fuel remaining in the tank was a bit past its best mind.
Awesome news, Andy!
Thanks Kieran! Mick was bloody useless but I managed to figure it out myself in the end...
I hope you are both well (and doggo).