That thrust bearing is shagged! You could get a second hand crank but the rods and shells wont have the right tolerances. Yeah, it'd work but it wont be long before its back out again. Send the crank and rods to a machine shop and get them to face it and fit new shells as you'll need oversized ones. Do it properly, do it once.....
Its for end float so they dont usually wear unless there is play in the main shells or a massive in-balance in the crank. He's cracked the sump and realised pretty quick when the oil lights come on and switched it off. Dry of oil, spun a bearing. I would think the thrust bearing is related to BE failure, not a seperate issue. Personally I'd get it all sent to a machine shop as second hand engines with no history are always gonna be a nightmare....
id, start looking for parts to do either 2,3 or 4. See whats going to be best value. You never know a cheap engine may turn my options are....
1. Get crank polished, oversize bearings, let a machine shop sort them, hope its all ok...
2. Get a second hand good condition crank, a set of new standard bearings, let a machine shop sort them, and hope its all ok...
3. Get a new bottom end, which might be hard to come by on its own...
4. Get a new engine.
That thrust bearing is shagged! You could get a second hand crank but the rods and shells wont have the right tolerances. Yeah, it'd work but it wont be long before its back out again. Send the crank and rods to a machine shop and get them to face it and fit new shells as you'll need oversized ones. Do it properly, do it once.....
Me too, Mine! I still have the con rod that turned blue at the big end where the bearing was spinning!seen a LOT worse than that. would need machining but I wouldn't scrap that crank straight off. Be aware that the block will be full of swarf in all the oil ways, and the pump will probably be shafted too. cams ok?
Exactly, full rebuild! Get the crank ground/faced with new bearings IMO. Always bettr than using mis-matched crank/rods.
I thought rods were balanced with the crank and so matched?crank and rods "mismatched" is means nothing. New bearings every time anyway
think it may be time to start looking for a new eng(cheapest and best option imo, just make sure you see/hear this one running), unless you have $$$ for a good rebuild
I thought rods were balanced with the crank and so matched?
but if i take the pistons out it means new rings? new rings renault only arent they?
I couldn't find anywhere (apart from reno) that could do me some F4R rings!
'no sir, the F4R is a limited production run by renault, so rings arent easy to get hold of. The F7R is made by Williams, who are able to supple rings easily'
ffs :dapprove: