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New to renault, but won over by ph1 172 flamer, progress pics.

  Mini GP2
Not feeling the Ph2 alloys, the original OZ F1's are such a nice looking wheel you can't beat them....... Oh and i would swap the exhaust for a stealth system but great work so far. Looking forward to more updates :)
  172 Ph1

I need one of these . Any links please .
Car is looking very well indeed.

I ran 16" wheels on mine once


But definitely rate the original F1's

It's crying out for the F1's.

Nobody seems to be listening to me, The f1's 'WILL' be going back onto the car eventually. The original f1's will need 3 new tyre's and n/s/f alloy had been buckled by previous owner. These alloys are only TEMPORARY for mot and a stop gap while I sort out the f1's. I only sprayed the ph2 ones for practice. I'm not sure what else to say.


I need one of these . Any links please .

I haven't got a link bud, but the cover is a breathable job from ebay.. £8 iirc.
