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ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Well, just got in. Traffic was awful all the way from Leeds to Wales. Had a quick blast near home and through the tunnels... Wow, epic sound! For a hot day and tight engine it goes like stink. WELL happy. Updates to follow... Need food and drink now. It's been a 14 hour marathon to get the bloody thing! But worth it. Wow :)
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Great result :) I'm sure Andy is the same as me and the reliability is more important to him that pub figures. Mines similar spec on same dyno did 209bhp :)

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Great news mate. I'm chuffed for you. :D
  Clio Trophy #343
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Glad to see its home with you mate :) looking forward to the pics and updates as it gets used :)

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Great stuff Andy. I expect you'll be out enjoying it as much as possible now :)


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Bet its been driven and detailed to death today lol !


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Apologies for the huuuuuge multi-quote but I don't like ignoring people :eek:
Awesome news!
Absolutely mate. To say I'm excited is quite an understatement.

Great news mate! Looking forward to the updates.
Cheers Ash. Hopefully will have an update later tonight or in a couple of days. I know that it's the dyno graph that most people are interested in so will try and get that up soon! LOL!

That's great news :)

Chuffed for you bud!
Cheers Oli! Got there in the end... It's not been the easiest of builds but the third block obviously worked after the original (and second) had to be scrapped.

Finally I only ever log on here to see how this car is getting on and I'm really glad it's up and running and fairly healthy.
Thanks mate. It's early days of course, but I would say it's more than fairly healthy. It's a beaut. It drives so nicely :)

Good to see it back up and running enjoy the running in miles
It's already run in mate - RS Tuning did it for me. I just get to enjoy the fruits of his mapping and Fred's build. For the record, the gearbox Fred rebuilt is pretty sweet to.

I'll believe it when see it. I think your trophy is now a thing of myth, to maintain CS elite (oh hai) status. ;)
Sorry fella... it's real. I was beginning to wonder myself at one point but - alas - she is real and she lives. I need that CS Elite status so there was no way this was ever going to fail... :p

Nice one! Warm it up proper before each use mind!
Cheers buddy! Don't worry, she will be looked after and thoroughly warmed up each time. She may even end up doing less miles as my new house is within walking distance of my office so... who knows. :)

Great news, hope all goes well!! Can't wait for the next update
Thank you - hopefully (as said) there'll be a cheeky little update shortly.

Awesome news... Still love mine 2 years on. You won't get bored of the noise out the front and back haha
Cheers mate. The sound is something else. So much better than my old setup. Coupled with the exhaust it sounds unlike anything else I've heard. I was actually giggling... :eek: Glad you are also still enjoying yours mate. Long may it continue. You've got to love these high comp NA builds.

I'd put the "low" figure mainly down to the fact that people are too used to over inflated nonsense figures from rollers that arent accurate.

Ie 210 is actually pretty good going considering thats a 40 odd bhp increase over a standard car on the same rollers just from some hotter cams, a little more compression, and a set of bodies, thats acutally a very significant increase considering no boost.
Indeed mate. I'm not complaining at all and I'm over the moon with it. Early days of course, but the signs are promising. It didn't go bang on the rollers and there are no leaks! I'm just keeping a close eye on it but all is good so far. Hopefully that will remain the case. Fred's not far away anyway if something goes awry... I know he's already missing it. ;)

It'll drive lovely.
Exactly Tony. I just wish I'd bought a diff when I bought the car because I can't believe how much better it feels with one.

It'd be reading 225 elsewhere ;)
Hahaha! Very possibly mate. I've a couple of places I can go should I feel the need for inflated figures and pub talk! :)

Great news mate, very happy for you.

When are you collecting it, today?
Cheers fella :) I was indeed collecting it today (now yesterday). It was one hell of a long day but certainly worth it. 14 hours all in from setting out to returning home. Bleurgh.

bang on at last!did my old mate have a nice trip up there in his kangoo!?
Haha! Finally, eh? Yes - he did have a nice trip up. I'm not so sure about the trip back though... Damn that M1.

