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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


ClioSport Club Member
I had major lag too. I also used my prestige shop double xp for 2 hours and then played like an absolute spastic. Great!
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I haven't played online yet, by the sounds of things lag is at an all time high. I would of thought infinity ward would be on top of this now after several release's of call of duty.

Is It really that bad ?

I got fed up of playing black ops when that came out because of the lag. It ruins online IMO, I'd see enemies and empty a clip into them then I would die. I'd watch it back on kill cam and I was dead before my gun even went off. It was so s**t it was laughable.
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
I've had lag once of twice but nothing like you folk talk of. Seen host migration a couple times but seems to play handsome to me.
  Fiesta ST-3
Tbh I'd have to agree. I wouldn't think I'm lagging, but the minute I see the kill cam it is completely different.
  Golf 7R
The lag is truly laughable. Blowing yourself up with a grenade due to lag makes my controller break.

Also, the times I've put what seems like a whole clip into someone, for them to still be running towards me and put a kife into my face, is making weep.


ClioSport Club Member
I had a fair bit last night :( ..... Put loads of bullets into him for final kill cam to show him shoot me before I'd even fired a bullet.

Day off today so going to be on nearly all day :)


ClioSport Club Member
That pisses me right off... Step behind a building and then a little while after you die?? Magic!
  Edition 30
Still not 100% sure what to think of the game.

Currently sat at level 45 and tbh I don't think I am going to prestige.

I think the basis of a lot of people moaning is all down to the maps. Our lot play domination 95% of the time spanning back from COD 4 and the maps for Dom were brilliant.
The new maps seem very enclosed so its making a lot of close combat which can lead to a lot of unlucky deaths as the guns kill so quick.

With older maps there were a lot of mid to long range battles and the close quarter ones people were a lot more confident they would win them in previous CODs.

If they tweak the guns. Add quite a few more maps from previous games such as Afghan, Wasteland, Overgrown, Bog etc... it would give players the chance to control the engagement.

Give it a few more weeks and the noobs with go back to what they know. Sitting in corners with the betties and explosive. The better players will find out ways to combat it and therefore it will get better.

I just hope the maps are sorted soon. I'm sick to death of absolute flids killing me by accident.
  172 Cup
I haven't actually had chance to play this yet as I got forza 4 & mw3 deal from sainsbury's.

I'll play it this evening and make my judgement whether to stick with BF or MW - not great start to hear so many people complaining before i've even had chance to play it.
  A.N. Other
Not happy to hear you lot having problems with lagging - I found it to be a problem foir ~1/3 the times I got killed in Black Ops - was hoping this would be better.How can you tell who's hosting an online game?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
There is a patch/update now for it. First 3 to 4 games mid size maps and it was lag free. Host migration kicked in way more times. And the last 2 games on the big ish maps there was quit abit lag, host migration didn't kick in like. Not sure on what the update involved but I can see a improvement
Not happy to hear you lot having problems with lagging - I found it to be a problem foir ~1/3 the times I got killed in Black Ops - was hoping this would be better.How can you tell who's hosting an online game?

I thought they were using dedicated servers this time round?

*actually... think thats just for PC users!
  Evo 5 RS

Oh... lol

Again though, the rub is that while some of these changes are fundamental adjustments to how you will interact with Modern Warfare 3, none of them really serve to make it a hugely better or worse game. The fun of Kill Confirmed is balanced out by the frustrating lack of ranked dedicated servers; the co-operative Survival Mode is offset by the fact that there's still no text chat in lobbies.

If frankly compared both to its peers and predecessors, then, it's clear that Modern Warfare 3 is not a terrible game, but its stubborn refusal to improve means that it's been rapidly outpaced even as it retains the moreishness of its multiplayer component. There's no identifiable reason to play Modern Warfare 3 over the earlier titles, and discerning buyers will definitely find cheaper or older games into which they can sink just as much time.

Modern Warfare 3 is ultimately a zero sum game when compared to its predecessors, and the only deciding factor is the disappointing amount of time it's taken to change precisely nothing.

Or, in other words: M'eh.

  Mountune Tractor
Wow, all I can say is wow.
Just downloaded update 1.03 and it seems to have made this game even worse than it already was.

Maps - great
Guns - great
Perks - great
Game modes - great
Connection - what the f**k
Team collision - what the f**k
Spawning - what the f**k
Matchmaking in a party - what the f**k

I've just turned the PS3 off as it was simply ridiculous. I've just tested my internet connection and it's 1.03mb upload and 10mb download yet my connection is still showing as moderate. I simply cannot believe this, Activision sold 100 million copies of blops yet they are unable to produce a decent game from launch.

f**king pathetic.
  Golf 7R
Is anyone else experiencing problems with XBL?

I keep getting - Communication with the Xbox LIVE servers has been interupted. The last 30 mins I have been trying!

  Italian 3.2 V6
My connection in 70% gaming is 3 bars :( not 4. I'm in town and with Sky with 'upgraded wifi' - not happy :( as connection effects performance hugely on this game!
  Mountune Tractor
My connection in 70% gaming is 3 bars :( not 4. I'm in town and with Sky with 'upgraded wifi' - not happy :( as connection effects performance hugely on this game!

My connection is always maxed out on bars, even when I'm not the host the lag is f**king crap though.


ClioSport Club Member
Is anyone else experiencing problems with XBL?

I keep getting - Communication with the Xbox LIVE servers has been interupted. The last 30 mins I have been trying!

Yep, Either singing in/out or doing an XBL connection check has been sorting the problem for me
  GSXR + KDX220
People paid around £13 for a double XP codes? :headno: lol How long do they last?
Hats off to you though ;)
  Clio 197
Talk of multiplayer issues are kind of putting me off the minute i'm deciding betwene picking up this or Uncharted 3 at the weekend. Loved Uncharted 2, one of the best games I've played, but also love the mindless, rollercoaster run and gun of Call of Duty, as well as the multiplayer aspect - are the problems really that bad for everyone then?
  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
Just finished the campaign 7hours all in, has to be the best campaign i have played story line was great and graphics were superb :D 10/10 easy
  Fiesta ST-3
I still think the spawn points are crap. The amount of times I have spawned and been shot within 2 seconds of moving is really starting to get to me now.
  Edition 30
I still think the spawn points are crap. The amount of times I have spawned and been shot within 2 seconds of moving is really starting to get to me now.

Because the maps are too compact.

The spawns usually aren't bad in Dom. TDM ones are s**t though sometimes.
  GSXR + KDX220
Ive had no connection issues all afternoon, its as fast and frantic as ever :) And no fancy super duper internet here either!

On the 360 that is...
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  Audi TT 225 Quattro
Since the 1.03 update it has been even worse than before, started bugging out now as well like constantly doing the weapon change animation or not letting me reload :( Connection wise it is a jerky piece of s**t at the min and that when im the HOST ffs. gonna play through the campaign and give mp a rest until this gets better as it gets to a point i hate playing the thing:dapprove:
  Audi TT 225 Quattro
Is that on the PS3? As Ive not had any options to update on the 360 :S

Yep ps3, ive just had a few more games of kill confirmed and now the connection is spot on as in no jerky lag at all, no idea if im the host tho.....


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
So far I think the best all rounder gun is the SCAR. Been using the G36C and it's pretty good but not as good at long range. Seems to be more and more camping now, I you can't beat them join them
