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Dr Jekyll's Ph1 172 Progress Thread


ClioSport Club Member
I do love this car Steve, and so does my wallet!

As for the pads, I run the Hi-Spec 4 pot calipers up front and I like the DS2500's from experience with my last car that had 4 pots. Being a Volvo 240 pad, they are cheaper than standard caliper sized pads.
Standard brembo pads are okay (what I used to run), but 2500s are a lot lot better, no compromise, wouldn't go back.

And yeah, no need to drive it carefully, although Mark probably needs to get used to ~165hp again after driving the Micra.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Standard brembo pads are okay (what I used to run), but 2500s are a lot lot better, no compromise, wouldn't go back.

And yeah, no need to drive it carefully, although Mark probably needs to get used to ~165hp again after driving the Micra.

Mark needs to drive it properly (once warm!!) rather than tickling it about everywhere ;)

Can't wait to see this at North Weald or somewhere soon back on the road



ClioSport Club Member
Car was taxed yesterday for another year. Wing was changed today along with boss and temporary steering wheel until the 320mm turns up, and a final bleed. Oh and its finished and back at home with me! :cool:









Just bought the AD08r's that i mentoned earlier in the thread. The Jekyllmobile is back in play :smiley:
  RB Clio 182
Love it mate, its great when a plan comes together :)

Some t***s opened their door on mine today :( I noticed a dent in the correct light.


ClioSport Club Member
Yes Tom it is. Big thanks to the kid for the work on it! :up:

Not good about the door dent though mate. Get it sorted as it'll bug you. Can't imagine it'll be much to repair.

I've got loads, as well as scratches. Ideally id like it to have a full respray as the bodywork needs work but that wont be for a long time so that's why Im not bothering with dent removals. The body work does annoy me on this car though 😧

Oh well, I'll get it mechanically sweet first.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Yes Tom it is. Big thanks to the kid for the work on it! :up:

Not good about the door dent though mate. Get it sorted as it'll bug you. Can't imagine it'll be much to repair.

I've got loads, as well as scratches. Ideally id like it to have a full respray as the bodywork needs work but that wont be for a long time so that's why Im not bothering with dent removals. The body work does annoy me on this car though 😧

Oh well, I'll get it mechanically sweet first.
Take it down to the pack and get them banged out for now. Ull be a lot happier


ClioSport Club Member
Had my Ph1 gear knob painted:



New AD08r tyres:


Ad have just ordered some DS2500's for my Hi-Specs. Tried getting them off @George@RTR_Parts but he was unable to get them as i needed to go direct to Hi-Spec. Top service from George as always, offering me lots of info and options. For future info for people that are running/thinking of getting these calipers on the standard 280mm discs, you have to go to Hi-Spec direct as Ferodo make these pads only for Hi-Spec. Its due to the pad sitting in a different position on the backing plate as the "normal" ones sit higher/lower (i cant remember which)


ClioSport Club Member
Another nail in the coffin for Hi-specs imo.

But annoying as I thought they used the Volvo 240 pads but these are obviously modified. Luckily they offered me my old Dax discount and invoiced Evanta so they claim the VAT back so I got them for just under £80 instead of £137.

I like your knob.

You dirty devil :wink: Once it's fitted I'll even let you my knob!

rs 1an

South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
yes but he will be braking later with them new track tyres on Alex :stig:
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Standard brakes are perfectly fine, even on a 230/280hp kit. That says it all IMO.

So true, I had completely standard brakes including Renault pads on my 250bhp one and that was taken around the Nurburgring and driven harder around the roads. No fade, no smoke


ClioSport Club Member


ClioSport Trader
Ad have just ordered some DS2500's for my Hi-Specs. Tried getting them off @George@RTR_Parts but he was unable to get them as i needed to go direct to Hi-Spec. Top service from George as always, offering me lots of info and options. For future info for people that are running/thinking of getting these calipers on the standard 280mm discs, you have to go to Hi-Spec direct as Ferodo make these pads only for Hi-Spec. Its due to the pad sitting in a different position on the backing plate as the "normal" ones sit higher/lower (i cant remember which)

No worries Mark , happy to help out if I can mate. Glad you got sorted though

Nice hair :up:


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks guys :) All for charity and any money raised is a positive. I actually like it so I'm going to keep it - without the blue obviously!


As mentioned Goerge. Always a pleasure to deal with you and yourservice is, as always, fantastic, even if I didn't purchase through you in the end :D


ClioSport Club Member
Changed the pads today. Such a massive improvement over the EBC road pads. I love the bite that the DS2500's have.











As everything was greased up on the original fitting it all came off easy. Greased it all back up before refitting. Probably the easiest job that's been done on these brakes!


ClioSport Club Member
Not sure exactly Chris, but it did leave a big hole in the block! Luckily enough we found another ph1 that had a recent belt/service done and was on similar mileage (actually 3k less than the old/f*cked engine) and that was written off due to being rear ended. Together me and Alex had the car and sorted out a deal and i kept the engine and a few various small parts and Alex fitted it for me :)

The pictures the ph1 look a lot better! You cant see the scratches, dents, scuffs, chips, etc in the pics!! I've said for a long time that i want to get it mechanically sound before i look into the body work.
It was mechanically perfect until soembody threw the rod.

