woah... standard injectors, still?
What happened?
Did Paul find the cause of your fuelling / injector issue?
You should go for a de-cat, makes such a good difference... :approve:
Yup still on standard injectors, I decided the decat wasn't an option a while back. If I only had to do the job once maybe but its just too much effort and hassle for the gain for me, if only it were under the car like everything else it'd be long gone by now

Anywho it was the fuel pump in the end, so i've now got the only megane with a walbro pump fitted. With the standard pump the car was adding fuel trim to make up which was maxing the injectors out by about 3.5-4k

. And then going towards the leaner end of things above that as they couldn't keep up, nothing damaging but it was towards 12.5:1 when the map tries to keep it around 11.5:1.
Graphs are after a good few runs especially the post mapping ones so the temps have dropped the figures down a bit but the first run was 279, Paul was surprised that it still had a cat in at that. Figures didn't change with the pump but as you can see its keeping the AFR much more consistent now with the injector duty lower in the mid range and it can go higher in the top end now as the fuel is there for them to inject!
Also now having a revised map i'm finding it a lot better in general use, the cold start lumpiness has gone and the revised throttle map is much smoother to use.
BUT, this isn't an easy mod like every other car in the world that people fit the walbro 255 pump to unfortuantely. I was booked in for 10am and didn't leave until around 3pm with paul well sick of the sight of my car

. Renault in their wisdom make the fuel pump/sensor assembly very difficult to remove with breaking parts and then to make it worse the actual fuel pump they use whilst being the same shape and same electrical connection and petrol connections as the walbro make it about 10mm shorter

. So the pump assembly won't go back together with one fitted

, so we have to shorten the outlet on the pump to get it to fit which is a bit annoying and difficult to do unfortuantely. I think pauls words were you're the only person every having on of these lol.
But not Paul's fault and he definetly didn't think it was going to be that much of a saga either

, didn't even charge me for the 4 or so hours him and specky were working on it. Total Legend!
But the result is it all works fine, the only "problem" I have with it is the walbro is more noisey than the standard pump and I can hear it running outside the car on idle. But hey ho it'll do for the time being. The only other option is a full new renault pump at £200+

, which is exactly the same one they fit to a 1.4!