WTAF! After how long? A wax, Vintage or not should keep up the beading sheeting like C2V3. Even on a dirty car my C2 was sheeting like crazy!
Just under a month on the car!
Losing faith in C2v3.
I still don't think it adds anything to the finish and durability like that is poor. I've noticed it's fallen off my mum's X3 that I did in August, but that wasn't fully decon'd beforehand.
I have to admit this is what I normally get with the likes of C1.5, C2, etc no matter what the base.
The impressive water behaviour never lasts in my uses.and they've never been anything special at resisting bonded contaminants. I only intend to use them as top up products from now on
Might be going the same way Dave! I think C1.5 lasts longer than C2v3 for me!