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Graham's OCD ph2 DCi sport rep


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I got stuck on question 2 so rebuilt the calipers. Nipples and rear lines turned up.




ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

More presents came today in the form of springs. I went for eibach prolines as they came up for sale and the first set I bought fell through as they were misadvertised.

Sportlines are a little lower ya but the red is a little more in your face. Looking like it could have come out the factory that way is what I'm after.

Anywho, thought I'd see what kind of lows they give so put the rears on quickly to have a look. Dropped the rear by 35mm. When I was jacking it down I wondered how much lower it could go!









All I'm waiting on now are the rear discs and cat which are taking a while to get here for some reason.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Looks good, Went lower than I thought, but figured its due to going to sport height, then lower than a sport, If that makes sense.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Yeah it was lower than I thought too. Am going to try and get the front on tomorrow afternoon/saturday morning. The decat will have to wait a little longer than planned.

I've had to order new rear discs so they will likely come on Monday or Tuesday next week. Will have it all sorted next week though as I really need to shift this stuff out of my garage to get the Kangoo in there.

If the front is ready by Saturday I'll bring it along.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+


Decat is easy enough to do later on, just driveshaft removal required.

You'll need to do a fair amount of sorting out for the kangoo then.

Will be good to see it again. When you're playing with your collection one day I'm free I'll have to pop down again.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Ahh that's no so bad then. You're telling me. It's going to involve a lot of piling stuff up to the ceiling!

Anytime mate! We should do a dci track session at brands :D

Am I right in thinking the brake hose is the same fitting size on sport and non sport? m10
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I can't decide about Spring action day at Castle Combe, done it before and had a laugh so....

Yeah hoses are same fitment.

See you Saturday :)


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

It's at least 1 update a day at the moment. Started to do the wide track conversion on the front today.

This is how the car was before I started


These bits to fit


Made really good progress and got the subframe off in just under 2 hours. HMS Derv Destroyer you are welcome to this if you still need one.


Built up the new subframe. Put the rack on with new inner tie rods and my 10k old tie rods ends.


Decided to put the hubs on sepately this time. Need a clip for one of the outer CV joints as it's got a little leak and found out the o/s driveshaft won't work because there is nowhere for the bearing carrier to mount. Sorting out a 172 cup drive shaft as I'm typing this :)

the front 2 captive nut cages failed when taking the frame off but luckily I had 2 spare from my 182 build this time last year.


Discs, pads and calipers on


Made a bit of mess


and left it like this tonight ready for finishing when I get hold of the driveshaft


Want to drive it NOWWW
Last edited:

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Managed to sort one mate. Cheers tho. Keep it spare, never know when you might need one. Like I found out :(

Im just going to run 20mm spacers for now and then get Hubs/shocks bones/ role bar and shafts when I next have it all apart.

Now I need a no AC DCI bottom pulley .... Aux belt shat itself, new one put on, all lined up and that's now gone.
Ac pulley wobbles FFs
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

You are more of a driveway hero than I am, because you work on the road outside lol.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

And I'm just a wuss and have access to 2 poster ramps, or the mobile mechanical arm ramp if I ever have to wash the Underneith of the car off outside :p

Used to love working on mine on the road, until a Freind got hit by some muppet


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Good to hear you got it sorted. Got to get rid of this stuff though. Takes up too much spaces unfortunately. Can you not just get an AC compressor and auto tensioner. 1200 length belt. Don't connect up the ac and use it as a pulley.

A wuss; oh yeah. I do live in a dead end so the road really is my second drive! In fact I'm not allowed to do work on the drive in case I spill oil (again). I even swept the road before I started to make it lux tarmac ;) Crave a ramp at day.


Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Car's looking good mate, putting in a fair bit of work! So jealous of everyone able to do wide track conversions on their dci's :(

Thought about doing any colour coding?