Actually, I'll need some bits from you soon mate. Specifically some Megane plugs :)

210 on those rollers going by results on here in the past is damn good going, especially during a hot July! Bet you're properly chuffed. I miss mine :(
Chuffed I am Mike. My mojo has also returned! :)

Soo no more updates for awhile from sharky as he will be making up for lost time!!
Enjoy it you waited patiently long enough :)
Haha! Yep, I might be busy for a while whilst I put some miles on it. I've managed almost 400 miles since picking it up yesterday so all is good. Oh that sound! :eek:

:clap::clap: Great News mate :D glad its sorted at last !
Enjoy it Andy you REALLY deserve it after what you have been thru !

Did you get the rad sorted ?
Cheers fella - I fully plan to!!! :) The rad is still the VW Polo item. Sadly the alternative wasn't suitable. I'll go the custom route at some point. To be fair, I only had problems on the way home from RS Tuning with the Polo rad due to the congestion and standing traffic. I hate doing it but had to do a bit of lane-hopping to keep it cool. Back home in Wales, traffic isn't a problem though so it's no biggie. That said, a proper solution will be sorted out as I'm not the sort to go half-assed on things :)

This coming to Llandow Sharky? ;)
It is :) Once I've got the photography duties out of the way I plan on doing a lap or two. You're more than welcome to jump in if you wish (brave or foolhardy?!)

Shotgun !!! I want a ride :)

Great result Andy. I can already hear it buzzing around the mountains in Wales next year ;)
LOL! No problem mate - you're more than welcome. Don't expect miracles from the driver though! Roll on Wales Tour 2015... I think it should happen again. :)

It made over 200 - that'll do!

We could stick the AT sensor in a kettle next time and it'd do better ;)
I wish you'd suggested that beforehand. Anything for better pub talk figures... pfft. :p

Mine is of very similar spec to this and made 212 on Pauls rollers, so readings are pretty much spot on. Bet you loved the drive back home with the ITB's ;)
The drive home was awful mate. But that was due to the Friday traffic, roadworks, accidents and M1 / M42. Once I got on the M50 and closer to home then - yes - I LOVED that bit of the drive. ;) That was quite special.

Great result :) I'm sure Andy is the same as me and the reliability is more important to him that pub figures. Mines similar spec on same dyno did 209bhp :)
Absolutely James. If it drives well I'm happy. A genuine 200bhp+ and I'm happy. We all know what these engines are like in reality with NA tuning so happy days as far as I'm concerned. She'll be even better when a little looser. Ooer. It's not very often I say that...

Great news mate. I'm chuffed for you. :D

Thanks gentlemen. :)

Glad to see its home with you mate :) looking forward to the pics and updates as it gets used :)
I'm sure there will be plenty mate! ;)

Great stuff Andy. I expect you'll be out enjoying it as much as possible now :)
You just try and stop me. I'm gutted I'm away for a couple of days now whilst the Type-R gets fixed. The T will be sat all lonely and stationary. *sigh*

Bet its been driven and detailed to death today lol !
Driven? Yes. Detailed? Nah. That can wait. That being said... well, it will become clear in my next update ;)

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Great stuff Andy, glad your enjoying it at last. :)
  clio 182 trophy
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Just got in and seen the updates from yest and today. Excellent news Andy! Proper chuffed for you that you have the T back and that it is running very well! @210bhp is a great result, i will be looking forward to seeing it in action at llandow!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

July 2014 - Home at Last!

Friday 26-Jul-2014 and my beloved pink shed is finally back home.

After a year-and-a-half of trials and tribulations, ups and downs, blood, sweat and tears... (that''s just Fred!) I'm happy to say that my Trophy is finally home. This update will just attempt to pull together the last few days and also show the pictures that everyone REALLY wants to see. Yep, the dyno plot. I'm sure it will raise some debate. Boosted boys/girls... you can just move along! LOL! ;)

So yes, jumping back a couple of days to the 24th and Paul at RS Tuning had time to turn his attention to my car. Fred popped up as well (for moral support?) and the car was run-in and mapping completed. An image showing that this car of mine did actually exist was also released on a popular social media site...


