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Daniels Blue 182.


ClioSport Club Member
Dan, foot plate for the pedal box...this one is carbon fibre, but along the lines of what I previously suggested
Thanks mate. Not sure if that would be strong enough though?

Painted the engine last night.


Also was thinking something like this for the pedal box? What do people think... Strong enough?



ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172
I meant same layout as the carbon fibre one, but using different material. What you've pictured should be strong enough, it would just be the position of your feet relative to the floor pan (height wise). Find something comfortable and you'll be onto a winner


ClioSport Club Member
I meant same layout as the carbon fibre one, but using different material. What you've pictured should be strong enough, it would just be the position of your feet relative to the floor pan (height wise). Find something comfortable and you'll be onto a winner
Think I've nailed it! Had a productive weekend and got a few days off work to get more stuff done. Need to tidy up the man cave too as it's absolutely filthy with grinding dust et. Al

First of all, the pedal box is in! I attempted at welding some box section in for a support but that went absolutely tits up as I blew through the floor a bit and set a bit of underseal on fire.

My h&s head kicked in and realised I shouldn't be doing this in the garage underneath the house so I resorted to m8 nut and bolting it. Then got a 3mm sheet of steel on top as a base for the pedal box. Held in with some alu stand offs it's absolutely solid.

Tried pushing it with all my force on it and it didn't budge only gave my seats a f**king horrible creaking sound. Going to tidy it up with paint obviously but in terms of position it feels good


Abs rings fitted to the driveshafts with copper grease


Brake pipes fitted under neath the car for the rears


Then began dismantling the fuel pump to fit the uprated one.


Had to Dremel three ribs out, one already done on the picture.


Got through a few bits and bobs now.


Next job is to fit all the parts back to the engine apart from the side covers for the belts to be accessed. Then mock fit the clio engine harness and sort out any issues there. Makes it a million time easier than doing it on the car!

Also drilled my bumper and fitted a sticker plate which I think, despite being the same size as the 3/4 plate, looks wayyyy too big so that'll be going smaller I think. No loss though.



ClioSport Club Member
The pump and module are the same thing aren't they? Haha

Yeah I'm having it in there with no brake lines attached to it as Adam said, for the speedo.

Can't wait to see how many electrical gremlins I pick up after doing all of this...


ClioSport Moderator
Hey Dan,
That engine looks spectacular. how did you paint the alternator or is it new. Are they easy to open up and put back together again.
Amazing workmanship !


ClioSport Club Member
Finally got chance to sit down tonight to update this properly on a laptop.

Made a bit of progress today after work. First of all, I was sick to the back teeth with people dicking me around for the megane shell. They'd say they wanted it, then just completely ignore me.

Actually had a really funny thing where this guy said he wanted it, ensured me to the high heavens he wanted it. He even came massively out of his way to drop off two wheels for me for free so I could move it out of my garage. I then arrange with him and absolutely nothing, just keeps ignoring me over and over and over. So @optical called him for me on a different number to mine and low and behold... he answers. So weird. It wouldn't have been an issue at all if he just messaged me saying no I don't want it, plans have changed. People are very strange.

Anyway, last night I listed the shell on gumtree and some bloke messaged me saying he can pick it up with his hiab lorry. Winner!! I didn't ask for any money for it. Just wanted it gone.




So long! It's a massive shame as the shell was pretty mint tbh. Actually nearly held onto the car.

Made a start with my brake lines on the rear in the week.

The one on the left was my first attempt, ended up getting it wavy and it really stressed me out. Up to a point where I threw my toys out of the pram, turned the lights off in the garage and went upstairs to rant to the Mrs about how badly it was going. It obviously still works etc but I NEED it looking perfect.


I decided to chill and read online for hints and tips and found a really good idea. My main issue was that when you bend the brake line, you need to know where to bend it to find out where it ends up. It's very hard to explain the issue! But if you get a small offcut of brake line, sharpie a line on it and with your bending tool, bend it where the sharpie is 90 degrees you can then offer that up against your new brake line to be bent. Then you can use this as your template for other bends later on if that makes sense???

I also used a coat hanger to practis/ce on the second attempt which imo made it look much much better!

First attempt bottom, second attempt top!


Using my sexy lil template thing below. Got another one for 45 degree bends


I'll redo the other one before the car is ready for sure.

I've started to revamp the engine bay whilst everything is out. New bolts with spec c m6 washers. Meaning m6 bolt hole but wider outer diameter.


New bolts for the top mounts.



