Good work.
I keep saying this: the new 1.2s are so much better than the Mk1 1.2s (I had one from 1995 to 2001!). Look very tasty in Dynamique trim - especially in black.
And theres a funny story about them being called a "16v" by some people as well...
I was sat at some lights a few months ago, when a 1.2 16v Dynamique pulled up beside me and the guy beckons me to wind my window down. His car was in black (like my Valver) and I had just stuck my original Phase2 wheels on my car - so probably looked a bit less lary than on the other wheels.
Says he, spying my leather: "Thats one of them older 16vs isnt it? This is the new 16v, but I couldnt get leather on it when I bought it". Say I: "Yeah, this is a 16v alright - want to see how they compare?"
So he agrees and we both go for it off the mark. No messing about I thought, so I made sure I got a perfect start and ragged it right up to the start of 3rd gear.
At the next traffic lights: "Fugg me mate! I didnt know the old 1.2s could be so fast" (WTF!!!
So I politely pointed out the bonnet bulge, flared arches, fat bumpers and general RenaultSport pedigree and most importanly - that it was NOT a 1.2!!!