As below really?
Anything to lose?
Anything to lose?
Hi Dan,
I saw a photo of yours at webstagram (photo of the day). Nice work! I wanted to know if you would be interested in selling a few of your photos printed and mounted to bamboo, acrylic and/or aluminum through an online gallery? I run a company called website(not finished quite yet). It's a curated gallery and I'm looking for a few more great photographers to feature before I launch in a week or two. It will be the only gallery in the world (currently) offering bamboo, acrylic and aluminum modern mounting.
I can send you more details if you're interested but in a nutshell, I pay the artist 75% of the the markup price through Paypal each month with a bonus for reaching certain revenues in a month. The site is non exclusive, so you can sell prints of the same images elsewhere too. I will be putting quite a few resources into marketing the site and each artist will have their own page with a link back to their own site. So not only does each artist have an opportunity to earn revenues through selling their prints, but they will gain exposure for commissioned work and/or partnerships and other opportunities.
Even if you're not interested I'd love to get your feedback on this project Dan.
Thank you very much for your time.
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