Now back to the inside of the car, it's collecting a metric s**t ton of grinding dust, welding sparks, bits of wire and allsorts haha.. Need to clean it soon


I wanted to make some dash supports as the dash has always been a bit loose when running just the top bit. Ordered some 15.8mm od alu tubing for a silly price delivered on ebay and sorted that out tonight. Ive attached them to the carbon panels in the dash at the top, and at the bottom i've drilled thru and rivnutted the side tunnel of the car. They're absolutely solid now and 100% even either side in terms of angle and length. Pics might not show it though


Can't wait to repaint all the blue bits once the main part is done!

Another piece of the puzzle was to paint the gearbox, done the first coat on that tonight.



All in all it's coming along slowly but surely, just don't really have the time to do things properly in a short amount of time so i'm holding out and doing it taking my time.

Next big thing is having the belts done next week by @bashracing!! woooo

Then going for an r26r clutch and smf then it's ready to go in, then to sort all the other little shitty bits.

The main problems are going to be wiring, I can feel it's going to be an issue even though its tried and tested. The decat is ready to be collected, need an oil cooler and decide on my radiator options. Then sort out all the other little niggles.


ClioSport Club Member
Looking good Dan. You've made decent progress considering the level of ocd you've shown on those brake lines. Any idea when you want him completed by?


ClioSport Club Member
Looking good Dan. You've made decent progress considering the level of ocd you've shown on those brake lines. Any idea when you want him completed by?
Thanks mate! I'm hoping in a few months time, I can't miss summer with it and i've made a lot of progress today which i'm mega happy about. Post below..
Did you hand paint the engine and gearbox ?

Replied to you on whatsapp earlier I just realised after quoting this but i'll quote you anyway
Haven't read it in a while and you've certainly cracked on with it.

Fair pay mate. Loving the dash too.


Thanks though Mark, should be fun when it's done.

I hadn't forgot Dan, I promise :up:

I've got it in my diary to remindatext you on Tuesday. Do we need anything else for it? Obviously got all the tools here in the nice warm garage! Two torque wrenches too so we should be good I reckon.

Been working on my other engine this weekend..


In other news, made more progress today with the brake lines. Decided that today i'm going to make a start on them and stop putting it off, pretty much done them all! Just a few P clips to install now but that can wait for another day.

Getting the hang of this pipe bending stuff now


So the fronts...

Fitted the 4 way brake connector to the alu sheet on the bulkhead, has to be 4 as one comes from the pedal box, one for a pressure switch for the brake and one for each front brake.


To allow the pipe I made earlier to fit nicely


I then required two holes, one at either side for the brake line to go to each brake. They were drilled and used grommets to stop and chaffing


Then using my trusty coat hanger I mocked up where I wanted the brake line


Flash to give some kind of reference haha, this is for the front o/s


Then pipe bend time


And in



Then I did the same for the other side


I then fed that along the bulkhead which you can clearly see at the back there


and we're in


Secured absolutely solid with P clips


And going to the n/s brake hose



At this point I was going to call it a day but I as on a roll so I decided to do the rear one too. This was going from the pedal box to the T piece at the rear... containing many angles and many bends. I didn't have a coat hanger long enough so had to use the same piece three times, just required lots of double measuring to make sure


Worked really well though


P clipped in




Please note - the car is going to get one hell of a make over with paint and tidying everything up once it's all in. Just getting the mechanical work done first before all the finishing up jobs.

  Titanium 182
Where is the sticker plate from Dan? Been looking but not sure which is best to get... sorry if it's been asked.


ClioSport Club Member
Much looking forward to seeing this at CSF this year!!

When you hoping to have it completed by? I'm sure there'll be things you'll always be adding (or removing for that matter) but i meant, driving and running properly, etc.


ClioSport Club Member
Much looking forward to seeing this at CSF this year!!

When you hoping to have it completed by? I'm sure there'll be things you'll always be adding (or removing for that matter) but i meant, driving and running properly, etc.
Hi sexy face!! I'm hoping in a few months time but it's speeding up a bit now.

Getting the engine in shouldn't be too hard, it's all the other niggly bits. It's just finding time lately! :(

The engine and box are nearly ready to go in now though. Just had a bit of a fight with a gearbox stud but we're all good now I think! Got an update to post but busy today with the gf and her family. Will do it later when free


ClioSport Moderator
Hi sexy face!! I'm hoping in a few months time but it's speeding up a bit now.

Getting the engine in shouldn't be too hard, it's all the other niggly bits. It's just finding time lately! 😧

The engine and box are nearly ready to go in now though. Just had a bit of a fight with a gearbox stud but we're all good now I think! Got an update to post but busy today with the gf and her family. Will do it later when free
Let me know if you need any gearbox bolts. I bought a load from Renault and found I didnt need them so just sitting here.


