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newbie with a clio cup race car


Me and a few mates are also going to the monte on Thursday ..... Weather forecast says its -11 on the col de Turini next weekend!

How are you getting there Ian? We are driving down overnight on Thursday and coming back on Sunday ....
  clio cup race car
I'm flying from Bristol to nice , and hiring a car , we are staying in an apartment in Monaco , going Thursday afternoon and flying back Sunday , the flights were only £50 !
We went to the col de Turini a few years ago when we went out to watch when it was part of the IRC , we went to watch the stages in the mountains , cars came round at 10pm and midnight , I have never been so cold ! I'm taking plenty of cold weather gear this time.

are you staying in Monaco ? It's a good night out , plenty to do , just costs a bit more than here lol


I'm flying from Bristol to nice , and hiring a car , we are staying in an apartment in Monaco , going Thursday afternoon and flying back Sunday , the flights were only £50 !
We went to the col de Turini a few years ago when we went out to watch when it was part of the IRC , we went to watch the stages in the mountains , cars came round at 10pm and midnight , I have never been so cold ! I'm taking plenty of cold weather gear this time.

are you staying in Monaco ? It's a good night out , plenty to do , just costs a bit more than here lol

We are in a hotel just outside of monaco....not sure where as im not arranging it. Might invest in some of those foot Nothing worse than cold feet ! I am taking plenty of warm clothing too.

We will be doing a bit of exploring around Monaco and im taking plenty of Euros.

Went to Brands Hatch yesterday for the Winter stages and it was bloody freezing there too....There was a couple of clio's in the event, one of which came 3rd overall. Yours should be a cracking and very competative car when its all done....we will have to come and watch one of your events sometime, although im hoping to get out co driving again in my mates 3.0 wide arch Alfa 75 that he has nearly finished preparing.
Its a shame there are no more events at Longcross, as we used to enjoy rallying there. Your M3 was awesome in the wet there one year, plenty of sideways action.

  clio cup race car
Had some good results in Longcross , the M3 I had was an awesome car , we used to give the WRC and 6R4's a run for there money in that , a real quick car

Took some better pics of the rad after being modified , I took it off tonight to fit the alternator


Fitted some brackets on to fit the 2 x 10" fans I got off the same people I bought the rad off , its just about ready now to drop off to the electrician tomorrow
  Cup In bits
Rad looks good Ian, where did you get the brackets at the top of the pic? Im going to get my inlet angled up as well. Did you need to buy another piece of pipe or was there enough length by cutting and shaping?
  clio cup race car
I made the brackets and turned down a new piece of pipe for the outlet as the piece we cut off was too short , it turned out ok



How did you get on spectating at the Monte Carlo? Which stages did you get to see?

We thought it was a pretty poor entry TBH. Lots of cars out early on.

We managed to see a stage friday afternoon and went to the start of the Col de turini ss14. Lots of spectators, but we managed to find a good place. Got a bit fed up with the rain so we decided to walk back to the car and go into Monaco to see the cars come back at the finish. We walked past where Latvala and Novikov crashed and saw the ammount of damage on Latvala's car after it was towed out to stage start.

we found out later from the Msport crew that the last two stages had been cancelled due to a spectator incident (3 spanish speccy's had been drinking and fell down the ravine!)and there was no ambulance cover for the stages, so they were cancelled. We spoke to another crew who said it was cancelled because the cars could only travel through the stages at low speeds due to a total lack of grip.

Dont think we will be going back to this one to be honest. After spectating at the Valpantena revival in the italian mountains for the last 4 years running with LOTS of group B ex works cars, everything else struggles to match up.

We are hoping to get out on some more local stuff this year and maybe get to compete in my mates Alfa later in the year.

  clio cup race car
We only watched the saturday stages , although we had some passes we couldn't get to the top of the turini as we didn't have snow chains so the police wouldn't let us up all the way , so we went to the stage after , can't remember the name , but we drove in the finish and drove about half way in , the stage before Latvala and Novikov crashed out so what we did see was crap , as the pinnacle of the sport is was a poor showing !
its the first time I have seen the cars in the flesh and I thought they were slow , they are not as sharp as the 2.0lt WRC cars , and I think the change is for the worse.

