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[video] My new toy...

  Titanium 182
Haha that looks cool, is this that massive black expensive looking pile of metal you posted a picture of on facebook ?
Was that shot with a DSRL then mate or a video camera?

Just my 5Dii on Auto mate.

That looks awesome mate.

Just a tip, when the car is moving past, play this song;


Haha, should have done, really.

haha awesome.

I'd love to get into video, but I don't have the patience when it comes to editing.

It's not much worse than pictures mate! Only pain is waiting for sequences to render, but that's times to make brews.
  RIP Dan
Its awesome, would love to get into video but not great at stills and my Mrs would kill me if I spend any more monies.

Look forward to seeing you progress with it.
That looks great, really haven't got around to exploring the video functionality on my 7D. This has inspired me to have a play at the weekend!
  RIP Dan
Fair play. I am lucky really as she when we have money I can get pretty much what I want. Have an idea for a film which I have been working on for years, I will make it one day....a short motorsport documentary btw not some pro Spielberg epic. When I say working on I mean writing notes and generally dreaming about it.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
As per FB mate I'm ridiculously jealous! Going to have another play with video at the weekend I think.
