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Virgin existing customer deals?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Pretty sue the phone line was free when we signed up. We dont even have a landline connected

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Had the same letter today, £5.50 a month increase. Only a few months into a new contract I think but can cancel without fee now. Seriously thinking about looking into Sky Glass and f**king virgin off finally

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Our VM contract ends in a few weeks and I’m struggling to get a decent deal from them (not told them to cancel my contract yet).

I looked at sky as a new customer and by the time I’d added

HD channels
Sky and BT sport
Sky movies
Decent broadband

it was coming out as much as what I’m being offered from V


ClioSport Club Member
Had the same letter through, going up £3.50 from £22 for 100mbps business service. My contract isn't up until October so I'm not sure a complaint would yield me much.

In fairness, since they upgraded my nearest cab I now have rock solid 100/10 down/up.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Our VM contract ends in a few weeks and I’m struggling to get a decent deal from them (not told them to cancel my contract yet).

I looked at sky as a new customer and by the time I’d added

HD channels
Sky and BT sport
Sky movies
Decent broadband

it was coming out as much as what I’m being offered from V
Baffles me that we are what 20+ years on from when HD tv was rolled out and it's still being offered as an upgrade and things are still being recorded or shown as SD. That should have been killed off and HD made the new standard 10 years ago! They then have your balls in a vice over this HD balls#it!


ClioSport Club Member
  Not anymore
Well it's that time again already, just noticed Virgin took £50 out so time to "cancel"
I bet they just cancel it this time and don't bother trying to offer anything 😂
Been having issues for a good few months now too where stuff just doesn't load on my phone or Netflix or something, sits there buffering. Need to get em told
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My deal expires next month, cannot knock the service though... It's been perfect for 12 months! *Awaits router spontaneously combusting*
My deal expires next month, cannot knock the service though... It's been perfect for 12 months! *Awaits router spontaneously combusting*
Well this is hilarious... 5mins after posting the above, we've lost service.

Cannot make it up! [emoji23]


ClioSport Club Member
If you want to speak to someone in the country, more than likely Scottish, 08009522277 for renewals/cancellations

Person I spoke to almost halved what it was meant to be.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I didn't say I didn't like Scottish people, just based on conversations with @rctempire I can't tell what the f**k they're saying
I was in the arse end of McNowhere the other weekend while on our Scottish road trip, and while filling up at a petrol station a bloke came over and said nice car.

He then proceeded to say something else, which I didn't understand at all, so I just relied with "yeah I've had it nearly three years"...he seemed to be happy with that response and strolled off into the distance.

I should have been able to understand him really, after all my dad is Scottish 🤣
I've just renewed my M350 package... Managed to get the same price of £34 per month, that'll do for a 10min phone call!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I've just renewed my M350 package... Managed to get the same price of £34 per month, that'll do for a 10min phone call!

How did you go about it? I have same deal currently and it runs out in November I believe.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Just negotiatiated 55 quid a month for max it tv , bt sport, landline free calls, line rental and 200 speed broadband from the 89 they wanted to put it up to🤣


ClioSport Club Member
I was 1.5hrs on the phone to them today, what a f**king shambles of a company it went something like this....

Logged in to see my deal has ended and I'm now up to full price, the TV box hasn't even been plugged in for 6 months so decided to try and find out if I can go internet only without calling, of course not.

Call up, press all the options to get to where I need to get to, message to say they are extremely busy and to get all the help with downgrading or cancelling press 1 to get a link sent to help faster (I assumed some sort of web chat) - Press 1 to get a link to the page on their website that says if you want to cancel or downgrade, call this number, the page I was on to get the number in the first place!!!!

I call back, hold for 25 minutes and get a call centre, abroad, explain what I want to do, I want to go from top TV, a phone line and 1Gb internet to internet only, after repeatedly trying to convince me to keep my TV and phone and offering me different, slightly lower, but still s**t prices I firmly tell her she's not listening to me I WANT TO GO INTERNET ONLY, she tells me she doesn't have the authority to do that. I loose my s**t and ask for cancelations.

By this point I'm close to throwing their equipment out into the street - I get passed to another team, explain it all again, the negotiation starts again by this point I'm telling them downgrade it to 100Mb internet only, I want to give this company the least possible amount of money possible, she goes away to "speak to her manager" and comes back with OK, we can downgrade your internet to 100Mb, retain your TV and phone line for £50 something a month, LOST MY s**t.

I'm now on 50Mb (LOL!) internet and £29 a month - That gives me 18 months to start to move all my accounts to another email address so I don't need the Virgin one and by then hopefully 5G will have rolled out in this area or Virgin will have sorted their s**t out.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
I was 1.5hrs on the phone to them today, what a f**king shambles of a company it went something like this....

