UPDATE #14 - A little bit of prep work
It's been quite a while since I have needed to write an update for our project track car but today the Clio got wheeled out of my garage for the first time in nearly 3 months!
It sees sunlight
As the engine build could be complete in a couple of weeks we thought we better start doing some prep work before getting the unit back. Nothing too difficult, merely tidying a few bits up prior to putting it all back together really.
As the old engine liked to breath rather heavily towards the end of its life there was quite a bit of oil covering various parts of the engine bay. The worst areas were around the exhaust manifold, when the breather popped off, and down by the airbox, when the oil catch tank reached capacity

The bonnet and bumper havent been bolted back on since the engine came out so they were easily removed:
We removed the lights to access some of the inner wing area a little bit better and flipped the loom over the nsf wing. Other parts were covered in plastic bags for protection. Then Autoglym engine degreaser was sprayed all over(sounding like a detailing thread

), scrubbed, then rinsed off. Look loads better and a quick mop over with a cloth to remove standing water was all that was left to do.
The gearbox was also qiven a scrub as it was covered in oil from the catch tank overflowing:
Previously, even though you cannot see it once its installed, i had cleaned up the lower inlet manifold.
And the Upper plenum was degreased after I double checked the port matching to the lower:
This will get acid etched and painted in the next week or two ready for the new engine.
Other parts such as the alternator, PAS tank, coolant tank, fan assembly and pipework have also been cleaned. Although not perfect, its a track car remember, it looks much better than it previously did.
Will post some pics of the finished upper plenum and very soon we should have an update regarding the engine
Weather was perfect today and it felt good to get working on the car again - looking forward to getting the engine back in and hitting the tracks again soon
Nick (and Mike)