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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

  Trophy #387

Not sure how interested anyone is but there's an event currently ongoing in Amsterdam, 25 teams have attended this particular event (it's the first hosted by this company) and the live stream will be showing games all day (and tomorrow).

Over 1000 people currently watching the group stages... Can imagine it'll top out at 3-4000 tomorrow which isn't bad for Call of Duty ;)
  Trophy #387
How much money do they play for ?

I'm not 100% sure for this event, but it's not a huge amount - For the last ReflexGT event in Amsterdam there were about 40 teams and the winning team got €1600 and the total prize pool was €3000.

The US events (MLG / CallofDutyXP) have much more... A few Europeans won $50,000 over in America last year on Black Ops
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
  Trophy #387
Surely we could enter a team just for teh lolz and skank our way to the finals by being massive campers.

You can't really do that... The only modes that were deemed competitive enough to be played in tournaments are Capture The Flag and Search & Destroy, it's best of 5 (3x CTF, 2x S&D) so even if you camp the S&D and get lucky, you'll get destroyed by any half decent team on CTF.

The standard is ridiculously good anyway, there's a hugeee difference between the best competitive players and you're average public game player.

Later stages of the tournament tomorrow on the link I posted earlier, well worth a watch for anyone interested in watching some seriously sweaty COD
I watch this guy a lot, PC hardcore player, plays for money and is s**t hot..

All these clips are taken from League games, all these players are pro.

It's a different world from pub lobbies.
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  Trophy #387
I watch this guy a lot, PC hardcore player, plays for money and is s**t hot..

All these clips are taken from League games, all these players are pro.

It's a different world from pub lobbies.

Yeh, the montages some of the very top players come out with are incredible...

It's not quite hardcore, it's a heavily modified version of the COD4 game and isn't available on console, it's called "pro mod", everything about is modified, makes me want to play PC so badly as it just looks like so much fun!
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You can't really do that... The only modes that were deemed competitive enough to be played in tournaments are Capture The Flag and Search & Destroy, it's best of 5 (3x CTF, 2x S&D) so even if you camp the S&D and get lucky, you'll get destroyed by any half decent team on CTF.

The standard is ridiculously good anyway, there's a hugeee difference between the best competitive players and you're average public game player.
Tbf, I speak for the other people I play with. I'm unstoppable tbh. ;)
I often feel let down by the likes of Gouldy, Syn0b and AK (before he spat out his dummy and gave up playing it).

I think the SWETy CS lot could give people a run for their money, if they are still as good as when I was a PS3 bumder. We used to PWN everyone.
Tbf, I speak for the other people I play with. I'm unstoppable tbh. ;)
I often feel let down by the likes of Gouldy, Syn0b and AK (before he spat out his dummy and gave up playing it).

I think the SWETy CS lot could give people a run for their money, if they are still as good as when I was a PS3 bumder. We used to PWN everyone.

Trust me, it's very different..

Playing against people who train 5 days a week, naming everything in a map so you say it, everyone on your team knows what and where they're at.
Constant communications about enemy players, objectives, the like, it's nothing like when I've played with you lot. :rasp:
  RS6 C7
Iv'e played a fair bit of competitive over the years and it's hard as f**k!, My old team were #1 eu for a good while but you play so much that you have no life, f**k that!

Iv'e played a fair bit of pro mod aswell (nothing compet) and it's f**king awesome! I suck at pc though :(


ClioSport Club Member
I had a few good games recently with a decent K/D ratio. Played last night and got absolutely fcuking reamed. In the tits. I rage quit in the end.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Tried jumping back into this tonight and my god i sucked.

Lag was terrible and couldnt hit anything.

Has something happened to the shotguns? O seemed to be getting nailed from quite a distance with those tonight.
  Bumder With A Buffer
I still struggle some evenings to set up a class where I can move at the speed of sound (like others seem to do)

I have a "rush/stealth" class

Extreme conditioning (pro)
Assassin (Pro)
Dead Silence (pro)

UMP45 silenced and a fmpg9 or whatever it is. Some days I seem to be able to move quite freely..other days it almost like im stuck in mud :S Last night expecially. I did have 2 bars nearly all of last night and do have a strict NAT. Maybe il try and sort that out.

I mean there was a guy who was on the opposing team with a silenced Type 95 that I could not kill for toffee last night.. even snuck up behind him...started to unload a clip and he swings round he kills me :( He seemed to be able to run and move sooo quickly yet his perks were the same. Mind you he was in the top 2000 when I checked his score so maybe he is just better :eek:
  Bumder With A Buffer
Yip..oddly enough it was moderate for a while using SKY.

But we aren't "full" sky anymore. Our exchange isn't LLU'd out so even though we pay SKY we are actually using all BT's stuff.

So getting rid of my strict NAT is going to be a pain :(
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I got stuck with a strict NAT for a while, i spoke to my provider and they removed it. might be worth a try for you?
Not posted in here yet. I was late getting the game, so didn't post.

So how is everyone finding it?

Everyone loving this lag compensation thingy?;)

What game modes do you guys play the most? I tend to stick with TDM and S&D.