ClioSport Club Member
Updates galore! Made some decent progress this weekend and last.

@bashracing came over last weekend to do my timing belt for me. The guy is an absolute whiz and he managed to do it in an hour or so. Thanks again mate!


Then @Matty1303 and @leeds2592 came over to mine for pizza, beers and a night out. Was a great night and lovely to see them both :smile:


Me and matty arranged my nuts and bolts into these lin bins that arrived! So good to have them organised like this.


We then began to wire up the engine with the clio harness


And found some discrepancies with some connectors. The clio phase 1 throttle body uses a tps as it's cable operated so that was one of the issues. Also the Tdc sensor in the gearbox was different, as was the map sensor connector. Fairly simple fixes though.


Popped my wheels on and rolled Boris forward so I could get a washing machine in around the back. Got me excited to get it sorted as I'm sick of driving a slow car for work.


The next step was to change the throttle body wiring so that it runs with the phase 1 tps. Massive massive thanks to @barnesautos for his relentless help with me pestering him for wiring diagrams and help. Thanks Jason


Had to find continuity in the wires of the ecu to the original 6 wired plug,


Labelled up


The next issue is wiring the map sensor in. I'm using the clio loom and the map sensor on the Megane is a different connector so I want to use the Megane map connector on the clio loom. However the clio is 123 on the wires and the Megane is abc or vice versa. I need to get the Megane 225 wiring ecu pin out so I can find out which is 5v, signal and earth.if anyone can help me that would be awesome!

Clio on left Megane on right


The next job was the wrap this bad boy


Not bad for a first attempt..


Followed some advice online and wet the wrap first. Didn't find any advice online telling me it's fibreglass based so that was hilarious itching like f**k all evening..

I then fitted the uprated 630cc injectors


And a parcel of goodies arrived


Load leveller for the engine and box
197 thermostat
Phase 1 accelerator cable
Flywheel bolts
Flywheel to clutch cover bolts. Turned out they're not m7 on the lightened flywheel so that was a lovely waste of £17

Ttv are m6 for anyone reading this in the future

Changed the stat


When locating the wires for the carbon cannister I found this! The insulation around it was also very brittle.


So I taped them up, wonder what they were causing to go wrong.

I fitted the short shifter today too. That started to become a bit of a ballache.


You have to punch put a roll pin which decided to teach me NOT to use a Torx screwdriver to do said punching. Finally came out after much swearing and abuse. I spanked it to Halfords to get a roll pin kit, two sets of vice grips (long nose and normal) and a punch and chisel kit.

Got it on though. Not just waiting to be told I've got it on the wrong way... Haha


It was fitted like for like for the original so should be correct.

I then started to remove the stud from the Megane gearbox mount. Turned out I could have just used it but I'd have to take apart the clio solid mounts and I'm not sure how they come apart after much head scratching. Turned out I can just remove this stud. And fit with clio stud.

It was a b**ch to remove even with heat but finally cracked it off.


I then fitted the decat to the engine and started to take it off the stand ready to fit other parts



Flywheel fitted with the new bolts


Clutch on..

Then mated the gearbox up with a few bolts to bring it together. Need to clean up the surfaces where the bolts go as I'm not fitting them over painted areas. Finally stuck the load leveller on and called it a night knowing I've made fairly decent progress this weekend.


Should be getting the engine in next week after work, I just need to fit the starter motor too. Then I need a few more parts, oil cooler for one and an alternator.


@incy-spider I used your technique and filled the slave with fluid before fitting it by the way!
Last edited:


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Bloody hell, great update Dan! Steaming ahead now. Engines looking really nice, you expecting the decat to be seriously loud or are they not too bad?


ClioSport Club Member
This is so good Dann. Had no idea when you bought this car where it would end up.

Thanks Harry, me neither! I'm surprised I've gone down this route if I'm honest. It's been an awesome learning curve though as I've essentially had most of the car in bits. Hate to think how much I've spent on it though.

Bloody hell, great update Dan! Steaming ahead now. Engines looking really nice, you expecting the decat to be seriously loud or are they not too bad?

Cheers mate. I think they're really loud with no silencers but the decat gives you some nice pops and bangs apparently. Would love to get flames.

@dann2707 .
I should get my hands on the Megan's wiring diagram tomorrow , so I'll get the info straight to you .

Great progress on the build so far . Looking good [emoji4]

Thank you so much buddy :) really do appreciate it.


ClioSport Club Member
Pretty sure that the turbo will actually quiet it down so the decat will help aid hooning noises!

Loving the updates dude!

Also, that heat wrap stuff is horrid. Fiberglass dust on your hands for days 😧
