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ClioSport Area Rep
Picked this up last weekend, absoulutely love it.
89k with de phaser done (twice in its life)
Scorpion rs192 cat back with resonated centre
Brembo HC front discs
Eibach 35mm springs on the cup dampers

General plan is to give it a good service, engine, box oil, plugs and give it a check over.
Then fundays out, trackdays and ring trips.
Big plans for the car :yum:


Also will be adding vlogs instead of me mindlessly ranting on and making it rarther...wordy. I know my accent is aweful (feel free to throw banter my way) im not a camera person or ever really been infront of a camera before at all so was abit weird for me



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ClioSport Area Rep
I had a Blobeye WRX with the Prodrive pack. Was a very capable car after and even more so after id spent abit of money on it. For me though it felt to capable and easy to drive very fast, which is a credit to the car but i just didnt find it that fun. Amazing cars just not for me. Was standard when i brought it but this is some of the bits it had during my ownership.

Prodrive Silicone Ypipe
Prodrive ECU
Prodrive 3rd CatDelete
Afterburner Cat Back
Green Panel Filter
GFB Respons Dumpvalve
HKS LTD Edition TurboTimer
Braided Clutch Line
Exedy Pinkbox Clutch
RCM LightweightFlywheel

BC Type RA Coilvers With pillowball topmounts
Whiteline Front ARB
Whiteline Rear ARB
Whiteline Anti-Lift kit
Powerflex BlackEdition Steering Rack Bushes
Powerflex Arm Bushes
Eaibach camber bolts rear
New OEM Balljoints
New OEM Track Rod Ends
New OEM Inner Tie Rods
New Drop links
Brembo’s Front and rear fully Recon'd and powder coated
Braided brake lines
Godspeed G hook Discs
Carbone Loraine RC5+ pads(currently running Mintex Road pads)
Bridgestone PotenzaRE070
STI Alloys (To FitOver Brembo’s)
Geometry Setup for Fast Road spec By Kev at Aline

HKS LTD Edition TurboTimer
Defi Boost Gauge

STI Prodrive “Twisty”Sideskirts
Rare Prodrive uk300Spoiler From Factory



Copy and pasted from the northloop forum hence dodgey font :smile:
  RB Clio 182
I test drove a wrx and it felt slow compared to my 182 when that was standard tbh, foot down in 3rd and nothing happened.


ClioSport Area Rep
I test drove a wrx and it felt slow compared to my 182 when that was standard tbh, foot down in 3rd and nothing happened.
Yea i get what you mean iv drove afew standard wrx's and they do feel rarther lacking, mine had the prodrive pack on so it brings it up around standard STI power. On the whole i preffer NA engines (hence my long list of past honda's :yum:) the clio, for me, is the best of both worlds as it feels alot more torquey and eager to go but still a fun chuckable chassis. Cant wait to start messing and get it on track.


ClioSport Area Rep
So, second episodes out :smile: had abit more of a mess with some of the filming/editing stuff im using, hopfully i can get a PC and start using the Gopro instead of the Ipotato



ClioSport Area Rep
So, bit of an update, driving along minding my own business and the engine light pops up. I didnt have access to a fault code reader so was in the dark abit until i orderd a eml bluetooth reader which came up as pre cat lambda and speed sensor. When i took the cat off i was greeted with this. R.I.P Kitty


So ordered a decat as there was also a large crack around the olive joint.
While i was there i added a Evol "track" dogbone mount, very well put together and very easy to fit. Made a huge differance, there is a fair amount of added vibration which is to be expected but very much worth it

Scorpion Decat and new lambda

Didnt bother vlogging as, well its hardly exciting.
The exhaust is blowing slightly but all back together and the speed sensor hasnt come back on we shall see.


ClioSport Area Rep
Bonjour Peeps,
Little update to keep the thread alive. If the videos are annoying or you have any suggestions let me know, Otherwise enjoy and if you could like/subscribe to my youtube channel that would be awesome and hugely appreciated. (what a face for a vid thumbnail ay :smile:)




Also found a pic from yeeeears ago when i did a trackday at Palmersport, This was my my first introduction to Clio's and where the interest started,
obviously they are totally differant beastys but cant wait to get out on track in the Clio which should be in a few months time, next year shall be hitting Trackdays hard so should be fun.


ClioSport Area Rep
So, I finally sorted the Gopro out, filmed the fitting of the Fatty styled silicone induction setup, and it deleted the im giving up on the vlogs, back to typing.
So Friday after work I set about getting the new induction kit on, really happy with it, sounds AWESOME, amazing how putting a cone on the end of the OEM pipe hardly made any difference to induction noise but adding abit of length makes it sound like it does.

forgot to order new jubilee clips so have a miss match set on, will replace at some point.
Also got some new tyres fitted, Moneys abit tight at the moment so got what I could afford, Nankang NS2's. They arnt the best but there better than other cheaper tyres, main thing is, if I got pulled over, im legal now :innocent: Had a bit of a...issue with Kwikfit telling me a bunch of issues that don't exists, when I asked for them to show me, as if like magic the issue had gone. I must be magic :cool:

I had afree sunday so thought id get the wheels off and give them a good clean along with the archliners out to get all the muck out from behind, glad I did.

