Right, out from the archives this comes! Been a long time since i've updated this and its still going strong despite my last post, that was all sorted a few days after anyway. Done a few things since then so thought i'd finally update this.
Decided i'd spend enough fixing it last year and it was time for some new shiney bits, had a radtec custom intercooler with hardpipe kit come up for sale and couldn't resist so snapped it up and got down to fitting it.
Just to show size, this is standard compared to forge.
And this is the radtec to the forge!
Its a tiny one as you can see :rasp:.
Hot pipe to replace the standard setup.
And the completed setup (more on this later, eagle eyes make spot it)
Now that was all fitted last September time and it ran all fine through late last year so fast forward to early this year and decided the boost gauge looked all lonely there on the dash so decided to add something i'd always thought the car was missing from the factory and stick some oil temp/pressure gauges in.
So up it went (again

And dropped the oil out of it to find whatever crap they've been mixing with the road salt round here to make it stay on the road has made it stay all over the bottom of my car :dapprove:. Good job its not a jap rust bucket with no corrosion protection.
Stripped out the necessaries to fit the sandwich plate with the senders in.
Finding this along the way

, god only knows how long it'd been like that didn't seem to effect anything but had to repair it so more time/money/effort spent as per.
Sandwich plate on with new filter (can't wait to try and get that filter off!).
Swapped everything over onto my new battery tray as the old one wasn't holding the battery very well (probably why the loom connection had broken tbh).
And chucked 5.5l of Fuchs finest in it.
Et voila! (need to get some better pictures of these really)
There was all the electrical jiggery pokery that went off too but didn't get any pictures of that, basically picked everything up I needed from the radio connections on the bypass loom I made so everything is easily removable and none of the original loom has been altered at all. All plug and play, and the clock surround is spare I got off ebay incase I hated the look. Don't expect everyone to like them but I don't think they look too bad tbh and work brilliantly so i'm happy.