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  Ph2 172
I'm going to go with an adaptronic from Andy@clioturbo. I'm interested too, not expecting a great deal on standard cams but I'll stick some 421s in eventually and see how it goes.
  Supercharged AG 200
:relieved: I think I remember someone telling me this was a cheap hobby!!!...................... no more car mods just now since @Andy93 beat me to it, so decided to upgrade the trailer to free up space in the tow car! bit of a boring post, but its this months progress none the less!
  Cayman S, RB 182
Managed to get swapped to the through the day session! Might need to give the car some tlc before the pounding though
  Cayman S, RB 182
Yeah hope so anyway!! I think I'll try my new suit out while im there. Might be a good opportunity to get some group photos of the cars
  Phase 2 172
Love detailed write-ups like these - keep the posts coming! Bit jealous to say the least....:persevere:

neil a

ClioSport Club Member
Looks like i won't be making it on Fri Craig , ended up having to take the gearbox out my car tonight :( . Will probably still fire up for a while in the Porsche to watch.
  Supercharged AG 200
Looks like i won't be making it on Fri Craig , ended up having to take the gearbox out my car tonight 😧 . Will probably still fire up for a while in the Porsche to watch.
not good mate, will catch up with you if you make it up.......... you might have won a watch looking at the weather anyway! glorious today, sh*t tomorrow and glorious Saturday and the rest of the next week!! That's Knockhill for you :smile:
  Supercharged AG 200
3rd April and the first track day of the year..... everything loaded up last night, weathers been great all day, there's a hope that the sun may stay for Friday, but the weather forecast thinks not!


Get to Knockhill reasonably early, the rain stopped as we arrived but that was as good as its got for the morning. Heavens opened and spirits were dampened a little, but a few laps in and despite the weather the smiles were on everyone's faces!! A lot of friendly banter going and as the paddock filled it was good to catch up with a few familiar faces!


Now the keen eyed of you shall notice the theme in the photo's above, red Clio on a trailer and that theme continued by 11:00am!!!!! An hour in and my first track day of the year jinx hit again, last year lead 3 goes cutting it short after 16 laps, this year the f@ck*ng clutch goes after 20!! Never mind, at least my cousin was there with his new track toy , the silver 172 above, and even in standard form, in the wet, we had massive fun all day! Apologies there aren't any more photos of the day, but i didn't feel the need to take a 3rd picture of the Clio sitting on the trailer lol! Big thanks to @Fraser.J. for his suggestion of stripping and fitting a new clutch in the paddock, but as the rain was pouring at that point, and i was somewhat p*ssed off, I wasn't really in the mood for it.

It was also good to put faces to a few names today @sburrell93 & @DrHammershaft. Stuart - hope your first track night finished as well as it started, your car looked great on track and you made it go very well.

Anyway time to start pulling the car to bits now and start repairing / modifying again! i'll update more as it happens:confused:


ClioSport Club Member
That's a real shame, but hopefully you've got your bad luck out the way and you can crack-on through the rest of the season. Looking forward to more positive updates in future ;)
  Supercharged AG 200
That's a real shame, but hopefully you've got your bad luck out the way and you can crack-on through the rest of the season. Looking forward to more positive updates in future :wink:
yeah if it follows the same trend as last year mate, all should go well....... bigger post will be coming, power upgrades are literally on the way:grimacing:


Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Cheers Craig, was good meeting you! The evening went well, got the times down to nearly 1:07 before I had to call it a night after the brakes were sparking pretty bad in most corners. Shame your clutch went so early in the day. Fraser had the right idea though lol, if only it had been nicer weather.


ClioSport Club Member
Excellent read so far. Car looks great and I love the fact that you have OCD on track car, I'd be the same. Gutted to read about the jinx 1st track day with the clutch but it'll get sorted in no time.

Red floors btw ;)
  Supercharged AG 200
Excellent read so far. Car looks great and I love the fact that you have OCD on track car, I'd be the same. Gutted to read about the jinx 1st track day with the clutch but it'll get sorted in no time.

Red floors btw :wink:
Cheers mate, yeah ocd's a b**ch lol, it been washed and detailed already this morning before it starts to get stripped..... (Really a down side to waking before 5 every morning so maybe not so much ocd)...... Re the red floors I'm also considering silver to go with the red / silver theme, iv acquired a set of silver mirrors that got fitted Thursday night and with the silver roof, thought it may tie in......? First of all though clutch! them it moves on to engine and the floor may happen in the winter this year :tongueclosed:
  Phase 2 172
Sorry to hear about the troubles! I'm toying with the idea of painting my floor this year, not sure on the colour to go though (I have a black 172). Think silver would look good on yours though!

May I ask you where you got the stickers for the roof?
  Supercharged AG 200
Sorry to hear about the troubles! I'm toying with the idea of painting my floor this year, not sure on the colour to go though (I have a black 172). Think silver would look good on yours though!

May I ask you where you got the stickers for the roof?

Cheers mate.
Ebay mate, 24.99 + delivery, they say it's for a mk3 clio, but if you email them they can do a mk2, I think it's probably the same one!

