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Graham's OCD ph2 DCi sport rep

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

My black trim dials don't have trip, and it's a dynamique + from factory

seems s**t not to add that after adding electric sunroof ( and xenon's which some tit took off some point in its life )


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

change them for silver and you'll have it. Cars are pre-wired for it. Odd though as my dynamique has silver surround from factory


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Boring update.

Changed the rest of the pedals for sport pedals. Only took twenty minutes or so which was nice. Also fitted rear mudflaps but a pic await!


In serious want of sport running gear at the moment so that will probably be next when money allows.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

In ref to rear beam thread, no point in changing the rear tbh, its same width beam, but disc setup makes it wider.

Wide track front should be good though. Wishbones, hubs, driveshafts, ARB, shocks, Calipers, discs & pads. You'd want to change Track rods when you're there too.

Or... get in line to buy my black one!


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I'd love the back one. Too much love into this one though! Part of the family.

If the beams the same I'll just try and get the disc stub set up. Want to get the whole lot done though for less than £200 as that's what I flogged all my sport gear for in the end!

Inner TR need changing for length don't they?
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Not for lengh so much, but you have to wind them out a long way, so want nice clean thread.

Put inners and outers on it, as it'll tighten it up too.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

@AlexW Just do happens I've found some brand spanking new DCI inners in the garage (outers already on) should be alright for length then!

This might be happening pretty soon. Mechanics before looks in my book!
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

As always, I'll offer my help.

Soak the subframe nuts in WD40 for weeks.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Little update today.

Picked up the bits needed for a wide track conversion.

Now I need

  • new or adapt the rear abs sensors
  • rear discs and pads
  • braided lines
  • lower ball joints
  • rear springs (after cup springs)

I'll paint it all up before fitting.

Front dampers appear to be koni (past their best for sure) and the rear are a make I've never heard of. Seems to be fully polybushed at the front as well which is a nice bonus!



Can't wait to get it all on but I'll have to be patient and use it as a reward for my uni exams :)


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

So today I had a couple of hours spare so started stripping the front subframe ready for paint. Thought I'd have a look at the front shocks only to find this when I took some of the old paint off!


Today I ordered some 182 non cup front struts, full set of springs and new lower ball joints. Front is going to be done piece by piece to make sure everything put on the car is in top working order.

In 2 minds about painting the subframe to protect against rust or whether I should just clean it up and leave it be. Calipers will be freed up and maybe get new seals on but time and money will tell.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

At least give the subframe a coat of hammerite IMO, moreso if you're cleaning it up. Make sure the sliders are free on the calipers at least.

Shocks impressive lol

I'd keep the rear shocks IMO.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Yeah might do it black so it doesn't look too non-standard. The idea is to keep it looking as oem as possible.

Calipers will probably get a seal kit but christ the pistons are expensive.

Rear shocks leaking I think, sound pretty squelchy. Bloomin' great
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

They will be oil filled, so sometimes do sound squelchy, its more about how they compress and return.

You shouldn't need to replace pistons, just clean them up as best as you can.

Mines all black & silver, looked good for a week.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

They do seem to have semi decent damping abilities but leaking fluid from around the top.

Went through your DCI thread about 100 times to see how you did the front end. Made the same mistake with yellow calipers once. Looked great and then I used the car :(
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I bet that took a while lol.

It looks better than rust at least. Will be good to see how it fits with standard wings, I imagine it'll be like having 15mm front spacers on.

Get it lower though!
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Car looks great! I've got a dci too on 133k great little cars. How did you go about the cruise control? Would love it on my car due to the long journeys I do. Also is the trip computer just plug and play?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Does look better in rust, needless to say these shocks did not pass the hammer test.

New springs are eibachs so it should sit at a reasonable height. Certainly interested to see how the wheels sit in the arch and whether it is noticeably lower. Found 2 spare front captive nuts, what a touch.


Aim is to get to 250k

I made a cruise control guide and put it in the guides section on the forum. Check you haven't got the pre-wiring first though like in this thread

Now the cruise is activated on clip it's much smoother than before.

Clocks were plug and play yep. Mileage stored in the clocks if you're worried about it reading a little wrong. Keeping good records doesn't reduce the credibility.
  Renault Clio DCi 65
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Some of the pictures don't seem to be working so I can't the jist of it. But it looks fairly simply to do.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

chris_pett just check behind your headlight level panel to see if you have the plugs there and ready. If you don't have it you'll need to follow the guide mate.
  Renault Clio 1.2
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Got my radio sorted, changed the front of the cabasse auditorium update list from the textured face. It now looks exactly the same as my original but packs a little more punch and the sound is much much better quality.

After 3 weeks delivery time my SMDs for the dash were delivered from japan (the cheapest on ebay!)

I burnt my finger on the soldering iron 3 times and did some messy soldering but an hour later I was driving an Audi. The display is red, it came out funny in the photo all over exposed. The white isn't as offensive as it looks!

can you link me to these on eBay please??
  Renault Clio 1.2
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Got my radio sorted, changed the front of the cabasse auditorium update list from the textured face. It now looks exactly the same as my original but packs a little more punch and the sound is much much better quality.

After 3 weeks delivery time my SMDs for the dash were delivered from japan (the cheapest on ebay!)

