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Mk1 F4R/172'd Track Car Project [Year 3 - Engine and Chassis Rebuild]

Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

I tried once earlier, rang out though, he might have been out....had to go out to work then (where I am now)....

I wasnt going to go to work if he was there as I was gona try and get a lift upto leeds to take the ECU, but never got in touch so had to leave it.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Various places, installing IT/Network equipment etc.

Anyway, ive just had the casing off the ECU again, to have a closer look. Ive had it apart before, but didnt notice anything wrong or anything that had been added (Possibly by ecu clinic etc)...Anyway, ive just taken it apart again, and I noticed that one of the 'tracks' on the ribbon leading to the pins was damaged.....and guess which pin the track leads to??

yes, thats correct, pin 58. And what is pin 58 I hear you ask? yes, its the immobiliser pin.

Ive got no pictures as my camera phone wont focus, but il take a few later with my proper camera. Its like someone has tried to 'scratch' the track off, and just made a mess....they have gone through the printed circuit on the track because they have scratched it that much.

Thinking about why this might have been done....a possible explination would be that the ECU Clinic have flashed their 'cracked' software onto it (with no immobiliser dependancies), and then broke the track so nothing can communicate with the ECU via the immobiliser pin (58).

It cant have been done by anyone else, as it took a 'close' look to notice it, my first glance when i first opened it I didnt even notice it....And ive only ever had one thing done with regards to the immobiliser, the ECU that it is pin 58 or what? IMO not a chance. wonder the emulator didnt work....the pin on the connector for the ECU isnt even connected to the PCB inside as the track is broken! :(
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

I have no 'hard proof' that they have tampered with the board, or in fact that they flashed the wrong map, its just my word against theres (and maybe matteh's if his is the wrong map too)....

Its just IMO that its them, as no one else has touched the unit!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

the circuit board is damaged, so ive got no idea.....just uploading some pics now


Toilet roll king
  Transit Connect.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

So you cant just re-attatch or solder the ribbon then? Or would that be too simple.. lol, Atleast you've some idea whats wrong now.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Im not sure if it can be soldered, dont want to risk f**king up any other tracks! 58 is on the middle row, three in from the left (you can see the hole)


And then up close, two copies of each, ive drawn on in red where the track should be approx...




Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Andrew Cooke, or Matteh, could you possibly take your ECU casing off and check the ribbon/pcb near pin 58 and see if its the same? If so, its proof that its the ECU Clinic thats done it in my eyes....
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

mate i have a sneaky feeling that the track 'cutting' is normal when decoding/fitting an emulator

paul will confirm it but im 99% sure he did something like that to mine when fitting the emulator, i remember him having to 'pick' away at the track until it was completely disconnected
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

mate i have a sneaky feeling that the track 'cutting' is normal when decoding/fitting an emulator

paul will confirm it but im 99% sure he did something like that to mine when fitting the emulator, i remember him having to 'pick' away at the track until it was completely disconnected

yeah, but why is james emulator (fitted by paul) soldered to pin 58's pin (the start of the track, blob of solder) it wouldnt do anything if the track had been wouldnt be able to send its 'signal' into the ECU's computer gubbins

The guy had no mention of modifying the board in any way when I first called him about getting the unit de-coded, he said we dont touch the boards....clearly!

So now its obvious why me wiring up the UCH and then the emulator didnt work, pin 58' on the outside isnt connected to anything on the inside!
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeh thats what i mean, im almost sure he (paul) cuts the track to 58, and solders the connection to the emulator directly to the immobiliser connection (on the ecu side), maybe so that if you are running key etc it doesnt try to send 2 signals to ecu for the immobiliser?

i assume you connected your emulator to the pin then, rather than to the track before that break in the track? that would explain why it doesnt work
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeah, my emu was connected 'outside' to test if it worked, to pin 58's yeah it would explain it

yeah he might well remove the connection to the pin, then solder it onto the blob inside for the track
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Looks like the board has that waxy protective coating that they put on PCBs sometimes. Shame, fixing it may be a little tricky.
that is....if that track is the problem.
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

i will go out on limb here lol..........

but if you take that to paul i garun-damn-tee you he will fix it

5 min job to solder the emulator connection onto the correct input, tape the emulator up inside the ecu casing.... wham bam thank you mam :cool:
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeah, i dont have a problem with soldering, i could do it myself, and i know people that can do it (for a job)...but its just getting to leeds is the issue.