More importantly, the car was shown on the rollers and in one piece; with a pleasant lack of flames and debris. This, I was assured, was a good sign. I was sat at my workstation in work when I got the call that day to say that it hadn't gone bang and that it was ready for collecting. I won't lie, I was pretty excited. I wasn't expecting the call for a while so being ready so quickly was a pleasant surprise and very much a bonus. Now, my long-suffering boss has pretty much ridden the ups-and-downs of the last 18 months with me so I think this call also came as a relief to him. Before I'd put the phone down he had already nodded his agreement insofar that I could take the next day (Friday) off to collect it! He's a good boss like that :)

Arriving home Thursday evening I excitedly got a few bits together (including tax disc) ready for an early start on the Friday morning.

Friday 25th rolled around and I was up bright and early and off to catch the train. I wasn't looking forward to the journey in all truth as I'd had a bad night due to an upset stomach. :( But nothing was going to stop me collecting the damn thing!

Naturally, things didn't go so well. Whilst it was a day of excitement there's also a not so pleasant side due to said stomach upset. But I won't dwell on that too much! Suffice to say, a late train caused my first missed connection of the day and I had to get off the next train twice to find toilets. I hadn't even made it out of Wales by this point. In the end my timetable and train journey was out the window so I made it up as I went along. F**k it, the ticket had cost me £130 so I was going to make the most of it! Ultimately this meant I arrived in Leeds around 2pm instead of midday as I had hoped. After getting the keys from Paul and settling the bill I (admittedly nervously) got into the car and made my way home. Only 200 yards down the road I had to join the main road traffic and it was BUSY! After a few minutes waiting for a gap I finally spied one and went for it. As I had a certain amount of lock on and had to give it a few beans to get out it was immediately brought to my attention that I had indeed had a diff installed. LOL! It took me by surprise.

The rest is pretty boring so I'll spare the details. Basically I hit the M1 and it was a 7 hour journey before I finally rolled into my driveway. The Friday traffic was an absolute nightmare. On a couple of occasions I did have to lane-hop a bit to keep airflow over the rad as it got hot after a while in standing M1 traffic jams. Overall though, she did fine. No word of a lie, I probably didn't get above 50mph until after I passed Nottingham. It was that bad. The M42 wasn't great either but I hopped off to pop into Fred's to drop some bits off and to let him have a nosey. I know he's grown to love it and can't get enough of it... After a chat, a handshake and thanks for his efforts and I was on my way. Traffic was still sh!te. :(

Thankfully, things did get much better once I got onto the M50 and roads closer to home. That bit of the journey was good. Very good. Special even :) Especially the tunnels! It drove beautifully and - even with damper settings all over the place - I loved it. That alone made it all worthwhile.

So... we then roll into today (Saturday 26th). The car needed a clean as it was filthy. But it also needs miles put on the engine. No brainer. I called my mate @JON13S down in Weston-Super-Mare and agreed to pop over to see him. In hindsight, it might have been a mistake...

I hadn't even made it to the M4 and I got pulled by the police! No, I wasn't speeding and I hadn't given any reason for being pulled. I was quite literally pootling along and waiting for the engine to get up to temperature. Still, I got pulled over and the first line from the Officer was along the lines of, "...interesting sounding car you have here..." To be fair, I think he was expecting someone a bit younger than me and I think my advanced years probably threw him somewhat! LOL! I did think about playing the Damon Hill card but thought better of it... ;) There followed a check of the lights, tyres, tread, and so forth. I jokingly said to the officer that I hope I wasn't going to get nicked as I'd only just got the car back! The only problem was the tax disc. It had the old tax disc on that expired a looong time ago. However, I did have the new tax disc in the glovebox with my licence but it wasn't on display. I hadn't put it in the tax disc holder as yet because I couldn't find a small enough Allen key. I was warned that it should be on display and to get it on display as soon as possible. And I was then on my way.

Hitting the M5 I realised that it was a stupid idea to head to Weston on a Saturday when the weather is good. The stop / start traffic was a pain (again) and I popped off early at the Nailsea junction just to go around the roundabout a few times to keep the car cool!