The stages were cancelled because of speccy's falling down the ravine , 3 separate incidents , the ambulances were going up the mountain as we were on our way down , the rain put the final nail in the coffin for us as well , last time I went it was glorious weather.

Did you go to the finish ceremony outside the princes palace , we went but as it rained again it put the dampeners on it , so all in all we had a good time having a few nights out on the pop , but the rally was not so good



we had snow chains but was only allowed some of the way up to park up and then had to walk best part of 3k into the stages. We were there plenty early enough though. We was going to wait at the Turini for the last two stages but had a change of heart due to the weather....a good decision in the end.
We went into monaco harbour to the service area and parc ferme but by the time we had got there, it was all done and dusted. We went for something to eat and then a couple of beers.

We set off early sunday morning for the epic drive home. The last 100 miles into dunkirk port was a nightmare due to the snow and we ended up missing our ferry by 20 mins. Still, it was only a 4 hour wait for the next one
We had time to kill so We did the British thing , cracked out the camping stoves , made a cup of tea and had a bacon sarnie! Got home about 02.30 this morning.

Are you going to enter the London rally in April?

Its a speccy event over 2 days and its multi venue....and not a million miles from you?

  clio cup race car
Luckily we have contacts and got a service sticker from one of the teams that gets you anywhere , although I was surprised they let us drive the wrong way into the stage as far as we did , turned out perfect in the end as we had a good spot to watch ( pity the watching bit was cr4p ! ) which had a link road so we could leave anytime we wanted so worked out well in the end

Sounds like you had a bit of a trek getting back ! it was much easier jumping on a plane sunday afternoon , hour and a half later was back in Bristol , although I needed a shovel to dig my car out of the carpark lol , we got back to the service area on the saturday , ended up in one of the bars underneath again for another session.

No won't be doing that rally , not enough mileage for me to do it , but does sound like a good cause
  clio cup race car
Got the car back from the electrician last night so did some more work on it today to finish off all the bitty jobs , its the little jobs that seem to take the time , made a plate to fit onto the rocker cover to hold the coil and the can for the front O/S suspension , filled the engine with water and got it running , it definitely needs work on the cold start map , so hopefully get it back down to plymouth the end of the week for the fine tune on the rollers and out on the road.

Took the dash top off and tidied the wires underneath , and moved the heater pipes about as the dash wasn't sitting properly , will have to speak to DTA as am having some trouble setting up the dash , but so far so good , it didn't want to start first thing and put it down to the battery on its way out , its turning over ok but not firing up the spark plugs and injectors , as soon as you jump it from another car it starts , so will get a new race car battery ordered on monday


I'm rallying 2 weeks tomorrow so have plenty to do still
  clio cup race car
Seems to be coming together well, Ian. :D

Plenty of time... which rally is it?

yeah plenty of time , but it somehow always seems to creep up on you lol

I'm doing the Wyedean rally on the 9th Feb in my Golf , and Pembrey on the 10th in the Clio :D


ClioSport Club Member
yeah plenty of time , but it somehow always seems to creep up on you lol

I'm doing the Wyedean rally on the 9th Feb in my Golf , and Pembrey on the 10th in the Clio :D
Yeah, the event will be here before you know it! Good luck anyway and keep us updated on the outcome. I wouldn't have minded coming along to one (or both) to be honest but sadly I'm away that weekend.
  clio cup race car
Getting somewhere with the car now , just finding time is tricky at the moment as I'm so busy in work , I have modified the breather plate on top of the engine , have drilled it and fitted a second breather , the original one is still there , so will pipe the 2 breathers to a catch tank we are making , which will vent to atmosphere but also drain back into the sump , I have welded a blank into the pipe on top and fitted some threaded bar into it and made up a plate to hold my coil pack and suspension canister.