Gave the arches a good clean and a lick of paint, decided while I was there I may aswell give the calipers a quick coat, unfortunately I only had 1 other paint brush and it was huge, so not the best job but cleaner than before.
made a list of current and future "mods", I have got them written down in a "Phase" order but this is just the list in rough order.

Coilpack -Done
Pre Lambda -Done
Decat -Done
Evol Track/race Dogbone -Done
heel/toe pedal -Done
tyres for cup alloys -Done
air temp sensor -Done
MAP sensor -Done
sun strip -Done
paint calipers -Done
paint inlet -Done
induction -Done
Exhaust mounts
rear beam bushes
ht leads
arb outter
arb inner
Geo Setup
steering rack bushes
head unit
track rod/ends
ball joints
front arm bushes
front pads and discs
paint interior plastics and gauge surround blue
TDC sensor
rear pads and discs
cup racer ducts
hardwire charge port
H/light washer blank
plumbed in fire extinguisher
ktr system or other with decat
strip interior
paint interior
engine/gearbox mounts
matched inlets
intake gaskets
top hats with brace
single wiper
tow eye
steering wheel
full cage
pms shifter
wheels 15" track
door cards
floor foot rests
AC delete
rear ARB
perspex windows
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ClioSport Area Rep
So, had abit of an impulse buy, Sassa 6point bolt in cage.
Rear halfs painted now, will be painting the front over the weekend and getting it in and modifying the dash which im dreading incase i make a hack job of it :hushed:


Also got some clio cup racer door cards of CMComposites (still unsure how to mount these best, suggestions?) and PBS front and rear pads waiting to go on, need to buy some brembo HC fronts and oem rears when i get paid this month. Purchased a lonely mans brake bleeder kit today (gunsons easy bleed, the one that attaches to a spare tyres and pressurises the brake system)

Seats will be next. Been told iv been a good boy and ill be getting a steering wheel for Christmas so thats another thing ticked off the list to :innocent:

Had a happy helper pitch in the clean it the other day to (golfs my next door neighbours that wev been doing a full strip down and rebuild on over the last year, new engine should run 440-450bhp if all does well, full cage, recaro pole positions,CAE shifter, pedal box...lots of sexy bits)


ClioSport Area Rep
Looking good.

Liking the progress mate. Coming along nicely.

Thanks guys, cage isnt bolted in yet, (yes its a bolt in:sweatsmile:) the front (A pillar) feet seem to sit ok the rear stays sit okay but the B pillar feet are about 14mm off the floor, the distributor i brought it off assures me it should sit flat on the floor but i cant see how. Currently mocking up brackets to mount the fusebox and UCH. Ideally need the car back on the road before Saturday so need to get it sorted. Harnesses and seats on order. Already got foz seat subframes so just waiting for delivery....and to figure this cage out:sweat:


ClioSport Area Rep
So, Clio’s just had its first voyage caged up.

Seat delivery time had put a major stall on getting it all finnished. Will try and get some decent pics tomoz and try to write somthing interesting


ClioSport Area Rep
So, ill start from the beginning.
I had bee toying with what cage to buy, full, half, different brands. I had pretty much decided id have a half cage with harness bar. well as you can see that decision didn't last long. Seen the cage advertised on facebook by the distributor and for the price it was being sold at I had to have it.
Just a warning for anyone who may buy one in the future, I was told that it would fit in with full interior plastics in the front and with headlining etc (it was coming out anyway so didn't matter to me) but there is NOW WAY in hell it would fit with it. clearance/tolerance is very tight and was an arse to fit frankly.
whilst I was getting the cage painted and car ready to install the cage on the nights after work,

I ordered a pair of TurnOne (Oreca) 4 point harnesses which iv had my eye on for a while. I managed to find them (and a lot of other bits) cheaper through RB Motorsport. iv added his business card in the pic below, he deals with everything from seats, wheels, HANS, helmets, race suits, they are at a very good price and hes a nice bloke to deal he sent me haribo


Ordered my seats which were a nightmare as they was sent out with a courier service and the seller went on holiday, the courier service was 8 days late and I had no tracking number/info or even which courier service was being used. panic over, they got delivered eventually.
Had abit of a head scratch moment with UCH and fusebox, Thankfully after a convocation with @Ads29 and @Tomotek about how they have done theirs I had a game plan so thanks again guys.
I was going to only run the top dash and no carpet but with the long journey to the Ring' in June I decided to wimp out and refit it 😅
All in all im happy with how its turned out, iv currently got ABS, ESP, Airbag and Serv light on my dash, Iv used 3.3Ohm resistors for the airbags but still on, so if anyone has CLIP or can Re-prog my Airbag ecu give me a shout.
Next is to get my doorcards on and fit the new discs and pads (PBS pads)