It took a while but I eventually made it to my mate's place. He was sat waiting along with @marc1330 and his awesome ITB's 172 Cup. It was a tidy little Clio meet, the only difference being that we actually talked to each other and had a few laughs... ;) As said above, I was more interested in driving than cleaning it... but jon13s was disgusted and got his cleaning gear out! I didn't have to lift a finger whilst he snow-foamed and shampoo'd it for me. What an absolute star. He's now my official cleaning b!tch. Thanks mate!


:) I also cheekily made use of his trolley jack and set the dampers back to sensible settings. It just wasn't working having one set soft and the other quite firm! A drive later on confirmed that things were again set up nicely.

Ok, I think you've probably read enough waffle by now so let's get the dyno graph up. I don't have many other pics yet but they will be coming in a future update when I've put some miles on the car. Hopefully better quality pics, too! A smidgeon more torque would have been nice but, judging by the way it drives, it's not too shabby!



Someone asked what it was like at idle once warmed up... but I can't remember who?!?! All I have so far is this video of my exhaust that I took just before going out earlier. It's a crap vid but it's all I've got for now; runs quite nicely I think (but the video doesn't do it justice).

It sounds quite purposeful on the move.

I have a list of things to get for the car now, and things to do, and this will be happening over the next month or so. Happy days! Over the moon! :)
Last edited by a moderator:

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

1st thing is that Friday was the 25th of July. Not the 26th. :rasp:

2nd is that 2 great things happened on that day, my son was born 11 years ago and you got your epic car back. :D


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

1st thing is that Friday was the 25th of July. Not the 26th. :rasp:
Sssh, I know... but I can't edit it :( :eek: D'oh! I was just testing to see if you'd notice it...

2nd is that 2 great things happened on that day, my son was born 11 years ago and you got your epic car back. :D
As chuffed as I am about the car, a birth of a son beats it. Congrats mate and a belated "Happy Birthday" to junior! :)
  A4 DTM/iceberg cup
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Good to see you and the car again Andy, always feels like too long between visits.

Please don't publicise that I occasionally clean cars, I have my poor reputation to uphold. But it was a state........,
On that note if anyone ever fancies a challenge I have a iceburg 172 cup that would love a good clean and polish!

Back to the Trophy, well I must thank Andy for letting me have a spin and putting the trust in my limited ability to go and conquer a couple of B roads. The car sounds unique (but then again so is Andy's trademark giggle that has been absent for so long) and goes rather well.

The he noise is bizarre, Pleasantly muted at idle and cruising speeds and sounds like the gates of hell have opened up once the loud pedal is pressed. Really does make the car drivable, I hadn't realised how confidence inspiring the trophy suspension set up was, and along with the diff the car seems well sorted on the road.

Now my problem is that I loved my first drive of a trophy, and it happens to be the one that's as far from standard as they get.....must resist temptation to mess with the cup....

All in all it was great at to see the car back on the road after so long and hopefully a couple more choice modifications will wrap the package up nicely.
  Evo 5 RS
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

What cams are they Andy? That idle sounds awesome!

Or to some people in the street like its gonna stall any second lol


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Good to see you and the car again Andy, always feels like too long between visits.
Likewise my friend - always a pleasure! :) Especially if it means I end up with a clean car... :p Naturally I'd be happy to have a go on your Cup mate. It looks fantastic as it is anyway.

Back to the Trophy, well I must thank Andy for letting me have a spin and putting the trust in my limited ability to go and conquer a couple of B roads. The car sounds unique (but then again so is Andy's trademark giggle that has been absent for so long) and goes rather well.

The he noise is bizarre, Pleasantly muted at idle and cruising speeds and sounds like the gates of hell have opened up once the loud pedal is pressed. Really does make the car drivable, I hadn't realised how confidence inspiring the trophy suspension set up was, and along with the diff the car seems well sorted on the road.
Glad you enjoyed it. You'll have to have another go when it's got a few more miles on the engine. I quite enjoyed the ride as passenger whilst you had a go to be honest!