I burnt my finger on the soldering iron 3 times and did some messy soldering but an hour later I was driving an Audi. The display is red, it came out funny in the photo all over exposed. The white isn't as offensive as it looks!


Link to the smds please mate?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Finished ordering all the parts now. Car should be running beautifully when I get this all on.

Low mileage genuine front dampers
Eibach pro-kit springs
Brand new genuine rear dampers
New steering gaiter (needed for MOT)
Ball joints
Millers nano-drive 5w-40
Brembo HC discs and pads
Second hand rear discs
Genuine innner track rods and rod ends
Front caliper rebuild kit

Yearning to get this stuff on asap.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Changed the oil yesterday which I did in 25 minutes, was rather happy with that. Filter position gives no room for oil wrench though.

Starting with what's been ordered. Genuine new front shocks and a cat. I will be decatting the car at the same time as having the subframe off.

Managed to get a little bit done today in preparation for the conversion.

Painted the subframe, rear axle and the rear pad carriers. It's all going black so it looks standard.


Replaced the lower ball joints


Started to refurb the front calipers which was quickly stopped when the second caliper snapped off it's bleed nipple. Now need a new passengers caliper.


That's it for today.

Comments welcome :)
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Coming on well buddy.

I sprayed my subframe etc, much easier than painting it like that.

Cup wishbones too? It'll be nearly as good as mine :p

I decatted the black one today, I can do it super quick now.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

you all need a proper de cat pipe like me ;) sounds like a subaru on full throttle. hopefully when ive put the new rear quarter on mine, i will hve time to visit fred to get the rest of my exhuast measured for a full 2.5'' all the way back.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Mine are both legal (since they keep changing the fecking laws anyway) :D, I like the way mine sounds.

I'd like to change the exhaust etc, but I don't think its really worth it.
  Ph1 track car, Dci
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

you all need a proper de cat pipe like me ;) sounds like a subaru on full throttle. hopefully when ive put the new rear quarter on mine, i will hve time to visit fred to get the rest of my exhuast measured for a full 2.5'' all the way back.

Does anywhere sell proper decats for dcis?

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

i had a de cat pipe made to look like a standard cat but 2.5 inch pipe inside with a better swan neck from the flange off the turbo. and had a threaded hole put on it for an EGT probe ( mapping purposes )

we will get away with it anyhow. its in the most b*****d awquard( sp ) place to check lol
and if its mapped properly then hardly no smoke. ( sutt test not emmisions so god knows why they thought an EGR would help ! )

got bord of the noise of just a straight through and hollow cat. subaru noise is nice. actually loud :p specially when i took it for a test drive with no airbox on haha

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

wheres the four mount holes on the gearbox? my new frame has a hole for the stud on the bracket but i cant see any threaded holes on the jc5 box....
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

wheres the four mount holes on the gearbox? my new frame has a hole for the stud on the bracket but i cant see any threaded holes on the jc5 box....

They are there, two on the front, two on the end of the box next to the black cover.

I had to tap mine out


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+


Painting was poop with the brush and took ages between the coats. You should start offering a postal decat service ;)

Proper decat would be super. I try and do everything mechanical before getting to the cosmetics but I'll stick to ghetto at the moment and bash out the internals. We're hoping to get to the ring later in the year so everything I'm doing should put me in a reliable position to then drive to Italy after!

We talking about the gearbox mount on the subframe? I'm keeping mine on the frame in case I come across one of the brackets for the box.

Disc spacers next week would be great mate (that's a mother fecking rhyme)
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Ghetto cat is fine, Mine is deffo a lot faster (and clearly makes more power/torque confirmed by two RR days) with it.

Yeah, I'd get the bracket soon, as it really does make a huge differance, dogbones should last longer. I've only recently put mine back on, shows up how bad the rest of the engine mounts are now though.

Awesome, remind me a couple of days before the meet and I'll dig them out and bring them along.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

if i have to. ( when the time comes ) i'll see if i can get my exhuast custom place to do a limited run of de cat pipes for a group buy. ( saying that, think the 65 turbo runs a slightly different turbo housing to the 80 ) as the 65 cat is just a hole for the cat and the 80 has a figure of 8 hole on the cat.

yeah found the mount holes on my box, full of s**t, threaded tho.
just ordered a load of engine mount bushes from ECP.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I like how Graham's thread has just turned into mount and exhaust discussion lol.

My two 65's both have the figure of 8 flange as you describe it, ala...

I have a decatted cat from a single small hole Clio, but no idea what engine it fits?

Graham, yours isn't like this is it?...

If it is, you can have that.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

think the very early dci's ran a single hole cat.
later must of been figure of 8. probs a design flaw due to the wastegate ....

lol at the thread going off topic :eek: sorry mate


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Only just seen the above. Not sure why I didn't get an email.

oooo I'll have a gander tonight as the evenings are so long now.

It's good to have a bit of technical meat in the thread so exhaust and mount discussions are more than welcome! It's like DCi Mecca


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Didn't get a chance last night to check the cat! Will do soon :)

Front shocks turned up today from Renault Wolverhampton

According to plan I'm only waiting on

Rear discs
Rear braided lines
Stainless bleed nipples

Then I'll be able to get this all on.

Got hold of a different n/s caliper without a shagged bleed nipple.

An hour away from revision for "lunch" and they're all painted up nicely. Tonight I should be able to get the new seals in so they're ready to go.

