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dmallett's indecisive clio thread! Monaco ph2 pg1+, Titanium ph1 pg31+, PB ph1 pg43+

Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Top pic is a true Representative of what it looks like, just been looking at them in the garage and they are pretty dark!

I can lower it down, cant guarantee it will get washed or the tyres shined for a while.

Once all the spacers are on and coilies adjusted to suit I think ill pull it off.

after the first coat of paint I did think WTF have i done but stuck it out.


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Like the colour choice Dan, nice to see something different from bright yellows/greens/pinks etc.

What is your verdict on the cams/idle set up etc now you've had it a while? Thinking of going for 421's instead of 438's as I dont want to pay k-tec's prices.
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Like the colour choice Dan, nice to see something different from bright yellows/greens/pinks etc.

What is your verdict on the cams/idle set up etc now you've had it a while? Thinking of going for 421's instead of 438's as I dont want to pay k-tec's prices.

Cheers :)

Idle is a bit rough on the cold start but soon smooths out after about a minute, then it idles just under 1k which doesn't bother me in the slightest though the idle is rather rough but thats the same with any wilder cams. Im really pleased with the way the car feels and drives, rather quite usable. The way Dan has set the car up is brilliant, cant fault the car at all! So ive read/been told there isnt much difference between 421s and 438s so the gains should be similar.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Interesting colour choice on the wheels, different at least!

Everyone in Ph2's now, its the done thing ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

so last year. All the cool kids are doing mk3s now :p

Im tempted as 197's are so cheap, need to track this one abit first then might look into it next year, im hoping 200 prices drop like crazy when the new RS Clio is out!
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Im tempted as 197's are so cheap, need to track this one abit first then might look into it next year, im hoping 200 prices drop like crazy when the new RS Clio is out!

The only thing that makes me want a mk3 at current is the recaro seats. Though i was having a nosey at a 200 at Renault yesterday in that dark grey colour, it is f**king lovely! But money wont allow one for a while yet ha


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

My car owes me nothing so happy to run about it in for a little while yet.
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

One rear 10mm hub spacer from Ed fitted, sitting nicely now though im having second thoughts on the colour choice :S

Hopefully i will fit the other 10mm spacer tomorrow in daylight (my extension leads and flood light wouldnt reach the other side of the car) and make a decision on the wheels, if im not feeling it the other two will go either matt black or anthracite as i have enough to do both wheels in the garage.

Fingers crossed it looks nicer than when having a 400w flood light on it, otherwise im going to rock mismatched wheels.
  Arctic 182, GTD
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Just man up and get some Williams wheels! Look so much better then the ozf1's and get them powder coated ;)
  C3 Picasso Beast
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Agree with the man above. When I was looking at alloys instead of the turinis I had it was either going to be turbines, Williams alloys or 2118s.

The 2118s are nice and all but they're a f'in pain to clean properly!
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

I'd love a set of anthracite 2118s tbh.

As for other wheels I refuse to pay decent money for williams wheels, the last two sets I had were dirt cheap.

Saying that I've had 2 clios, 2 sets of ph2 wheels, 2 sets of f1s and 2 sets of williams.

The f1s are staying regardless ;) for now!
  Arctic 182, GTD
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

I'm all for 2118's but dont wanna pay the money for them, and only just had my turinis powder coated and wrapped in RS R's :p but seriously I do think your car would look great on Williams wheels.
  Arctic 182, GTD
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Well thanks mate :) I want a trophy spoiler really. But I met the guy who owns chappie signs the other day and we started talking about wrapping my car...
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Expensive spoilers ha! If you get one ill take the cup spoiler of your hands ;) presuming yours has one? Going to go for a wrap then? would be pretty awesome, how much would he charger for that? and most importantly what colour would you go!

