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Mk1 F4R/172'd Track Car Project [Year 3 - Engine and Chassis Rebuild]

Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Andrew Cooke, or Matteh, could you possibly take your ECU casing off and check the ribbon/pcb near pin 58 and see if its the same? If so, its proof that its the ECU Clinic thats done it in my eyes....

I'll have a look, but my ECU is a Sirius 34, so it won't be the same, I'll have to work out what pin 58 is on my ECU.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Ahh didnt realise, the immobiliser pin will probably be different then

Thanks anyway if you manage to work it out :) or can see any damaged tracks inside
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

He was the git that bought th one yesterday then?! I think they need an aftermarket boss?

I get ya now... if you can somehow get some solder on where it has been cut then yes do that for a test... I tell you what its a shame you aint closer as Id do this for ya in a few seconds!
  TVR Cerbera
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

do a photo of between the pin and the chip it goes to, so i can see how to repair it. PS i'm an electronics engineer, shame you can't get it to me, i'd fix it in 5 mins, lol
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

if you are using an aftermarket boss then yes? is that what he means?

i'm using an omp boss and the renaultsport wheel fits on that
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

He means the standard boss for the valver steering wheel i think lol

Daz, il get a detailed pic when i get home
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

no the renaultsport wheel is a 6 hole setup with no centre hole

my valver had a bolt and the cup car had a nut? right through the centre, so no the standard setup doesnt work
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

ahhh damn :(

Im guessing they have just flashed 'cracked' software onto your unit then....if its not been modified inside that is
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

ahhh damn :(

Im guessing they have just flashed 'cracked' software onto your unit then....if its not been modified inside that is

hopefully it's 172 software :S I am a little concerned about undoing the goodness with a reflash, best just keep the standard map I suppose.

I opened it when I got it back - as you do - it didn't look like they'd opened it up.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeah just stuck with the standard map if thats what they have put on it :(

Ah i see. You know when you got it back, and they put their sticker on the front? Did you have anything else stuck to the front that would be of any use?

Mine had a piece of masking tape stuck to it, with 'Clio 172 PH1 2000 Without Air-Con F4R' or something similar written onto it, and they still managed to put the wrong file on it :(

I have acctually had a reply from the ECU Clinic via email, saying if i want I can send it back and they will re-flash mention of putting the right software on though. Im obviously not going to take up their offer as the emulator is a hard wired solution and I can still map it, but the guy seemed 'ok' to have it back to re-do either way...
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

I asked about reflashing at the time, Alan told me that it should be OK, but he didn't sound 100%.... Anyway, if it runs OK I won't be playing around with it, it'll have ~3 times the power of the original engine.

No stickers beyond the ECU Clinic one, just a jiffy bag with and ECU and a business card.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

My ECU has been decoded by the ECU clinic, I bought it from Beanimoo.

Want me to photo it tomo for you Jord?
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeah give it a check over see if there are any cut tracks! and pray that its got 172 software on it, not 1.4 like mine had lol!

Be careful if you want to map it (or anything relating to a flash) as mentioned above though, will wipe the ecu clinics cracked software off it :(
  '92 172, Lotus Elise
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

can you still buy those pencils that you can use to 'draw' a new track

like people use to do back in the amd athlon days of bridging pins for more cache :p
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Jord if you wanna go to RS tuning I can give you a lift across tomorrow if you can chip in for petrol ;)
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

oo cool, il let you know if i do. I was going to pay whatever it cost in petrol anyway.

Anyway, might not need to.

Emulator is now soldered on, power + earth are soldered onto the correct pins, and the emulator wire is now soldered onto the copper track on the ecu side....just put it back together so will see it if works tommorow!
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

good luck, send us a text when you've tested it anyway dude.
  '92 172, Lotus Elise
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project





he cut the pin on mine

i put up a thread on it when i first got the ecu
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

wish they would have just cut the pin on mine and not fucked up the board inside FFS :(

Its soldered now, but ive no idea if itl stay on the track or not!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

ok its come off the track

Think im going to have to try and find someone local who is good with little fiddly circuit boards to get it soldered properly.

The track gets smaller and splits into two further down, so cant exactly join it somewhere else....damn.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

i may have done, but cant do now its come off the track....i think its took the bit of track it was soldered to with it :S

Not sure what to do with it
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Where does the track go then jord?? Are you able to get any better photos of where it goes??


I can trace it as far as the bottom left of this picture then I lose it! If not do as you say and find someone local who is s**t hot at soldering. I also looked at mattehs one and can see it there but cant see where it goes too as he hasnt got all the ecu in shot.

My main thinking is that if you trace that track down to a pin on one of the ICs just solder to that. It doesnt matter that its going to that it splits off somewhere as it will still follow the other track. Its hard to explain on here what I mean!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project


goes into the resistor at the red line first...then comes out the other side as two thinner lines......travels down to those two silver dot things....through them and down to the final red dot, one goes into one side of that resistor......and the other cant make it out its going into the other side of the resistor or one of the three tiny chips
  325xi ¦ MX-5
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

seems like someone will have some fun tonight... :)

or not...
really thought it was the solution!

about the damaged track. as others have been saying: to make the pin58 "work" again you just have to use a wire to do a bridge and "skip" the damaged part.

f0xy said:
goes into the resistor at the red line first...then comes out the other side as two thinner lines......travels down to those two silver dot things....through them and down to the final red dot, one goes into one side of that resistor......and the other cant make it out its going into the other side of the resistor or one of the three tiny chips

if the track goes to the resistor first, then that's where you have to solder it! forget about where it goes next because the signal has to go through the resistor first!

can't wait for the next "episode"!
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

ah rite just connect the wire to the top of the resistor then. The side closest to the broken track.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

I didnt want to risk soldering to the resistor incase the resistor came off....ive managed to get it to stay on the track this time, hopefully that is good enough...

Going to test it in the morning, hopefully itl work!
  '92 172, Lotus Elise
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

can you take a macro shot of the circuit area?

does it definitely go to that resistor?
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

i just checked and no it dosent i dont think, its very hard to tell as the laquer s**t has some bubbles in it along the way, i dont even think it splits into two now!

if i had a magnifying glass i would be able to tell...i think it just gets smaller near that resistor, then goes down to a black chip near the final dot on the picture
  Bumder With A Buffer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

I can see where it goes now... I didnt think it was going to the resitor but I couldnt make it out last night as I was on my phone.. Excuse my crappy paint skills!


Thats where it goes..
