Let me know what date your booking! As i'll be up for another!
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Certainly will matey. It's likely going to be something at the weekend as it's difficult to get time off work before September :'(
I should really write this update later when the car is running but my energy to finish the job is low this morning so I'd rather sit here while the mcdonalds coffee kicks in.
As some of you may have seen I broke my 182 this week as it was using lots of oil (for a daily) and was too expensive to justify running in London. Rarely did I get to put my foot down in it so it's been replaced with another frugal and cheap as chips clio dci. Anyway, the 182 had 438 cat cams, I'm sure you can see where this is going. I'm in the process of swapping the the engine from the 182 to the cup to get some fun out of the car this summer. At the weekend I went out in
@meekings14 car, it was brilliant fun and ridiculously fast so turbo needs to happen soon, the cams will tide me over until then and be fun in the process with the lovely revvy flywheel. Let the pictures and video commence!
Ooo billet flywheel. Believe this is one of
@NorthloopCup TTV ones. Absolutely love these things and have had them on two previous clios so was pleased to see one come up for sale.
Engine removed from the 182
Removed the engine from the cup. Thought this was a good opportunity for a time lapse. Took about 2 hours which is condensed into 30 seconds
Cleaned up the engine bay a little although I didn't have any degreaser so brake cleaner had to do. Left hand side is done below.
Engine out
Vibratechnic gearbox mount from
@Timmsy old ph1. Yes I have the shiney washer on top
Crack in the upper alternator bracket. Will have to get a new one but I've fitted it for now.
It looked like the 172 clutch was on it's last legs. Luckily the 182 had a replacement at some point in it's life so I opted to use that one (second photo).
The rear main cap on the 182 engine is rather leaky. Controversial I know but I haven't done anything about this because the engine is a stop gap until I rebuild the engine I've taken out and the additional expense isn't something I could take at the moment.
Flywheel on with new flywheel bolts.
Clutch on
All ready to go back in the car
Finally at 9pm I got the engine back in the car.
Today's task is to get the car back up and running which I hope to have done by lunch time. While I'm at it I'm going to swap the whole lower suspension assembly over from the 182 as it's got pretty much brand new lower arms, ARB bushes, inner tie rods and track rod ends. Praying to the gods this sorts my EPAS issue out too but I'm not hopeful.
More updates later