Spent along while looking at the wheels tonight, sticking with the colour!
  Arctic 182, GTD
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Yeah they are but they look awesome in my opinion. And yeah I got a cup spoiler so you can have first dibs :) well he said around a grand for a full wrap in basically colour I want? I did think satin white as I like white cars but I also like that storm grey colour like the Matt sorta thing. But it'll be ages if I do it. More important things to save and glad you sticking with the wheel colour looked good!
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

I was going to suggest storm grey would be awesome! I dont know how that fairs price wise, but seems reasonable :)

Havent seen them in daylight still, but i like the wheels and thats what matters lol
  GSXR + KDX220
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Anthracite F1's and a cup spoiler??? :nono::quiet:

You may aswell just buy my car lol :rasp:
  GSXR + KDX220
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

if im not feeling it the other two will go either matt black or anthracite as i have enough to do both wheels in the garage.

Lol ^^^^^ ;)

I think the bronze look quite good though (honestly)
  Arctic 182, GTD
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

I was going to suggest storm grey would be awesome! I dont know how that fairs price wise, but seems reasonable :)

Havent seen them in daylight still, but i like the wheels and thats what matters lol

Yeah I'll have to check it out at a later date. But let me clean your car for you! Haha
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Would be alot of money spent to cover a decent condition 182 though!

You can clean it whenever :) if i dont get roped into working all weekend and it doesnt rain i maybe tempted to clean it, maybe.
  GSXR + KDX220
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Have I seen you about in Gt Yarmouth on a Sunday eve before? Sure I recognise the plate
  GSXR + KDX220
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

That would be then I think lol....there was one with bright orange wheels on too! (not a Monaco)
  Titanium 182
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Nice work Dan !
Undecided on the wheels due to the differing shades on the pics but if dark like the first then its a thumbs up from me !
  GSXR + KDX220
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

I meant to say that would be me then, the other Monaco I mean, not the clown car lol

better stop hijacking Dans thread :)
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Just read through it all, good effort so far... All these EA members though... Never knew so many existed lol.

There's a fair few of us about :) should come to a meet sometime!

Nice work Dan !
Undecided on the wheels due to the differing shades on the pics but if dark like the first then its a thumbs up from me !

Cheers, possibility of a picture of the wheels in natural light today as I've finished work early :)

I meant to say that would be me then, the other Monaco I mean, not the clown car lol

better stop hijacking Dans thread :)

Doesn't worry me, 75% of this thread is chat lol
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Got to say I used to hate the look of the ph1 Clios but since joining this forum I have grown to really like them. Definitely think your red one was lovely and a shame it is no longer in one piece :(, aslo think Lewis' old white ph1 Clio was a beauty as well!

Cars looking really good though and that picture of it on track with the previous owner looks ace as well
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Thanks :) I wish I never broke the flamer, really was an awesome car as was Lewis's ph1.

If I enjoy this car half as much as the ph1 it will stay in my ownership for a fair while. Unsure where/what im doing with this car. Except not spending big on it!
  Trafic 140dci
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Thanks :) I wish I never broke the flamer, really was an awesome car as was Lewis's ph1.

If I enjoy this car half as much as the ph1 it will stay in my ownership for a fair while. Unsure where/what im doing with this car. Except not spending big on it!
If you decide you want your recaro's back let me know, might make my car an easier sale as its neither a track car or road car at the moment.
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

New induction on consisting of,

70mm elbow - £free as it was in the garage from the ph1
70mm stainless pipe - £free as i got it from a pipe fitter
4 jubiliee clips- £free as i got them from stores on site
72mm ITG filter - £42 off ebay BNIB, randomly on there listed as a 72mm so i snapped that up as it was cheap but it turned out to be the 70mm one i needed.
70mm Joiner - £3

Toal of £45. Will fold some stainless 1mm sheet into a heat shield for it tomorrow as its sitting above the rad. The rad is smaller one from when it had ITB's letting the filter sit behind the upper grill, much less restrictive than being stuck behind the battery.

Just waiting on my washer bottle which is on its way down from Scotland, front spacers and ive got to laqueer the wheels. Then thats it for now :)

Slightly better pictures due to a new phone. It does look as if the bonnet would catch it, luckily it doesnt