Now my problem is that I loved my first drive of a trophy, and it happens to be the one that's as far from standard as they get.....must resist temptation to mess with the cup....
Your life won't be worth living... LOL! The missus wouldn't be too impressed. Besides, you've got a certain Audi that would get jealous :)

All in all it was great at to see the car back on the road after so long and hopefully a couple more choice modifications will wrap the package up nicely.
Indeed. The order list has already been drawn up along with a few other things I want to sort out. It never ends...

What cams are they Andy? That idle sounds awesome!

Or to some people in the street like its gonna stall any second lol
Yeah, I have to admit I like the idle. :) They are Schrick cams mate.

Epic mate, really am happy for you
Thanks fella. I'm over the moon. :)

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Sounds like mine on idle with itbs and piper cams. Graph looks very similar too (like most itb'd and cammed Clios!) So I know how well it will go now :) Bet it was worth the wait!


ClioSport Club Member
  Hill lover
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Was good to see the 'old girl' yesterday mate sounded awesome.
We will have to get them all together for a good blow out like Jon mentioned !!!

I will drop the cup round for a full detail now Jon my Albanian friend!!! ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Looks and sounds epic :) Good things comes to those who wait and boyo is that good :)
I agree, Keith :) Hopefully there will be some opportunity to see you and for you to get a closer look at it sometime.

Sounds like mine on idle with itbs and piper cams. Graph looks very similar too (like most itb'd and cammed Clios!) So I know how well it will go now :) Bet it was worth the wait!
Absolutely mate. NA all the way :) I really enjoy having to keep the engine fizzing to get the most out of it. :)

Was good to see the 'old girl' yesterday mate sounded awesome.
We will have to get them all together for a good blow out like Jon mentioned !!!

I will drop the cup round for a full detail now Jon my Albanian friend!!! ;)
Likewise, Marc. Your Cup was looking and sounding as good as ever (when you left for work... boo!) It's a shame you had to shoot because Jon was on fire and would have probably cleaned your Cup and the whole street if I hadn't stopped him. Even the Astra VXR up the street! I'm definitely up for a good blow out sometime. Keep the Llandow track day in mind, too... just in case you are interested and can make it ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

The lack of updates in this thread is making me sad :cry:
Haha! Just for you mate... I'll do a little update below...

Too busy driving to be typing.
:) Indeed. Although I wish I had a little more time as there's so much other stuff going on at the moment. Pah!

Exactly! Bet he has spent more time in the T than his house since he's had if back!lol. Chuffed for him that it is all sorted and running very well.
Cheers mate! To be honest I've put a fair few miles on over the last week ;) but, talking of houses, I've just got a new place and the good lady and I are currently in the process of sorting out all the gubbins that go with that. Coupled with being busy in work I'm not getting as much time behind the wheel as I want. But I am certainly enjoying the time I am behind it.

Just for @Tommo... :p

August 2014 - Mini update

So... over the last 8-9 days I've put 600 miles on the Trophy. Obviously it still feels a little tight but it's running flawlessly and with zero problems. I was expecting to have to top up the coolant and add a splash of oil here and there but, so far, I've only used ~100 ml of oil (which is nothing). Likewise, I've had no problems with overheating but I've not had any problems with standing traffic either so airflow hasn't been a problem. To be fair, the only issue I have is one of 'respect' for my neighbours. It's not the quietest of things from cold start and sounds like a bag of spanners! LOL! You certainly notices the vibration through the cabin as well with the uprated mounts. Jeez... the steering wheel shakes and forget looking through the rear view mirror. Everything is blurred! LOL!

So yes, I'm enjoying putting the miles on it. It really drives beautifully once warmed up. Whilst the Quaiffe "isn't a proper diff" (amazing how many people like to keep reminding me about that one!) it does make a significant difference and perfectly complements the Trophy suspension. Well, now that I've set the Sachs up correctly. I never realised they had 36 clicks of adjustability?!?!?!?! I just have to resist the temptation to throw the car into the corners when I've got passengers in as I don't have harnesses fitted. :eek:

Obviously the bulk of the work is done but there are just a few minor things that are left to do.

Firstly I bought a Mocal catch tank along with some brake fluid and Millers oil.


Fred recommended the Millers and a change to 10w60 with regards to the higher compression. I have some Ferodo DS2500's that will be fitted very shortly to replace what I am currently running (I think they are Brembo as my old pads crumbled). The Brembo's are in good condition so will be kept.