Will have to see what I think to the brakes, could probably do with another session of my favorite thing.
  PH2 172
Had my Ph1 gear knob painted:



New AD08r tyres:


Ad have just ordered some DS2500's for my Hi-Specs. Tried getting them off @George@RTR_Parts but he was unable to get them as i needed to go direct to Hi-Spec. Top service from George as always, offering me lots of info and options. For future info for people that are running/thinking of getting these calipers on the standard 280mm discs, you have to go to Hi-Spec direct as Ferodo make these pads only for Hi-Spec. Its due to the pad sitting in a different position on the backing plate as the "normal" ones sit higher/lower (i cant remember which)
Forget your knob,thats an E type in the making as a background?


ClioSport Club Member
It was mechanically perfect until soembody threw the rod.

Will have to see what I think to the brakes, could probably do with another session of my favorite thing.

They are much better than before.the EBC pads were poo as you know. By all means, have a play. If we do bleed them again then we've got to be in double figure haven't we?!

Forget your knob,thats an E type in the making as a background?

No Steve, it's an Aston Martin DB4 Zagato replica.


ClioSport Club Member
Few things have happened.

Brakes seem so much better with the new pads in. Cue a few hard drives and brake testings on some nice B-roads and you get bugs!



New steering wheel came the other day. At first it felt great, but after driving with it i realised that i dont like it.



Got the typical ph1 sticky throttle now! I decided to paint my rear caliper carriers so they looked fresh again:


Then once all fitted i took some pics:




Full set here:

Last time i put up a media thread, a few days later my engine went bang. The day after the above media thread and this happens:






Was driving to work and i came off a main A road up a slip road. There is normally traffic lights at this roundabout but this day they was out of action. 2 cars in front of me and the first one goes. The astra moves forward and i follow. He continues to go so i look right to see any on coming traffic. I should point out that you have to drive part the traffic light stop line to see oncoming traffic as its a bit of a blind spot due to a long bush. Never had this problem before as i normally rely on the lights. All of a sudden i hear a thud and realised the astra has stopped and ive gone into the back of him. Was probably doing at most 10mph, but i reckon it was 5mph. We pulled over to look at the damage and took details. He said that he went to go but hesitated as the car currently on the roundabout was indicating right then left - he's words were he was divering. As i couldn't see due to the bush i can only take he's word on it. He said it was a company car and that it would have to go through the company.

I then drove home and phoned Greenlight who i insure with (Darren, Barry Dan and Neil have been spot on tbh) and made a claim, I was told that if i make a claim and he does too then its only one lump excess. I have 10 years protected NCB so that works in my favour. First time this has happened to me so im pretty gutted. Got my father in-law in hospital atm which we visit every day so didn't really need this going on as well.

Its now being picked up on friday via a car transporter to get accessed. Hopefully the outcome will be good. Being a noob to all this, what are my options and outcome? @gally is this your area?
  182, SQ7, Trafic
In my experience get the assessor to come to you, don't let anybody take it until work and price has been agreed. It won't be Greenlight picking it up, it'll be a third party assessor too.


ClioSport Club Member
Hmm, this is where im confused. He said the car gets taken away to be accessed and then the engineer reports back to the insurer and we go from there. He only wants the main key, no V5, MOT, service, etc.

The company is called CoPart.

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
For Fcuk sakes mate. Gutted for you.

The problem is that the front bumper is £500 from Renault so it doesn't take much to wright these cars off.

Hope it works out all ok for you though bud.


ClioSport Club Member
I know Scott! Feels like one thing after another! I must admit, my heart sank a bit tbh 😧

I'm guessing it's a write off then due to parts cost and labout? FFS 😧

My now main concern is the vehicle being taken away on Friday. Is this the correct procedure? Don't want my car going away via 3rd party if I'm never going to see it again but if this is the norm then I can rest easy..... Well easier.
  172 Turbo
Hmm, this is where im confused. He said the car gets taken away to be accessed and then the engineer reports back to the insurer and we go from there. He only wants the main key, no V5, MOT, service, etc.

The company is called CoPart.

You can take it to any insurance approved bodyshop. When we got smacked on a roundabout, the insurance company wanted the car to go an hour away from home but I found a local company full of classics who could do the work. He had it for a morning, did the report to the insurance company and then the assessor was sent out when they disputed the repair cost. When the assessor came, he had it for the morning and arranged for my wife to be dropped home & collected.

Bodyshop looked very weird with all these classics being restored and our Astra getting a new wing


ClioSport Club Member
My damage is:

F*cked front bumper
Broken headlight brackets (glass is intact but the headlight wobbles)
Grill pushed back
Slight crease in bonnet
Small crack on wing
  172 Turbo
Find somewhere local who can give you an insurance estimate. Then you can keep control of the car, so if it's written off you have it so it can be bought back easily enough.

From that list, I'd expect a write off though, which you can fix with the insurance pay out.


ClioSport Club Member
  197 Cup
Gutted for you!
If it's the Co part I'm thinking of it's a massive salvage yard near me. You don't want it going there!
I've never heard of it having to be taken away.
I'm pretty sure It's up to you who repairs it. Don't have to use the insurance Company's Repairer if you don't want to.
Make some enquiries with a bodyshop you know.
