yorkie said:^ bin it and start again..
Ain't got money to try and wait for a good new one to come along
yorkie said:^ bin it and start again..
Claire said:Basically its a trick they like to use to get a bit of money out of us young drivers and kick their crime prevention figures up. He got a letter saying pay £150 for a driving course or get taken to court charged with driving without due care.
Williams025 said:Driving without due care isnt a "crime" so does nothing for crime figures. Sounds he got off lightly, and as you say, driving course did him some good. Three of your friends were hospitalised so the police were obliged to investigate. These days, if you are involved in a serious injury RTI you'll be lucky not to get arrested for GBH.
Williams025 said:You did say it was a crime, thats why I quoted you!
Sorry, how can the sole blame for the injury lie with the fact the council didnt re-erect the crash barrier? Do you not think your mate should take the blame, as the person who crashed his car, obviously at speed, with was carrying his friends? Ice, standing water, etc etc, a driver has to take all these into account when driving and should adjust the driving style accordingly, when you dont is when you have an accident...