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Battlefield 4


ClioSport Club Member
Probably the winter patch, IIRC it was released yesterday.

Just spent the last hour or so playing around with the new hud settings, So much choice LOL!

Overall the game plays so much nicer with it, Its probably the most noticeable patch since the game was released


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Wont bore you. But i have switched to bt infinity fibre optic.
Nutshell- guareenteed 19-38 download speed @£24 p/m as apposed to the 0.5 i'm getting now

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Got this delivered yesterday, what a game!
Played a lot of battlefield 3 on the 360 but this is such a jump up in quality!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Im still waiting for mine to download, only been about two weeks, lol. Broadband getting sorted fri am so with any luck will download it fri/sat. I can see all other games becoming redundant tbh


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Id rate myself middle of the road, I know what I'm doing etc. first game was zavod or however you spell it. Joined halfway through, it was carnage and got my ass handed to me :(. Games after that I was loads better, most games near the top and only level 1 lol. Back to basics with the gun choice mind :(.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Wrong. When the game started it said we 'recommend playing in lower ranked games' No thanks i is a 'pro', obvs. Then got my assed kicked, lol.


ClioSport Club Member
lol, Ah i assumed the latest update would just stick all the noobs in their own games until they reached rank 10 or whatever it is.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Not that ive noticed. You know whats going to happen when i reach rank 10,



ClioSport Club Member
Im still on BF4, No interested in going to Hardline at the moment.

Looking forward to the new night maps, Weapons and the community map once its finished


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
have you bought it on disc or downloaded it? If the latter it takes a while. You don't get all map packs depending which one you bought.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I only got premium as it was on offer, I think it was £20 including the game! It was silly not to at the time!
I hardly use the new maps though


ClioSport Club Member
Worth it as you get all the DLC for less than if you bought them separate, Bearing in mind that they are still working on DLC for BF4 inc some Night maps, a Community built map and new weapons due soon

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Still need to get back into this. Warframe is still taking up the majority of my shooting interest at the minute.

A bit of a waste too - as I bought the Premium Access key when it was in the sale and have hardly touched the bloody thing! Some great memories on this when it first came out too - teaming up with @Longy online and stuff. Good times :)
  Bus Winker
Anyone know where's the cheapest place to pick up the premium DLC for Xbox One? I'm level 117 and looking for a change of maps.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I've been playing on some server with HUD/hit indicators/spot indicators etc turned off.

It really adds to the game. Although that particular server plays Operation Locker only, which I do enjoy- but it's nice to play the outdoor maps once in a while too. There are regular cycling servers that have the same options too though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I've got an LG tv (37") i think and wondered can you adjust the settings on the tv to make the game look better? Not theres much wrong with what it is now i was just curious.

Oh and the tv is 5 years old
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I've got an LG tv (37") i think and wondered can you adjust the settings on the tv to make the game look better? Not theres much wrong with what it is now i was just curious.

Oh and the tv is 5 years old
If anything you'd want to disable any processing on the TV as it will give you input lag.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I've seen a video so will try a couple of things.

But with what you suggested, in simplicity terms please :)
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I've seen a video so will try a couple of things.

But with what you suggested, in simplicity terms please :smile:
So a computer monitor just displays what it's told to, so there is generally very little lag between what the computer says, and what the monitor does.

TVs generally have some post processing effects to make the picture look sharper, smoother, more vivid etc. This all takes the TV time and creates a delay between receiving the signal from the PC and displaying the result on the screen.

In reality this delay can only be measured in milliseconds, but some are better than others and some TVs can add close to 100ms (10% of a second) which in a game like BF4 would be a big disadvantage. You can sometimes enable a "Game mode" on the TV that disables all or most of the post processing and gives you a display that acts more like a monitor.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
@Jeff simply

Had a play with the tv settings and followed some of the advice in the video link below. Picture seemed better, didnt stop me getting shot sadly.

Played this last night, is it me or have some of the stats changed on the guns? Haven't played for quite a few months so probably just misremembering. Regardless, I was s**t and could just about scrape a 1:1 ratio!