The Mocal will be added in the next week or so as well (thanks to a friendly pair of hands) and a bit of fabrication work to lower the position of the GEN90 ECU. This will then allow me to add another item I've ordered - Pure Motorsport Top Mounts and strut. :)


I've also been talking to a lad who does some rather nice welding and fabrication of alloy radiators, catch tanks, and so forth. Come next pay day I'll be paying him a visit to get a proper rad solution in place.


At this moment in time I don't really have much more to add. I've got a pre-cat Lambda sensor coming that needs fitting and my insurance is also due in the next few days. Ouch, it's been an expensive month! LOL!

I'll hopefully get some more updates soon (and some videos all being well).


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  M2 Comp
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Lol, cheers sharky ;)

Glad your enjoying the car mate, you deserve it!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Lol, cheers sharky ;)

Glad your enjoying the car mate, you deserve it!
You're welcome, mate. Thanks :)

Great stuff Andy :) Does your car run closed loop fuelling then if its need a new lambda sensor?
It is my belief that the GEN90 (based on GEMS) runs closed loop fuelling. Obviously I'm more than happy to be corrected on this though...! The fact that Fred and Paul also said I needed a new lambda suggests to me that it is closed loop :)

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

It is closed loop :)

The Quiafe is a nice bit of kit, I like mine and that fact the performace is consistent and won't tail off and need a rebuild like a Gripper. Shame they're so expensive for the Clio though, it cost me double what my last Quaife cost for a Ford.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

I'm getting all excited about seeing this at Llandow :)
I'm looking forward to it, Oli. I'm still trying to get a few bits and pieces done beforehand but time is really against me at the moment. Damned house move! I'll be there regardless though. :)

It is closed loop :)

The Quiafe is a nice bit of kit, I like mine and that fact the performace is consistent and won't tail off and need a rebuild like a Gripper. Shame they're so expensive for the Clio though, it cost me double what my last Quaife cost for a Ford.
Cheers, I thought it was; thanks for confirming. And yes, I totally agree. The Quaiffe is fantastic but soooo expensive :( Like yourself, it was the 'fit and forget' aspect (hopefully!) that I liked about it and I wouldn't be without one now. I think I prefer the improved handling as much as the increase in engine performance and noise.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Just a little update showing a 'before and after' with respect to dyno overlays.

However, please take the following with a pinch of sodium chloride; two different dynos were used by different operators under different conditions! It's well known that dynos vary greatly from one to another so...

The before plot (the blue line) was the last dyno session before I dropped the car off with Fred. I was running:

  • K-Tec DTH ITB's
  • Standard cams
  • GEN90 ECU
  • Filter of Death
  • Mapped at K-Tec/TDF

The after plot (the red line) was the most recent dyno session when the car was being run-in and mapped. I am running:

  • Jenvey ITB's
  • Schrick cams
  • GEN90 ECU
  • Mapped by Paul at RS Tuning

I have taken the graphs I received from RS Tuning and composited the previous results over the top.


The light-green shaded area shows the increase in bhp.


And again, the light-green area shows the increase in torque.

Moral of the story? Feck knows. :)
  172 RaceCar, VW-T5
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

LOL! Yeah, no problem. I might not be pushing too hard depending on how things go between now and the day... I still haven't had chance to drive it in anger yet! I guess that's what the track day is for, eh? :)

Baptism by fire? :)

Its going to be the first outing in the race car, the furthest I have driven it is about 100m... and its undergone a full refresh (engine out, suspension off etc) so I am hoping its all bolted back together properly.

Only one way to find out I guess.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: The life of... SharkyUK's Trophy [& Fred's V6]

Its going to be the first outing in the race car, the furthest I have driven it is about 100m... and its undergone a full refresh (engine out, suspension off etc) so I am hoping its all bolted back together properly.

Only one way to find out I guess.
Yep, baptism by fire mate! For you and me both by the sounds of it. :eek:

I'm sure everything will be fine with your race car anyway. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? :) "She'll be 'right, mate."