Made up brackets for the top of the rad yesterday afternoon so thats all finished , need to make a bracket to hold the ecu inside the car , got someone calling up the workshop this morning to download the settings for the gear display into the ECU so the dash can read it , had delivery of a stack oil pressure sender yesterday so will get that fitted monday , got a few small jobs to do , if I can get them all done in the next couple f days , I'm hoping to get the car down to plymouth on wednesday for the final mapping session then I can do pembrey on sunday.
Getting somewhere with the car now , just finding time is tricky at the moment as I'm so busy in work , I have modified the breather plate on top of the engine , have drilled it and fitted a second breather , the original one is still there , so will pipe the 2 breathers to a catch tank we are making , which will vent to atmosphere but also drain back into the sump , I have welded a blank into the pipe on top and fitted some threaded bar into it and made up a plate to hold my coil pack and suspension canister.


Made up brackets for the top of the rad yesterday afternoon so thats all finished , need to make a bracket to hold the ecu inside the car , got someone calling up the workshop this morning to download the settings for the gear display into the ECU so the dash can read it , had delivery of a stack oil pressure sender yesterday so will get that fitted monday , got a few small jobs to do , if I can get them all done in the next couple f days , I'm hoping to get the car down to plymouth on wednesday for the final mapping session then I can do pembrey on sunday.

Hello Ian

With this type of catch tank and return to sump do you fit baffles and some kind of filter to alow the crap in the oil to stay in the bottom of the catch tank, also do you top the catch tank up to the return oil feed level to keep the oil level correct in the engine, or is none of this required.

Regards Russ........
  clio cup race car
exactly ! what crap ?

Its only engine oil that can come out under extreme conditions , which will be caught by the catch tank and make its way back to the sump , there will be no crap in it , as Fred said it will be fully sealed bar the small type K&N type filter which will vent any pressure but stopping any crap getting into the catch tank.

Yes the catch tank will be baffled

Cheers Ian


ClioSport Club Member
  996 C4S, 135i, E30x2
Only thing I can think of is the condensation created during warm up is going to stay in the oil rather than being burnt like on road cars or staying in the catch tank like on traditional catch tank systems. I get more water in mine than I do oil.
  Lionel Richie
true you can get a wee spalsh of water but you can keep an eye on that easily enough, Ian the mocal tanks are vented anyway so no need for a breather filter
Only thing I can think of is the condensation created during warm up is going to stay in the oil rather than being burnt like on road cars or staying in the catch tank like on traditional catch tank systems. I get more water in mine than I do oil.

This,^^^^^^^^ I was only asking, sorry if crap was the wrong word,

Regards Russ.....
  clio cup race car
Finally got it 99% finished , had some electrical issues and it lost its spark , think it was a wiring fault on the back of the ecu , the electrician came up to test it and said it was ok , so was onto DTA who said it couldn't be an issue with the ECU so was piggy in the middle for a while , electrician had to come back to connect my stack oil pressure sensor and redo the gear display sensor as he'd wired that up wrong , and had another look inside the car and it worked.

Had the car down Plymouth yesterday for the final mapping session , my car is slightly under 3.5 bar fuel pressure which it had been mapped to so he had to make quite a few adjustments , took it out on the road for the final tweek and couldn't feel anywhere that didn't feel right , so no more changes were made.

Am I happy ?? you bet your fooking life I am lol , it absolutely flies now , it gets up to the limiter in 6th in no time , cough , on the private roads outside Plymouth :D
My son has just had a go around the est and it sounds awesome from the outside as well .

I have just put an entry in for Epynt next sunday now which is part of the REIS national rally championship so going to have a play with the big boys :D

I still have the flat change to sort out as its not working , and change the front lower rose joints as they are creaking a bit , and something feels lose on the front and is moving under acceleration so will get it up on the ramp and go through it all and get the tracking set up as its pulling me all over the shop as somethings lose.

Cheers Ian
Happy as a pig in sh1t :D


ClioSport Club Member
That sounds awesome, Ian. As Fred says I bet it absolutely shifts! :D

Good luck with the forthcoming event at Epynt. I would love to pop up but sadly won't be able to make it on the weekend of the 10th. :( Be sure to get pics/vids uploaded...
  clio cup race car
Just about finished the car today , just needs a spanner check , fitting the sump guard and having the tracking done , managed to set up the flat change today , its been a pain but got there in the end , gave it a little try around the est today

Looking forward to the rally in Epynt next week , and the weekend after in Ireland


Looks and sounds great Ian.....Hopefully you will be able to pester, if not beat, some of the big boys with their WRC machinery.

