Fitted the front abs cable holders. I inspected both cables and they're both spot on?! No damage what so ever so i'm not really sure why the light came on the other day! Bizarre.
Light being awesome again haha
20141220_192903 by
dann2707, on Flickr
20141220_192916 by
dann2707, on Flickr
I've also lowered it a bit more at the front so it fills the arches nicer. Will see if I can get out of my driveway tomorrow though 😂😂
I started tackling the rear mounts as they are shot to pieces. Surprisingly easy as I expected the bolts to be rusted in but not a problem. Used an impact wrench too which is the f**king nuts for saving time.
20141220_201343 by
dann2707, on Flickr
The new mounts!
20141220_201353 by
dann2707, on Flickr
The old mounts haha!! Previous owner tried using cable ties and jubilee clips originally as the original mounts were shot. I tried to even it out a few times wit them but it was pointless.
20141220_201405 by
dann2707, on Flickr
The other side wasn't better.
20141220_203341 by
dann2707, on Flickr
20141220_201417 by
dann2707, on Flickr
20141220_201912 by
dann2707, on Flickr
I then packed the new mount with sturdy pipe at each 4 sides and cable tied them in place. Just to prevent the new mount from moving as much as no doubt it will fail soon with how flimsy they are standard.
20141220_202638 by
dann2707, on Flickr
Side by side shot
20141220_202746 by
dann2707, on Flickr
Goodbye old shoddy mounts. Kept them though in my box of tricks.
20141220_203347 by
dann2707, on Flickr
New mount in place.
20141220_203356 by
dann2707, on Flickr
My only problem is that the exhaust tailpipes are not central

And you can't adjust the exhausts to the side with these mounts :/
And this is my cupboard slowly filling up with old car parts that i'm deciding on keeping as they might come in handy at one point! There's actually a new wheel bearing in there ready for if mine goes!
20141220_212320 by
dann2707, on Flickr