I need it fixing in the next day or two really, had no car for 7 days now....but ive got no way of getting 60 miles each way to leeds and back....

Mark, it looks like only the mainboard itself is laquered, the pins where its been scratched looks ok, and the laquer is gone anyway from the 'scratching' effort they had...
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

get a train to harrogate, i'll drive you to pauls, then i'll drive you back to harrogate, get a train back to stabsville :p
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

stabsville, flol.

Id need to get the local into manchester, then manchester to failsville, then back to manchester, then to my local......yawn lol.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

its not the wire, its the copper track that needs repairing....I can then hook up the emulator to pin 58 and it should work
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Looks like the board has that waxy protective coating that they put on PCBs sometimes. Shame, fixing it may be a little tricky.
that is....if that track is the problem.

Its called Solder Resist :) (i know you wouldnt know that but thats my day job!)

Foxy can you follow where that track goes?? I mean not the ecu pin end the other end.. if so Just solder small piece of wire between the pin and where it ends.. then connect the emu to it??
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

just solder a replacement wire from the pin 58 to where it's meant to go, surely?

its not the wire, its the copper track that needs repairing....I can then hook up the emulator to pin 58 and it should work

No dude He means connect a bit of wire between that pin where the track actually goes too .The track is in essence a piece of wire anyway. if you get what I mean
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

just do what paul does!

which is pretty much what richy just said, follow the broken track back on the circuit board, solder the emu connection onto it, tape up the emu inside the casing, job done?
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeah....I can follow it quite clearly, it ends at some little tiny chip lol....

basically where its been 'scratched', i can see the copper on both sides of the hole....would this mean solder the two bits of track together (with a blob), and it technically should be re-connected?
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

why do u want the emulator on the oustside of the casing?

its safer inside
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeah....I can follow it quite clearly, it ends at some little tiny chip lol....

basically where its been 'scratched', i can see the copper on both sides of the hole....would this mean solder the two bits of track together (with a blob), and it technically should be re-connected?

yep. Do that :) Could even try it first with a lil bit of wire.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

f**k I cant open your photo in paint.. never mind...

If you solder a piece of wire on the 3rd pin in the middle row..


Then follow where the broken track runs too..(you said a little chip probably a pin on a chip I imagine) then connect the other end of the wire to that... then you have made the connection.

The only thing I cant be sure of from your photo is if there is a track on the bottom on the board that also connect to that pin.

Then coonect the emu up as well and jobs a good un maybe??!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Possibly yeah...

The board isnt really a board, its like a piece of printed wafer thin plastic, and its glued to that metal backing....dont think there are any tracks underneath?
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

connecting that track back up imo is gonna be a waste of your time, because you're still gonna need to solder your emu in there somewhere

kill 2 birds, go directly to the pin on the 'chip' (btw if you slip or sneeze while soldering i take no responsibility for a fcuked ecu :rasp:)
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

LOL....well ive just had another look, and it seems the 'track' splits into two thinner tracks, then goes off elsewhere, far far far too thin of a track for me to do....

sureley its the same putting a blob of solder on the ECU side of the 'hole', and connecting the emu there?
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

If its that wafer stuff then na it wont be dual layer!

I could make one of those now at home in about an hour! cheap crap lol (but it works for the car manufacturers as its cheap :) )

So you have already connected the emu to that pin we are looking at? Im getting confused!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

EMU was connected on the outside, as a test, to pin 58's wire on the loom. didnt work, obviously now as its not connected inside lol.

Geesus....just a bit off topic, Whiteley says do the cup racer wheels fit onto the mk1 valver boss straight fit? lol