That cat with the smaller hole is from a dci 100 ;)

Is this so? :eek: I've got a 65 cat lying around and knew it wouldn't fit my 100, but wasn't sure what one would! AlexW if that's definitely right, fancy a swap on that cat with the round hole for a 65 one? ;)
  clio dci , ren8
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I would say so as changing a turbo on a 100 bhp today and noted the cat only has the smaller hole , the figure of 8 hole is to clear the waste gate . 100 bhp has different waste gate . As for the wide track conversion I found 25mm bolt on spacers work well ;)


Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Yeah that would make sense actually, the 100's wastegate works with the vnt vanes or something along those lines. I've got a set of 25mm spacers but I've removed them after having to replace both wheel bearings (one had covered less than 5k miles!) and I'm scared to put them back on lol

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

BV39 100 turbo is 3 stud exit tho... :/
well the turbo I've got knocking about in the garage has.... Hmm
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Good to hear you got it sorted. Got to get rid of this stuff though. Takes up too much spaces unfortunately. Can you not just get an AC compressor and auto tensioner. 1200 length belt. Don't connect up the ac and use it as a pulley.

A wuss; oh yeah. I do live in a dead end so the road really is my second drive! In fact I'm not allowed to do work on the drive in case I spill oil (again). I even swept the road before I started to make it lux tarmac ;) Crave a ramp at day.

Yeah you are lucky to live at the bottom and have all that space, you certainly use a lot of it lol.

Is this so? :eek: I've got a 65 cat lying around and knew it wouldn't fit my 100, but wasn't sure what one would! @AlexW if that's definitely right, fancy a swap on that cat with the round hole for a 65 one? ;)

You can have my decatted one for postage cost. Try and confirm fitment first, save yourself hassle. Just get a picture of the drivers side of the turbo, where the cat bolts on, will easily be able to tell if the decatted cat I have here will fit :)

Yeah that would make sense actually, the 100's wastegate works with the vnt vanes or something along those lines. I've got a set of 25mm spacers but I've removed them after having to replace both wheel bearings (one had covered less than 5k miles!) and I'm scared to put them back on lol

I have wide track and 25mm spacers, had no bearing issues in about 10k, you probably had a bad bearing. Genuine is the only bearings I'd fit.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Car's looking good mate, putting in a fair bit of work! So jealous of everyone able to do wide track conversions on their dci's :(

Thought about doing any colour coding?

Yeah I have but the benefit isn't very tanglibe for me. High cost because of the nonsport colour! Maybe when I've got lots of excess money to burn :)

I was staring at the cat yesterday and still forgot to check the spacing :sleepy:#

On reason I did the widetrack instead of spacers and coilies is because I thought it would give a better result and look factory :)


Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

You can have my decatted one for postage cost. Try and confirm fitment first, save yourself hassle. Just get a picture of the drivers side of the turbo, where the cat bolts on, will easily be able to tell if the decatted cat I have here will fit :)

Cheers bud, if the rain ever goes off today I'll try and get out and have a look! Dying to get my car decatted.

Yeah I have but the benefit isn't very tanglibe for me. High cost because of the nonsport colour! Maybe when I've got lots of excess money to burn :)

I was staring at the cat yesterday and still forgot to check the spacing :sleepy:#

On reason I did the widetrack instead of spacers and coilies is because I thought it would give a better result and look factory :)

Ahh I never thought of that. I'm sure I have a set of plastic bump strips lying about that you could have if you fancied having a go at painting them yourself :)

Will have door handles and front bump strips too when I get round to colour coding the spare sets I have.

Can't wait to see the finished result of the widetrack though once it's back on all 4 wheels! Keep us posted


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

sburrell93 that's super nice of you. I may take you up on that when I've been paid (my buffer was spent this weekend damn)

Todays update starts yesterday.

Before the south east meet I started to take the rear axle off but hit a snag with the right bolt. For anyone that knows the design it's the one where you have to drop the tank to get it out. That bolt was seized solid in the rubber bush and the bush was spinning in the axle. Due to the position there was noway of getting anything to hit the bolt with. I used a hack saw blade to cut one of the ends off but it was so awkward and painful this morning I spent my last pounds and bought a dremel which still took half an hour to get this stupid bolt apart.

Last night I got a 172 cup driveshaft from AlexW because there is nowhere for the bearing carrier on the normal 1*2 driveshaft. Just need to put a new CV clip on so I've got a couple in the post along with the proper crimping tool.


Built up the replacement axle, the ABS sensors plugged straight into my loom so I hope they work!


Got the axle on, making sure those bolts had plenty of copper slip on. New dampers and eibach proline springs.



Braided lines


1 little extra mod was fitting my 182 handbrake mechanism which I've means the interior is complete 182 bar the steering wheel/airbag and sun visors (just need wiring up)


Did a couple of other jobs too like bleed the brakes, refit the dogbone, tighten the arb etc

Jobs left to do aren't many now.

  • Fit rear discs (bought abs rings, discs and bearings separately so waiting on the postie)
  • Sort out CV joint clips on both driveshafts
  • Fill gearbox back up
  • Tracking
  • Adjust hand brake
  • Refit heat shield and undertray

Last note, checked my cat, it's the figure of 8 fitment :)

Apologies for the huge amount of text!
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Coming on well buddy.

I would have jubliee clipped the CV boots, I much prefer that.

ABS sensors plug in, but its wrong left to right (Double check!), so it'll cause it to pulse the wrong wheel. Get it sorted.
Get that sub axle clean too.

Also, if I had known you wanted bump strips etc, I have more than one set here I'd let you have.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

I would have done that today if I had a car to go and buy some. Shouldn't have sold the bike ha. Pretty sure the jubilee clips hit on the hub if I remember correctly, maybe that was another car I did the boots on.

Is it? I'll have to have a check as I thought they were the right way round. Another job wahh

ohhh ass, I'm sure we'll be mechanicing shortly! Stubby is a bit minging. I'm being meticulous for a change and making sure it's perfect so will be having a nice scrubb of that :)
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

You sold the bike? You fool, You'd only just bought it!

You have to get them in the right place, I stuck one on too far and it made a mess as the clip came off. Good tip to use one with a small screw bit.

Yeah, if its round the wrong way, I'd repin it at the front (unpluggs around the subframe supports), If you don't feel you can do it, I'll do it for ya.

I can't wait for it to be done to A, see if you have any problems and B just because its one step closer to being nearly as good as mine lol


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Yeah, just couldn't get on with it, made a £50 profit so can't complain :D. Also felt like the Blackwall tunnel in London was going to kill me!

I think I know where you mean from when I ripped the 182 apart. Should be able to take the whole of that loom section off if I remember right.

Once it's done I will be super chuffed with it. Maybe one day I'll find some cash to finish it off into a full rep but it's going to be another £600 at least. The 172 yesterday felt so good on the corners, excited would be a huge understatement.

Once this one is done I'll have the Kangoo to
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Fair nuff, I need to get some cash together and get a CBR.

Yeah it just unclips the whole way, I haven't got round to it on mine, Don't fuckup the plug lol.

If you lived closer it'd be epic, I love playing with DCi's


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+


So my rear wheel bearings didn't turn up today in the post which I was less than happy about. Car was sitting like this and every time I made a tea I could see it looking sorry for it's self.

@AlexW I checked the ABS plugs and they are the right way round. Are you sure yours weren't also as I know you had an ABS issue.


A 12 mile bike ride later I was back home with some euro car parts bearings. Got them pressed in and the rear fitted up and down on the ground.

The photos are before I did the driveshaft boot clips and hence the scruffy bumper fitting etc.

Christ the hub nuts were tight. Not even @TomSmith123's weight could move it. I jest I jumped on the breaker bar and it moved in the end. Nice chap at the local garage lent me his cv clip pliers as my ones didn't turn up in the post in time.

Reassembled, accidentally poored half the gearbox oil on the floor so I'll need to get a little more of that tomorrow.

There is a little wiring noise when driving along but I've only driven it up the road. I suspect a wheel bearing as they've obviously sat for ages.

Brakes need bleeding with the engine running because of the servo/abs pump. Then I should be sorted for some miles on Thursday morning.

She's stiff!



More photos tomorrow when it's completely finished as it's too dark to take any now.

Jobs left to complete

  • Tracking
  • Cat bracket
  • Sump cover
  • Refit heatshield
  • Gearbox oil


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

99% finito now.

today I filled the gearbox oil up. And did all the above jobs.

had to replace the NSF wheel bearing as it sounded horrible. Garage couldn't get it out even with their press and heat and a big big hammer. I ended up having to use the trusty new dremel to cut a slit in the bearing.

Tracked the car up using the string method and the help of TomSmith123 and now the car is like an absolute go kart. The new suspension components make a huge huge difference to how responsive the steering is.

only issue is the difference in abs teeth between the new and old driveshafts. Car currently registers me going 1.67 times as fast as I am. Got 150 out of it earlier!






Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Haha henched nonsport :p

Bearing carrier ? You mean the longer shaft that has the cv cup before the gearbox ?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Yeah but there's a bearing on the shaft at the join ya see. 1*2 just bolts to block. Cup has no mid joint :) just like standard dci shaft. All hunky doory now. Can't wait to drive to uni tomorrow.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Oh, I ordered two new shafts from JnR near me , £45 each and neither had a bearing. So must be cup shafts.

Cant complain, the set I had on before from the same company had a hard 40k on them and are now on a friends DCI. Not destroyed the selfs yet,

Btw get yourself some PMS solid top mounts, makes a massive difference


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Crumbs that's coming along nicely!


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

@HMS Derv Destroyer I think the bearings are only used on the sport and a couple of other models. J&R are a great company, used them for loads of bits.

@Daz. Thanks buddy, not sure if it'll have much else done now for a while.

@STCCEdition Cheers mate, certainly feels it now.

Driven the car for about 200 miles now and it's just amazing. Feels like a new car, I'm not exaggerating, the steering reacts immediately and is so planted. Would recommend a refresh to anyone :)

This weekend I've done just over 200 miles which was fun although raised a couple of small niggles. There is a really light vibration which is speed related. I think it might be the jubilee clip on the n/s driveshaft so will change it for a normal type clip. If not it can only be the wheel bearing o/s wheel bearing. The speedo is driving me crazy being so out. AlexW brought me down a 44 tooth ABS pump the other day to swap over but I'm going to swap the ABS rings to 26 on the driveshafts and rear discs as my girlfriends ABS pump broke today and is going mental so needs replacing. Black DCI was quick so now desperate for a remap!

Other than those bits I'm really enjoying the car, can't wait to get the decat on and cruise control back :)

I've just written up a quick guide and submitted it (attached). Thoughts on that welcome


  • Cliosport widetrack guide.pdf
    974.5 KB · Views: 259

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Good lad!

Mines off for mapping after I've fitted my new front mount cooler.
Not enjoying my brakes ATM, the squeak without my foot on the pedal, only guess can be a calipers has gave up....

BIG red do the kits don't they?
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Big red or, used them a fair bit.

I'm glad you enjoyed the black DCi power. Its effect on me has worn off now.

Car looked good though, just needs a few more bits and it'll be a even nicer/better car!


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Small update about various cars.

Red DCI, got that to pass the MOT which was nice considering it's had a hard 155k. 2 new lower ball joints and one of my old drums for the bearing. The headlight aim was out and the chap suggested I tried to repair the headlight adjuster (have done now) but I didn't have time then so I tore the bumper off my car, swapped the headlight over, got it to pass and drove home without one. Couple of people waiting for their cars were a little confused as I was in a suit tearing cars apart.

Silver DCI 2 (Lauren's) is broken at the moment. Pretty sure it needs a new battery among a few other small things that I will sort for her birthday.

Silver DCI (mine) Fitted a new dogbone as my old one was kaput. Also got the lower gearbox mount but yet to fit that yet.

Driven the car for 700 miles now since the conversion so I've had a little time to pick holes in it. Need to do the tracking again as it's just a tiny bit off, still need to do that clip on the CV and I'm still waiting for the cat to turn up so I can rip it apart. Worst of all is I have this small knocking when going over bumps in the road, similar as described in another recent thread (!-HELP). Would like to get this sorted.

In other news I am picking up some 172 alloys on Monday. Unsure if I will like them or not as I think they can look too big and non-oem without a sport body kit, will have to wait and see. Here's a quick PS I did.



After (terrible PS)


Last but not least, got the £100 kangoo, 100% had petrol run through it, need to assess the damage in a month or so.


Did a cambelt on a family members DCI today in exchange for the curry which has just arrived!
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+

Just one or two more DCi's and I'll be out-DCi'ing you.

I think 172 wheels will look awesome. I really liked mine like that before it had sport kit etc. I'll dig out a pic when I get home.
Re: DCI 65 pov spec commuter OEM+


I truely miss the looks of my car here, although I do think it looks even cooler now.


Do it, it'll look even better with yours having wide track.