Logged in to see my deal has ended and I'm now up to full price, the TV box hasn't even been plugged in for 6 months so decided to try and find out if I can go internet only without calling, of course not.

Call up, press all the options to get to where I need to get to, message to say they are extremely busy and to get all the help with downgrading or cancelling press 1 to get a link sent to help faster (I assumed some sort of web chat) - Press 1 to get a link to the page on their website that says if you want to cancel or downgrade, call this number, the page I was on to get the number in the first place!!!!

I call back, hold for 25 minutes and get a call centre, abroad, explain what I want to do, I want to go from top TV, a phone line and 1Gb internet to internet only, after repeatedly trying to convince me to keep my TV and phone and offering me different, slightly lower, but still s**t prices I firmly tell her she's not listening to me I WANT TO GO INTERNET ONLY, she tells me she doesn't have the authority to do that. I loose my s**t and ask for cancelations.

By this point I'm close to throwing their equipment out into the street - I get passed to another team, explain it all again, the negotiation starts again by this point I'm telling them downgrade it to 100Mb internet only, I want to give this company the least possible amount of money possible, she goes away to "speak to her manager" and comes back with OK, we can downgrade your internet to 100Mb, retain your TV and phone line for £50 something a month, LOST MY s**t.

I'm now on 50Mb (LOL!) internet and £29 a month - That gives me 18 months to start to move all my accounts to another email address so I don't need the Virgin one and by then hopefully 5G will have rolled out in this area or Virgin will have sorted their s**t out.

Your mistake there was not just pressing the option to cancel and speak to cancellations to start with they are the only ones you get any sense or deals from the other departments especially non UK centres are a totally f**king useless!!
How did you go about it? I have same deal currently and it runs out in November I believe.

Current deal was set to expire 30th Sept - I called virgin, went through the 32434653464 options to reach retentions/cancellations team.

Explained I wanted to renew my deal before switching to standard rate, times are hard, trying to cut costs etc. After a quick conversation she agreed to match the initial offer price for another 18months! I was actually shocked how easy the process was... Given some of the horror stories here and generally online.


ClioSport Club Member
  Straight 6
Get through to cancellations every time as quick as you can, I managed to get 200mb internet only for £32/month - didn't need phone or tv, the Scottish chap was very helpful.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Get through to cancellations every time as quick as you can, I managed to get 200mb internet only for £32/month - didn't need phone or tv, the Scottish chap was very helpful.

Yep real easy when you speak to cancellations.


ClioSport Club Member
  Not anymore
I've just balls'd up and didn't go straight on with cancellation.
They got me 200mb for £38 when I called.
My 100mb package went up to £54 last month.
I'll just ring again tomorrow and cancel that because I've just seen new customers get 516mb for that price!
I know I'm not new customer but still if they can offer it they can do it!

Also apparently I'm using an average of 340ish GB a month. There's 3 people live here and the average for a 5 person house is something like 250 😂

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Just been called to upgrade to this for £94.99 per month, checked their website and it’s £85 per month 🤔

If I can get it for £85 I think i’ll go ahead.

Sim card will be handy as i’ll just go sim only rather than upgrading my phone contract, and save money not paying for Netflix.


Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Just been called to upgrade to this for £94.99 per month, checked their website and it’s £85 per month 🤔

If I can get it for £85 I think i’ll go ahead.

Sim card will be handy as i’ll just go sim only rather than upgrading my phone contract, and save money not paying for Netflix.

Think we are on that deal (never used the sim either).

mid it’s the same as ours you get an O2 sim and pay them £25 a month and VM the balance. I’m waiting for the fin and games when the contact expires and I have to get O2 to cancel the sim


ClioSport Club Member
  172 PH1
They called my bluff, I cancelled... waiting to hear back from retentions, hopefully!?

If not, time to leave Virgin. After 15 years or so.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 PH1
Don't say you'll cancel, just say you're unhappy paying X amount when you can sign up as a new customer and get a better deal
Not this time, been doing it 15 years but they had no good deals to offer! We're see.. I don't mind leaving after all this time.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
VM are becoming hardened to “I’m going to cancel blah blah blah”. I’ve been on their Cable network since it was NTL and they happily cancelled my services after I threatened to leave.

I called them back the next day saying I over-reacted 😂 and they reinstated my services.

I’m still paying £20 a month more for the same services a newbie can get. It’s shocking treatment but other than their hubs which are utter shite, they’re still pretty good compared to the competition.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
You gave in after one day?!! I cancelled last year, they arranged to collect the boxes etc. a few days later they called and honoured the original new customer deal

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
You gave in after one day?!! I cancelled last year, they arranged to collect the boxes etc. a few days later they called and honoured the original new customer deal
Yes I know, I was weak. It was a few years ago and there weren't really any competitive alternatives. The contract is up in January and the TIVO is going back, so we'll see how i do then.
