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Apple TV


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Nope. 720p max.
Streaming 1080p at a reasonable bitrate is beyond the average broadband connection I imagine


ClioSport Admin
I've got the 1st generation Atv with a built in 160gig hard drive. Awesome piece of kit. I just sync with iTunes and it transfers all my media onto the device so no streaming necessary.
  RIP Dan
Hmmmmm I have ticked the disable capability checking in the advanced tab in Plex on my iMac but where do I find the plugins/links to 4od etc??

Anyone know?

Nothing else seems to be apprearing in the PLex menus on tav or iMac...
WTF. I didn't even realise it couldn't do 1080p. TBH that's pathetic. Wireless N can handle 1080p bandwidth no problem. What a silly restriction. No USB, only 720p. Get tae fook!
  RIP Dan
You managed to find any plugins yet Bully?

Yes, last night....finally lol.

Found one called FXUK which is pretty good, lots of shows on there from x files/true blood to family guy.

Still stumped with 4od etc though, will do some research today.

It is awesome having it JB, streaming films across to the TV. Makes a massive difference to us as we have poverty view here so don't get much choice. Just started watching Homeland.
  RIP Dan
Found them now, under restricted region plug ins.

Doubt I will be on here much now, got sooooooooo much to watch ;-)
  RIP Dan
Yep got tvcatchup on there, the quality isn't awesome but its is well watchable.

It didn't work at first, because I am a noob and hadn't created an account on my iMac.

All good now.

Trying to get XBMC working now, may be here for some time.
Great you've got TV catchup ! Sounds like an ideal solution for my room where I want to watch TV but don't have an aerial.

Are there any other media steamers about with the ability to load Plex or XBMC on?
  RIP Dan
Cheers Ronnie. At least I did something right lol.

Yeah its sound James, would defo recommend it for those like me on poverty view.
  RIP Dan
Thanks sneaks, will look into that. With my expertise it may take a while ;-)

No worries James, if I ever get XBMC working I will post, but got about 5 years of tv to watch now:star:
  Golf GTD
Do you need to have a computer on all the time if you are running ATV?

I'm thinking about investing in one, like the idea of icefilms and sports (does anyone use the LOF client on ATV?). Only thing I'm not keen on is having to have a computer on all the time. The Mrs will go mental!
LiveOnlineFooty. Thanks for the response Tom, final question can you connect them using ethernet or is it wireless only?

I have used it, it's alright. The HD feeds are not "HD" they're just slightly better quality. But for £3pm it's a bargin.
  Golf GTD
I have used it, it's alright. The HD feeds are not "HD" they're just slightly better quality. But for £3pm it's a bargin.

I use it through the web player now, it's great for the games that aren't on Sky. Do you use it through ATV? Easy enough to set up?


ClioSport Club Member
I have tried 4.3 standard and jailbroken. Both do the same via my Sony av amp (boot logo then nothing)
Direct cable to the tv doesn't even give me a boot logo.

When it was on 4.4.2 it was fine, I'll try going back up tomorrow to check it just a software issue.
I had a couple of issues recently with XBMC and the IF addon. It was either buffering for 20mins+, or not playing at all.

Last night, I found you can clear ATV's cache by SSH-ing in (for reference clear everything in these two folders);



No more buffering/stuttering on content. I'll keep an eye on it.
  RIP Dan
Cant get XBMC to work, ATV and my iMac can't see each other through XBMC. Anyone know what settings I need??

All the options are pretty confusing for me, too many things to fill in. What network do I use? SMB?? It has stuff about windows workgroup in there.....Plex was simple. Where do I put IP address etc in?? I have tried SMB connection (whatever that is) with my iMac ip address in as XBMC is on there. Client is on ATV fine too.

Frustrating isn't the word for it.


ClioSport Club Member
I have tried 4.3 standard and jailbroken. Both do the same via my Sony av amp (boot logo then nothing)
Direct cable to the tv doesn't even give me a boot logo.

When it was on 4.4.2 it was fine, I'll try going back up tomorrow to check it just a software issue.

4.3 does not like my TV, went up to my parents and it was fine. I have gone up to 4.4.4 and it works for some reason, so I am stuck with a tethered break for now. Love if :)
