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What do you do when you come up behind another Clio RS on the road?

  Clio 2.0 RS 172 Ph1
I'm not going to turn this into a "i raced this and bla bla" kinda thread, however I came up behind another PH1 Rs today after taking mine to the garage to check air pressures now that the snow is gone. I instantly got excited, checked for the signs that it was a proper RS, then proceeded to pull along side (dual carriageway) and hope the young whipper snapper would notice mine too! (sounds rather gay). He noticed me also and seemed to be just as excited and we had a brief play as he then turned off for a petrol station (probably to check tyre pressures)

How do you react seeing another on the road, do you get excited and instantly want to errr.. share the mutual appreciation with a fellow owner? Or.. do i need to grow up?


ClioSport Admin
I get really giddy, overtake/undertake everything to get along side... Flash lights, wave, nod and get greeted by a middle aged lady with no idea what she's driving. Then I get embarrassed and smoke em
  Clio 2.0 RS 172 Ph1
I get really giddy, overtake/undertake everything to get along side... Flash lights, wave, nod and get greeted by a middle aged lady with no idea what she's driving. Then I get embarrassed and smoke em

I don't like typing this however I really did LOL.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member

First one to look away loses.

I only wave etc if it's someone I know.
as he then turned off for a petrol station (probably to check tyre pressures)
...or get petrol maybe?

I don't do anything when I see another RS. When I get home though, I open the 'spotted' section on CS and sit refreshing it every 5 seconds until I become exhausted and fall asleep.
  clio sold :(
I spot them all the time no one waves back or flashes. Normally looks like they dont even care what car there in!!
Including mine theres often 4 on my road none have waved or said hello and two have Cs tax disc holders
First one to look away loses.

I only wave etc if it's someone I know.

LOL!!! :cool:

...or get petrol maybe?

I don't do anything when I see another RS. When I get home though, I open the 'spotted' section on CS and sit refreshing it every 5 seconds until I become exhausted and fall asleep.

nah, surely he can't have been getting petrol at a petrol station.... he must have been checking his tyre pressures....

and I actually do the second part! :eek:
  Clio Sport 172.
It all depends on the driver, it's an older driver uninterested in the car they drive I ignore. If it's a younger driver I generally look for the CS sticker, a nod maybe but that's it.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I force them of the road.

Tbh I stopped doing anything quite some time ago because I just kept getting blank looks,
so I only wave if I see a CS sticker, even then I still get blank looks most of the time.

I came to the conclusion that only a very small amount of people are members of CS,
so you're basically waving at someone that doesn't give a sh*t about owning an RS Clio,
to them it's just a Clio with a 2.0L engine.

This is even more common with the 197s and 200s,
they just went into the showroom and bought the 'sporty' model.


ClioSport Club Member
I've never seen one that didn't belong to someone I already know. One day I will be spotted. One day.
  FF Racing Blue 182
i have a quick glance but thats it....but you get the ones where they a 197 and think their better than you 172/182 all the way
  172 Phase II
Never seen another 172/182 on the road.. Maybe not a lot here in Holland. Will go crazy though, first time I'll see one.
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  Renault Clio 182 FF
I thought acknowledging another RS by waving or nodding was a good idea until I got parred off by an RS driver a couple of days ago who didn't want to do the same when we past each other in traffic (our cars were level with each others too !)
  Astra (H) VXR
Flash them, with my **** not my lights. Get a little excited but as said normally see a middle aged woman driving them :( become instantly disheartened and drive off flat out in the hope they realise that this is what it was designed for