Bit of a recap on the recently list of jobs iv cleared-
Coilpack -Done
Pre Lambda -Done
Decat -Done
Evol Track/race Dogbone -Done
heel/toe pedal -Done
tyres for cup alloys -Done
air temp sensor -Done
MAP sensor -Done
sun strip -Done
paint calipers -Done
paint inlet -Done
induction -Done
Exhaust mounts - Done
underseal/paint - Done
ht leads-Done
head unit removed-Done
paint dash strip and gauge surround blue-Done
Fog lights removed ducts-Done
Acustic valve removed-Done
Charcoal canister removed-Done
hardwire charge port-Done
H/light washers removed-Done
strip interior-Done
paint interior -Done
Clubsport seats-Done
rails -Done
full cage -Done

door cards – fit this weekend
front/rear pads and discs - Pads brought waiting on discs


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ClioSport Area Rep
Sooo the Clio has some Christmas presents. The Mrs brought me a sabelt wheel and i treated myself...i mean the clio to some new bits. Had mega running issues which I believe to be down to an injector so orderd 4 new. New vibratechnics mounts, correct boss with tabs for steering wheel, brembo HC’s, OEM rears and PBS pads front and back. Im off to go fit injectors now in the snow. :tired::up:


ClioSport Area Rep
Spent some brass there mate :smile:
Tell me about it :smile: think owning this since june iv spent the most iv ever spent on a car in such a short time, service, cage, seats, mounts, all the recent goodies. Still genuinely in love with the lil clio though.

Injectors fitted and flashing engine light, pop pop bangs have all gone so hopefully plain sailing now for a month or 2.
Have a trip planned to the Ring’ for June so would like to give the suspension a good refresher and maaaybe coilovers if i can...and white 2118’s with super sticky licky tyres. Might start selling myself to fund it...any takers?:kissingheart:


ClioSport Area Rep
So, in the January sales an order has been placed...

Also Booked a trackday, Donnington 20/1/18
proper excited but also nervous, haven't been on track in over a year now so booked some tuition just to brush up aha.


ClioSport Area Rep
Just looking back now at the cage, how the f**k did you get it in with it all welded together 😂

Must have been a right puzzle?
It was a proper nightmare But it does split just before the B pillar.
We ended up cracking my window screen (can just make it out in the pics above) and putting a gouge in the top of my dash just above the clocks.
it was a proper tight fit but I won :smile:


ClioSport Area Rep
Update Time
So im not to good at keeping this updated so apologies.
Since last update iv fitted the
Sabelt wheel
MOMO boss
PBS pads and brembo/OEM discs
4x injectors
Ordered braided lines and superblue fluid (not fitted yet)
and probably more.

I booked on with Circuit days for Donington 20/1/18 Praying to any god that would listen that it be dry...I must have been doing it wrong as it belted down all day.
I wanted to use the day as a base to start from. I tend to go all out with parts and then do a trackday, but I wanted to see what it was like from a start point. obviously it has a cage and buckets but it is on Very non trackday tyres, standard geo/old cup suspension and bushings and as I didn't get time old brake fluid and lines.


This was my first track day in the Clio, First at Donny, first TD (other than the ring) in 3 years and First Wet track day.
Needless to say I was very nervous, I did have a cracking time though and itching to do more as I feel iv gotten very sloppy, although the rain and Some of the other drivers didn't fill me with confidence if im honest. overtaking on the left on a straight didn't seem to apply to some.
What I took away from the day was I need lots more seats time/tuition, change brake fluid and get some better tyres (which I already knew)
Felt I learnt a lot about how the car acts in certain situations better due to the rain and poor tyres though.
I have got some footage but Gopro's seem to hate me and either don't record, only record for 5ish mins or die.
Ill post the vid up once iv pieced it together.
All in all, Cracking day, roll on the next.


Me and the Girlfriend waiting for them to defrost the track for sighting laps


Also was abit chuffed Trackd shared another of my pics on their insta page


Also done a lot of buying recently, got BC DR 8/8kg coilovers with solid top mounts and a Tessa Motorsport (SM) inlet, along with various polybushes


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I've been at oulton when it's lashed down, i feel your pain. That and the heros rocking wets flying past lol.


ClioSport Area Rep
2118’s are the long term plan but been trying to find some cheap track wheels but iv been spending left right and centre at the moment. Will get some before next trackday hopefully. Really want to try a set of ar-1’s