I always think black with black floor works, but maybe a subtle charcoal may work?
  Supercharged AG 200
Tonight's update kinda falls into that boring but possibly satisfying category................ the Trophy moves again! but you still feel a little robbed at spending cash for something you cant see! clutch fitted and all feels great, especially with the box oil changed as well............ :smile: Spent a little time deliberating over the best clutch for the job and ended up going with the Valeo standard one, maybe the wrong choice with the thoughts of engine upgrades looming, but at least I'll know how long I'm going to get out of a standard one!

set of wheel spacers ordered as well for the et43 1.2's and hopefully they will arrive before Sunday's track day! At least I think its a sessions day with an SLS mix, but I'll confirm that tomorrow and hopefully book up!

Hope to see some of you up there!


ClioSport Club Member
Spent a little time deliberating over the best clutch for the job and ended up going with the Valeo standard one, maybe the wrong choice with the thoughts of engine upgrades looming, but at least I'll know how long I'm going to get out of a standard one!
Which engine upgrades are you considering mate? :)
  Supercharged AG 200
Which engine upgrades are you considering mate? :smile:
fairly traditional mate, I have a gen 90, itb's by the end of the month and opting for a piper 285 cam set up. it will be a few months maybe longer until I get it built....... I would like to say reliable but as you know, nothing is ever guaranteed.......!!
  Phase 2 172
Can I just ask, how did you go about removing and cleaning up your sound deadening/tar? It looks mega clean!
  Supercharged AG 200
Can I just ask, how did you go about removing and cleaning up your sound deadening/tar? It looks mega clean!
use a heat gun get it tacky and use a scraper, keep heating it and most of it comes off no problem. then use white spirit and a microfiber cloth. wipe over the whole area to soften the residue, then put more white spirit and wipe it off. It comes up like new with very little effort, the heating and scraping takes lots patience lol!! micro fibre cloth seems to take the residue off better, it the same if your removing window tint glue, the micro-fibre cloth draws the residue into the cloth................hope this helps mate
  Phase 2 172
use a heat gun get it tacky and use a scraper, keep heating it and most of it comes off no problem. then use white spirit and a microfiber cloth. wipe over the whole area to soften the residue, then put more white spirit and wipe it off. It comes up like new with very little effort, the heating and scraping takes lots patience lol!! micro fibre cloth seems to take the residue off better, it the same if your removing window tint glue, the micro-fibre cloth draws the residue into the cloth................hope this helps mate
Everything I've been trying then. Spent about 2 hours this evening just working on a small piece in the footwell. I used a cheapy hair dryer, small scraper thing then was left with a right mess. So I tried using some white spirit which just seemed to move it around - although I didn't use a microfibre.... So used some "Sticky Stuff Remover" which seemed to work a bit better.

Still got loads to do so will keep at it and might have it all off by Christmas!

Did you use any hot soapy water or anything for the rest of the floorpan?
  Supercharged AG 200

Tonight's update! a few more bits arrived today............... 16mm spacers from JJC & 10mm spacers from MAD. I have 3 sets of TD pro race 1.2's, 2 of them ET 35 and one set ET 43, so trying to balance things out ok. With the camber shims on the rear the 35mm fill the arches ok with no rubbing, so I'll use the 10mm on the front to widen the track a little............. when the ET 43's go on, 10mm spacer on the rear and 16mm on the front, seem to fill the arches well and no rubbing on the rear on the road, but Sunday shall tell on track!

Quite happy with the JJC ones, 60.1 bore and centre lip / spiggot for the wheels to sit on and enlarged holes to fit over the bulb on the stud kit (where it meets the disc), the MAD ones came with the same centre bore but the stud holes were slightly undersized, they fitted over the stud no problem, but when against the disc they couldn't fit over the bulb and the wheels wouldn't tighten, or did but continually as u pulled it over the problem............!! 10 min's and an enlarge of the holes later and problem solved, but not ideal!!

hopefully some benefit to be had on track anyway.......? ran out of light for taking photo's of the wheels on the car, so ill post some at the weekend if I remember :fearscream:
  Supercharged AG 200
Everything I've been trying then. Spent about 2 hours this evening just working on a small piece in the footwell. I used a cheapy hair dryer, small scraper thing then was left with a right mess. So I tried using some white spirit which just seemed to move it around - although I didn't use a microfibre.... So used some "Sticky Stuff Remover" which seemed to work a bit better.

Still got loads to do so will keep at it and might have it all off by Christmas!

Did you use any hot soapy water or anything for the rest of the floorpan?
you need a heat gun mate, not a hair dryer, you'll be there for ever and a day, the heat gun gets it almost melted so all you have left is the residuee, then the white spirit eats through it............... no soapy water required at all. you'll get a cheap heat gun at Aldi or B&Q for £20 quid, it will save you 2 months of time lol
  Phase 2 172
you need a heat gun mate, not a hair dryer, you'll be there for ever and a day, the heat gun gets it almost melted so all you have left is the residuee, then the white spirit eats through it............... no soapy water required at all. you'll get a cheap heat gun at Aldi or B&Q for £20 quid, it will save you 2 months of time lol

Was referring to how clean yours looks! I might try and pick one up tomorrow then :)
  Supercharged AG 200
Was referring to how clean yours looks! I might try and pick one up tomorrow then :smile:
Cheers mate, if you were local you could have borrowed mine............. once you get it all off you'll look back and think it really wasn't worth hassle lol, but there is something nice about clean :smile:
